Radical Health Rebel

20 - Heart of The Matter with Football Legend Matt Le Tissier

Leigh Brandon Episode 19

In this episode, former football legend Matt le Tissier discusses his views on what has happened in the world since the beginning of 2020 with regards to the pandemic and the reactions by politicians, media and the public and the effects of those reactions. 

We discussed:


What Matt made of the scenes from China in January 2020


What Matt felt about the UK's response in March 2020


Being called an anti-vaxxer


Matt's views on the media's response


The experts Matt listened to that were not given a public platform to speak 


Should you trust the mainstream media?


Why were existing safe and effective treatments banned?


How Matt lost his job at Sky Sports


Why are young, fit healthy athletes collapsing with heart problems in unprecedented numbers?


Are Politicians ignorant and Does democracy still exist in the UK?


How much power do NGO's have over governments?


Matt's prediction of the next 5-10 years and what we can do to stop it.

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[00:00] Matt Le Tissier: I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So I had to say something and I had to speak up. I tried to get in touch with the players. PFA the Professional Football Association. I got in touch with Fifro, which was the Worldwide Players Football Association of Agent, and it was just so obvious to me that there's been such a big spike in the amount of people that this is happening to. And not just that, it was the amount of people in the crowds at games as well, where games were being stopped every week because there was another incident in the crowd. And I'm like, Whoa, hang on. I didn't see this happening when I was playing. And this all coincided with rolling out the vaccines, and all I called for was an investigation because nobody knew whether this might have been a side effect of having had coded or whether this was a side effect of the vaccine. And I was just trying to raise the alarm that welcome to the Radical.


[01:01] Announcer: Health Rebel podcast with your host, Leigh Brandon. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a five-star rating and the warm review. Your opinions are important, and your ratings help grow the podcast and help educate people to lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling, and happy life. This video is your thing. Please check out the Radical Health Rebel YouTube channel, where you'll find Fun Bitesize clips from each episode. And now, here is Leigh, the radical health rebel with this week's podcast.


[01:40] Leigh Brandon: Matt Le Tissier, Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast. How you doing?

[01:44] Matt Le Tissier: I'm very good, thanks. Good to be here. Thanks for the invite.


[01:47] Leigh Brandon: It's an absolute pleasure and honor to have you on the show.


[01:51] Matt Le Tissier: Thank you very much.


[01:52] Leigh Brandon: So today's episode is entitled the Heart of the Matter with Matt Le Tissier. And you might be wondering why I'm asking an ex professional footballer onto a health podcast, and that would be a valid question. Well, important values of mine include that people should have the freedom to make their own health choices and that health education is freely available without censorship. If people are only able to see a small amount of information because much of it is censored, how can people make informed choices when it comes to their health and their children's health? Over the last three years, censorship of health and medical education across the entire world has been controlled by a selective few, and all other views have been silenced, banned, ridiculed, and open. And ice debate seems to be a distant memory. The last 21 of my 26 year career, I've helped people learn how to take responsibility for their own health through education and coaching, and I've witnessed the great results that it brings. And I've also seen the devastation and in some cases financial cost that can occur when people hand over their responsibility of their health to others. Over the last two years, we've seen a huge medical experiment without any informed consent from the participants who chose to take part because they believed it was the best thing to do for themselves, to protect others, or because they believed they were forced into it and had no other choice. To discuss the last three years and to try to make sense of it and how we can learn the lessons of the last three years so that we don't make them again. I'm really excited to have the footballing legend an allround. ****** nice bloke, that is Matt Le Tissier. So, Matt, to kick things off, particularly for our overseas audience, can you give us a really brief overview of your background, your football career and your career since you retired from football?


[03:48] Matt Le Tissier: Certainly, yeah. So I spent my entire footballing career at Samsung Football Club from the age of 16 to 33, since I left school. Then, once I finished my football career, I moved into the media where I was freelancing for a couple of years. And then in 2005, I think it was, I joined Sky Sports on a contractual basis and I stayed there till 2020, when my views on social media, I think, started to become a little bit of a problem for sky. I was the first person on sky to refuse to wear the Black Lives Matter badge and was questioning things, the government narrative on lockdowns and things. And so I lost my job in August of 2020 and since then, I've just continued to speak out about the nonsense that has gone on in the world since then.


[04:42] Leigh Brandon: Great stuff. And just for the overseas viewers, Matt was very modest as well. For those of you that don't know Matt, he's probably one of the most talented football players this country has ever produced. So Matt was just being very modest there. Just to let everyone know.


[04:58] Matt Le Tissier: The football career was a long time ago now. Yes, it was great while it lasted and I enjoyed it and I managed to fulfil my dream, really, of playing for my country as a footballer. So I got eight England caps. So that was something that was pretty special to me.


[05:16] Leigh Brandon: ...and scored probably some of the best goals you've ever seen as well in the Premier League.


[05:21] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. Thank you, mate. That's very kind of you. Yeah, I enjoyed those as well.


[05:24] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. So if I can take you back to January 2020 and we saw those scenes from China, people nose diving to their death in the streets, what did you think at that point?


[05:36] Matt Le Tissier: I thought that was the most unrealistic videos I think I've ever seen, quite frankly. And at that point, I smelt a rat and I thought, something's not right if that doesn't happen. So it looked staged, basically. It looked very staged and I smelt it rat and I didn't like what I saw and I didn't like the reaction that our government was having and the traction that those videos got on social media. I couldn't believe that most people didn't look at those videos and think, actually, that's pretty staged, that's not real. People don't fall over like that. And yet somehow governments around the world lost their minds and decided that everyone's going to be dropping dead in the streets if we don't lock down, make people stay 6ft apart and then stick master them a few months later.


[06:24] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, for me, it was like you. To me, it looked like that was not a natural way that people fall over. But having worked in health for as long as I had, I mean, I'm still there now. But I was hearing very strong rumors for years before 2020 that the pharmaceutical industry were looking to mandate a vaccine for adults because they'd already cornered the children's market, they'd already cornered the elderly market, and they saw that there was a big market of healthy people that they weren't tapping into. So my view was, ah, I know where this is going. That was my view in January.


[07:03] Matt Le Tissier: Okay, yeah. Slightly different angle and interestingly.


[07:07] Leigh Brandon: I had a nightmare that the police were knocking on my door to give me a false vaccination. That was in January of 2020.


[07:17] Matt Le Tissier: Wow. Yeah, well, you don't know just how close that came to be. In fact, there was that talk about the mandating, this stuff, and that was just for me, a massive, massive red flag mandating, a vaccine that was produced in a very short period of time. So nobody knew what any long term consequences of it were. And nobody still to this day, I don't think, knows exactly what's in those vaccines because they've refused to disclose about 20% of what was in the vaccines, as far as I can remember. And so to be able to try to force you into taking that kind of stuff, I was prepared to fight for the death, to not have it.


[08:07] Leigh Brandon: Oh, me too.


[08:08] Matt Le Tissier: Really? Was it's just for me, that was a line in the sand that I would not have somebody forcing some kind of poison into my body and I would fight all the way.


[08:24] Leigh Brandon: Let's look at it slightly another way. So I advise clients on nutrition. You couldn't even mandate a food because some people can have anaphylactic shocks to food.


[08:35] Matt Le Tissier: Right.


[08:35] Leigh Brandon: You couldn't even say to people, you have to eat this now for the rest of your life. Because if you do that for 7 billion people, you might have half a million people die. And they'll say, well, it's a rare occurrence. But when it's a rare occurrence for 7 billion people, that works out to a lot of people.


[08:53] Matt Le Tissier: It certainly does. It certainly does. It was bizarre, as far as my limited knowledge goes. When they tried to bring out a polio vaccine back in, the people died and they called it off because of that amount of people. Now I've just come off of a call with Dr. Peter McCullough who says that in the American vair system. There are thousands of people that have died because of the vaccines, and it just beggars belief that they're allowing this to continue with those kind of numbers. And it's just crazy.


[09:34] Leigh Brandon: I guess it does, unless there was a plan to reduce the population.


[09:39] Matt Le Tissier: But now you're starting to be a conspiracy theorist, of course. I mean, that label now, I actually wear that label with pride now, because the conspiracy theorists of two years ago have got about 95% more things right than the mainstream media have got. So whenever somebody calls me conspiracy theorist, I actually think, oh, Blimey, I've got a lot of stuff right. If they're calling me that, it's amazing.


[10:06] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, absolutely. So just taking you back to now, march 2020. So Boris Johnson enforces a lockdown. What were your thoughts then, and what did you think about the other policies or rules that were brought in throughout 2020?


[10:24] Matt Le Tissier: My thoughts then were probably the same thoughts that I still have today is that the plans that were in place beforehand for pandemics, when they knew the demographics of the people that were at risk of this virus, they should have protected those people and let the rest of society get on with it and not throw the economy down the drain. Because we know that by throwing the economy down the drain, we know that that has impacts on the health outcomes of families and the people in those economies that have been trashed. We know that that is going to affect the poorest in society first and foremost. And that's what this seems to have been about. This seems to have been an attack on the poorest people, an attack on the middle classes, small businesses, all that kind of stuff. And it appears that they are kind of going after everyone apart from big global corporations. And that's how it seems to me the last couple of years.


[11:25] Leigh Brandon: What did you think of the masks and the mask mandates?


[11:29] Matt Le Tissier: The mask mandates were a joke, still are a joke. I can't believe that people were so gullible to think that maybe at the start, you could maybe think that even though the health experts have come out and gone, well, mask wearing is not going to make any difference. In all the top all the top boys came out and said that, and then a few months later, they all flipped and changed their mind and went, no. Mass is what's going to be the thing that stops the pandemic in its tracks. And clearly it didn't, because 99% of people were adhering, because most people just want to do as they're told and hope that it goes away. But even after all this time, there are still people. I mean, I was in San Antonio General Hospital earlier today where there's still a whole heap of people wearing masks. And if masks were effective, this pandemic would have been over 18 months ago. And people are still wearing the masks, won't accept that point. They go, well, obviously they work. How do they work? They're working. There would be no more COVID because everyone had masks on. Well, 99% of people had masks on, so it doesn't make any sense. It still doesn't make any sense today. And it's for me, the mask wearing was all about testing the population to see how many of them would comply.


[13:00] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, it's interesting. Again, as a health professional, I saw it as my responsibility to look into all the things that were going on, because my job is to coach clients and to educate people about health. So I looked into everything. I mean, I've been using PCR tests for over a decade, so I knew a fair bit about PCR tests. But when I looked into the mask issue, there was a couple of really good consultants on the high wire with Del Bigtree, and they work for OSHA in America, which is a bit like their Health and Safety Executive in the UK. And their job is to teach medical staff how to use PPE. And they were saying, well, first of all, you have to train someone to use a mask. So their job is to go into hospitals and to train medical staff and surgeons how to wear them, because if you don't put them on properly, first of all, they don't work. The next thing is the viruses are so small that they just go straight through the mask anyway. But that wasn't the worst bit for me. The worst bit was, well, there's some obvious stuff that I'll come on to, but they measured the oxygen levels of people wearing a mask and their blood oxygen is reduced by 20% when you wear a mask and your blood carbon dioxide increases by 50%. That's a chronic degenerative disease waiting to happen. And then they measured the bacteria and the fungus on the masks of schoolchildren that had been wearing them all day, and they were at massively high dangerous levels. And some people were wearing these things day in, day out.


[14:37] Matt Le Tissier: Absolutely.


[14:38] Leigh Brandon: You know, and you just think, you know, if you were coming up with the rules to make it as unhealthy as possible, they probably would have come up with the rules that they come up with.


[14:47] Matt Le Tissier: And I think that's exactly what they have done. And they've dressed them up as rules because they really care for us and they want everyone to be safe, when actually, for the last two and a half years, we've been living in an upside down world where the truth is actually the complete opposite, basically, to what government has been telling us.


[15:07] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, we knew very early on. Again, I looked at a lot of studies in March, April 2020, and it was very clear who was at risk. It was very clear.


[15:19] Matt Le Tissier: Well, they had the cruise ship the Diamond Princess very early on. They had a perfect petri dish there to let them know exactly who was at risk and what the IFR was and all that kind of stuff. So they knew very early on that it wasn't a huge risk to a massive proportion of the population.


[15:39] Leigh Brandon: Yes. I mean, there was Birmingham University did a good study. There was obviously information from Italy, there was information from China, and they all came to the same conclusions. You know, age and obesity and diabetes and all these kinds of conditions were massive risk factors. And, you know, they knew that from the beginning. So, anyway, so you've touched on this already, but I just want to maybe look at it a little bit further. So you were called an antivaxxer by the media, amongst other things, I'm sure.


[16:10] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah.


[16:10] Leigh Brandon: What did you make of those claims?


[16:14] Matt Le Tissier: Laughable quite honestly, to be an antivaxxer, to me, that's an anti vaxxer or somebody who's kind of never had a vaccine in their life and never would ever take one in their life ever again. Now, I'd had all my vaccines up until this one turned up because I chose to not take this one because I didn't like the way that it was rushed. I didn't have any long term safety data to check up against. I knew that my health has been pretty good. I only missed a handful of days through illness in my entire working life, so I was pretty sure that if I was to get this virus, I'd be pretty comfortable in fighting it off and then so to be labelled an antivaxxer because of those views was just laughable. And again, I think the biggest thing that this is done and I don't know if they took this into account, but a lot of people now will be questioning not just this vaccine, but because of what they've done with this vaccine. They've lost trust in the medical authorities, and they start to question all the other stuff that's going on. And so I think that's been one of the biggest problems over the last few years, is that massive lack of trust, not only in the pharmaceutical industry, but I think, also in our political system and I think also in our police force. Because the way that they've policed the different protests that have gone on has been absolutely disgusting. If you look at the way they police the Black Lives Matter rallies, and then you look at the way they police the freedom protests that were going on in London now, you would think that people protesting for their freedom, that the police would be okay with that, peacefully protesting for their freedoms and their human rights. You'd think the police would just stand back and go, okay, fair enough. And then the Black Lives Matter stuff, where all the violence was taking place in America, you thought they might be a little bit more heavy handed with that, yet their approach to it was completely the opposite. As I said earlier, an upside down world where what you expect to happen is the complete opposite of what is actually happening. So truth and common sense has been flipped on its head. Yeah.


[18:49] Leigh Brandon: I mean, I went to a few of the protest marches in London and there was on three occasions where we got attacked by riot police and we were just standing there listening to people speak.


[19:02] Matt Le Tissier: That's what they were doing.


[19:04] Leigh Brandon: You may have seen the video. There's a lady that got punched in the stomach who was standing on it. I was right behind her.


[19:10] Matt Le Tissier: Oh, really?


[19:10] Leigh Brandon: So I was literally I mean, it happened three times and I was literally within ten yards of getting a bat and smashed over my head.


[19:17] Matt Le Tissier: Wow.


[19:18] Leigh Brandon: Just for wanting, like you said, wanting.


[19:21] Matt Le Tissier: Freedom, for peacefully demonstrating, which is our human rights.


[19:26] Leigh Brandon: And then you've got the stop oil protests and the police hand them food and give them drinks.


[19:32] Matt Le Tissier: It's unbelievable. What it does is it kind of makes it very obvious with the way that the police protest, it makes it very obvious as to whose side the police are on and what kind of money is funding the demonstrations. So the people that are funding those demonstrations, they obviously have some good connections where they're able to influence how the police police those demonstrations. It's obvious.


[20:03] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. What do you think of organizations such as the BBC, ITV and Sky News?


[20:11] Matt Le Tissier: Laughable quite frankly, I think they are a danger to our democracy. Now, that might seem a bit strong, but I think they are. They have become agents of the government and they were meant to be there, meant to be put in place there, to hold government to account, and so that the public had an organization there that were able to question and hold their feet to the fire when they're doing things wrong. And yet, for the last two and a half years, all they've done is basically been the lapdogs of the government with their messaging and they've just gone after anybody who questions the narrative. Yeah. It's their job to be questioning the narrative, it's not their job to be smearing censoring people who are worried for our human rights and our freedoms in this country. And that's exactly what they've done. So they are laughable and they are organizations that from, I'd say, about the second week of May 2020, have never been on my television. Because I saw what they were doing, I saw the effect that it was having on people's mental health. My family is included and I decided that the best thing you could do is piece of advice I would give to anybody. The best thing you can do is to not watch.


[21:49] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. The other thing they did was just ignore anything that wasn't part of the narrative as well. I mean, some of the markets I went on were hundreds of thousands of people. Complete silence from the media.


[21:59] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. Absolutely. It was disgusting. I was on one of the marches we started it right outside the officers of the BBC for the NHS workers were just about to be sacked. Yeah. Right outside their offices, and they still wouldn't report the correct numbers that were there. And again, it's laughable. They've just become a joke organization.

[22:24] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, absolutely. And on that vein of journalists, and we've kind of touched on it already. What do you make of these broadcasters and journalists that have been calling people covered deniers and granny killers and they should be denied medical treatment and they shouldn't be allowed out of their house? And now they're saying, well, actually, no, we were right. The facts have changed. What do you think of those media people?


[22:53] Matt Le Tissier: I'm guessing you're kind of alluding to people like Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine and people like those disgusting human beings, quite frankly, with no humanity and paid stooges, quite frankly. That's the only reasonable explanation I can have for people in their position behaving the way they did. I think it would be very interesting to see who funds them, where are they picking up the paychecks from? Because decent, normal human beings wouldn't behave like that. And they were disgusting in the way they spoke about the unvaccinated. If they had spoken about any other type of minority group in the way that they did about the Unvaccinated, they would have been handed out the country. And yet there they were, brazenly, openly happy to do it and cheered on by the rest of the media. So it was a disgusting time in our history and I hope that one day I'm alive to see those people bought to justice.


[23:59] Leigh Brandon: Me too. Me too. It's quite interesting because they're saying that the facts have changed. In the first eight weeks of lockdown, I was working 16 hours a day researching everything that was going on and I was producing videos and I was putting videos out on social media. And it got to a point where I was spending so much time doing videos, I can't do this anymore, because I'd stopped running my business, right? I mean, I couldn't work anyway because we're in lockdown. And I thought, what do I do? I've got all this information, I've got to do something with it. I haven't got time to make it into loads of videos. So I basically made a book and I made it available online for free, because I just want people to know this stuff. So what I'm going to start doing now is re releasing parts of that book, because we knew if you were willing to look, we knew exactly what was going on.


[24:56] Matt Le Tissier: Absolutely.


[24:58] Leigh Brandon: These people chose not to look.


[25:00] Matt Le Tissier: That's exactly what they did. They chose not to look and they chose to just take the dollar to go with the narrative. And there was plenty of evidence. You're right from the start, as I said, even from the diamond princess that cruise ship very early on. So people who are now going, all the science changed and the facts changed and all vaccines have worked, so we can get back to normal again. Absolute poppycock. And quite frankly, those people I can forgive people very easily, but I will never forget what those people did.


[25:39] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, absolutely. I know a lot of people who, you know, they do watch BBC and ITV and Sky News and in America it might be Fox and CNN and whatever, and they've not really seen what's outside of that. Now, you're an ex football player, right? You're not a scientist, you're not a doctor. But can you share with the audience some of the experts that you've been listening to over the last three years that perhaps they wouldn't have heard of?


[26:09] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah, certainly. I mean, Dr. Peter McCullough is probably one of the most cited doctors in the world. His knowledge is incredible. The research that he's done on the COVID stuff, it's been his full-time job pretty much for the last couple of years. He's been very active in getting out there, trying to get his voice out there. But again, these people get censored by the mainstream media. They don't want to know about them. He was a contributor to CNN and Fox News and all those guys because he knew what was going on and chose not to go along with the narrative and take the money from big pharma or big media. He was silent. And so you've actively got to go and have a look for people like him, for people like Mike Eden, who was working in the pharmaceutical industry for many, many years, who has been speaking out about this, he's been a real hero. Those guys in particular have really put their head above the parapet. You look at people like Iva Cummings, data analyst for the incredibly Good guy on the health side of things as well. He's probably one of the cleverest men I think I've ever spoken to in my life. And so, yes, those kind of guys, there is a lot of information out there. If you're prepared to look outside the box, if you're prepared to just say to yourself, hang on a minute, I'm only getting one side of the story here. What's the other side of the story? So that's been one of my big bugbears over the last couple of years, is that you won't be surprised to know that when I tell you this, that I'm a Libran. So, I believe in balance and I believe in fairness, and I believe that we should be able to hear both sides of the story and then we as individuals should be able to make up our own mind who we trust with the information that's coming out. Because I think if you listen to your gut and if you listen to two people talk and you can decide for yourself which one you think is telling the truth. And I think gut instinct is a really important thing because I think you can really if you just tune into your intuition, I think you can tell instinctively. And that, I think, is one of the reasons why they did censor people. Because I think if both sides of the story were heard, then the majority of the people would come down on the opposite side of the narrative to what the government had given out.


[28:46] Announcer: You're listening to the Radical Health Rebel podcast.


[28:51] Leigh Brandon: Are you regularly suffering from painful bloating and wind that can be smelly and embarrassing? Are your bowel movements not as they should be, either constipation or diarrhea or possibly alternating between the two? Do you find the pain is bad enough, but the bloating and cramps make you feel awful and are affecting your everyday life? Do you sometimes feel you can't eat properly because of the wind, bloating, and pain? And has your doctor told you that you have IBS but unable to help find you a solution? Do you feel right now that you simply don't know what's causing your symptoms and whatever your doctor has suggested hasn't worked and you feel frustrated that you're still far from having a normal, flat, comfortable tummy? Have you invested a lot of time, energy and money into improving your symptoms and don't wish to waste anymore? Do you feel frustrated and depressed and don't feel like you can take part in all the activities you enjoy and sometimes have to cancel attending events because of the way your tummy feels? Do you fear that if you don't get this sorted, you could end up with a much more serious gastrointestinal disease? If so, what would help you right now is to understand the root cause of your digestive condition rather than continuing to try to mask the symptoms with Over-the-counter or prescribed medications. You need help understanding how factors such as nutrition, gut health, stress, and toxicology affect the digestive system and how to optimize these factors. You need someone who can advise, motivate, and support you every step of the way, someone who has walked the path before and taught many others to do the same. What you need is my overcome your digestive issues program. My Overcome Your Digestive Issues program can help you in the following ways I will help you understand the root causes of your digestive problems and teach you how to approach the condition holistically via expert advice on nutrition and lifestyle factors to overcome your digestive issues. Program will start by ensuring you are on the right diet for you based on your genetics or metabolic type, and one that avoids the foods that are known to exacerbate your condition. We'll go on a journey step by step, learning all the necessary lifestyle changes required to achieve a flat, comfortable, pain free tummy. Each weekly 30 minutes coaching session will include advice, support, and guidance specifically tailored to your needs and at a speed. That is right for you. Once you're eating right for your metabolic type, you will begin to see changes in how your tummy feels. And we will also uncover all the necessary blocking factors that you may have. And you'll be taught how to reduce, replace or eliminate all the factors that are causing your digestive problems. Ultimately, this program will enable you to achieve a flat, calm and comfortable tummy every day for the rest of your life. For more information about how to improve your gut health and to claim a complimentary no obligation gut health consultation, please go to www. Dot body check co UK that's bod ychek and fill in the request form at the top of the home page and we'll be in contact to arrange a convenient time. Now back to the podcast. 


So what you're suggesting, Matt, is that we should have been treated like adults.


[32:18] Matt Le Tissier: Not children, 100% treated like adults, given the facts. Give us everything that you've got and let us make our own minds up. Give us all the facts. And if those adults who were a bit frightened because there was a virus around that was quite similar to the flu in terms of its IFR, then they should have had that been able to make that decision if they wanted to stay inside or not. But I don't think we should have shut society down for what they knew was not. And the British government, by the way, declared it just before we went into locked out, actually declared that COVID-19 wasn't actually that big a deal, it wasn't a high consequence virus, as they pointed out just before they locked us down, which was a massive contradiction. Again, another upside down world.


[33:11] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And why do you think that the majority of people were not willing to or didn't know how to look beyond the mainstream media?


[33:21] Matt Le Tissier: Well, this is quite ironic, really, given that in my career, one of the things that was labeled at me is that I was lazy. However, with a lot of time on my hands at the start of everything, I like you, wasn't lazy. And I went having a look to find out what I could find out about what was going on. But I do believe that most people are lazy in terms of the information they want to take on board and are quite happy to sit in front of that television and believe everything that comes out of it. Well, unfortunately, history has told us that there is a lot of stuff that comes out of that television that simply isn't true. And unfortunately, the majority of the population still look at the television and think that why would they lie to us? Why would they lie to us? They're lovely people, these people in government. They don't give out millions of pounds worth of contracts to their mates and all that kind of stuff. They're really above board human beings. We should really trust our politicians. Honestly, it's just crackers that people, given how many times it's now been proven, the BBC alone, how they're still going after the Jimmy Savile stuff that happened, where they protected the country's most prolific pedophile for many years and yet they still carried on and everybody still trusts them. That's what gets me. How do you trust an organization that protected the world? Certainly our country's biggest prolific pedophile, coincidentally, was pretty good mates with our King. Now that's a little bit concerning to me. And I say our king, quite frankly, I don't really recognize him as my monarch, to be honest. I think the time for the monarchy is done and dusted. After the Queen's reign, I think it was a pretty good time to go. I'll tell you what, I think let's call it a day there. So that's a different subject.


[35:31] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, that's another podcast, that's another episode. What would you say to people if they're listening to this and they do trust the BBC, they do trust ITV, Sky News, Daily Mail, the Guardian, etc, etc. What would be your message to those people?


[35:49] Matt Le Tissier: I think the biggest one for me is to kind of point them in the direction of how the media reacted when we went to war in Iraq with the weapons of mass destruction, which the media were happy to plaster all over the place and obviously didn't really do their check very well because it turned out there was no weapons of mass destruction, and that was just used as an excuse to send us to war. So that was just one of the biggest lies that our media portrayed. And there are probably thousands of other examples where stuff you've seen on the news actually turns out to not be quite so true. There are so many examples that those organizations should not have your trust. They haven't been truthful to you down the years. And I think it's actually gotten worse as time has gone on because they've been able to get away with some lies. They've just become brazen about it and thought, oh well, we got away with it 20 years ago, we'll just carry on, we can do more. And so those organizations for me are finished as far as my life is concerned.


[37:10] Leigh Brandon: If you got any other advice for if you're looking at an expert, let's say, how would you know when to trust an expert and perhaps when you shouldn't trust an expert?


[37:21] Matt Le Tissier: Well, I think, as I said, you've got instinct is normally pretty good, but if you're listening to experts, they normally can back up what they are saying with data. That's normally a good sign. And the best way to tell, actually, if somebody is telling the truth normally is if that person is then attacked by the mainstream media, because that's about the biggest clue you could ever get if someone is actually being truthful is that the media will go after them, and quite aggressively. And I've suffered that a little bit over the last couple of years. But there are also some people who are just world leaders in their fields of expertise who have gone against the government narrative and just see how those people have been treated. Go and have a look on Wikipedia. That's another good one. Go up on Wikipedia and if Wikipedia describes somebody as being spreaders of misinformation or disinformation, that's normally a pretty good clue that they're bang on the money.


[38:27] Leigh Brandon: Yes, I've experienced a similar thing and it almost confirms when I get things right, which is I have to say, most of the time if I put a post on it's normally Facebook, and if it comes up with a fact check, you're like, okay, I got it, I'm good. Whether it's to do with COVID or.

[38:49] Matt Le Tissier: That's the other thing, I think that's the other thing, Leigh, is those fact checkers, they just sprung up the last few years, haven't they? Never used to have fact checkers. And I did a post on Twitter about, I know it must have been about a year or 18 months ago, and it was a simple post, but it rings more true by the day. And all I posted was who factchecks the fact checkers, because who gave them the title of arbiters of the truth? Those people who claim to be fact checkers. What I would say to people is go and have a look at who funds those fact checkers because they're funded by a lot of multinational globalized corporations. And the thing that I've come to understand is that you can't tell people facts and expect them to change their mind because they're emotionally invested in the other side of the argument. Their emotions will outweigh any facts that you give them. So I think the only way that people will change their mind is if they go and see for themselves. So I'm not going to tell you who funds the fact checkers. All I would say is, if you think fact checkers are independently based, go and have a look who funds them and then go and see if that industry has any relevance on the facts that they're checking. That's all I say. And you've got to have your own curiosity to want to go and find out, because me sat here telling people who funds them won't make any difference to them. But if they go and have a look for themselves and work it out for themselves, I think they're more likely to change their minds if they see it with their own eyes.


[40:43] Leigh Brandon: I've even been testing some of the theories on climate change recently. It's so easy to find out what the truth is. You just put something up there and bang, straight away there's a fact check message.


[40:57] Matt Le Tissier: But that's the next biggest scam. It's all the same people involved, all the same people. And again, it involves the transfer of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the super rich. And until people realize that they're going to keep getting away with it, they're very clever with what they do. That's why Sage was full of the behavioral insights team. There was way more of them, I believe, than there was virologists and immunologists at the start of COVID the Nudge Unit, as they're called.


[41:32] Leigh Brandon: Big shout out to Laura Dodsworth for her book.


[41:35] Matt Le Tissier: Absolutely, Laura. Absolutely brilliant book. And I've met Laura a couple of times. She's an absolute diamond. So that book was brilliant and I think opened people's eyes quite a bit to what went on and the psychological manipulation that's gone on in the last couple of years.


[41:54] Leigh Brandon: Excellent. Just bringing you back to 2020.


[41:58] Matt Le Tissier: Yup.


[41:59] Leigh Brandon: Did you look into the early treatments that were available for COVID such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? Why do you think they were swept under the carpet and banned?


[42:10] Matt Le Tissier: I think it was pretty obvious to me what was going on. If there was safe and effective treatments for COVID, it meant that they wouldn't be able to bring their vaccines would be useless. Basically, if people go, I don't need a vaccine, I'll just take some cheap and effective medicines that aren't going to make the pharmaceutical industry billions of pounds. So it's quite clear why those things were demonized. I've been in contact with Dr. Tess Laurie for a long time. She worked very hard on that kind of stuff and it was just scandalous, really. The fact that our governments and our medical head of our medical departments and all that kind of stuff were willing to demonize a cheap and effective treatment and go to the lengths that they did to demonize it was nothing short of a crime against humanity, quite frankly.


[43:13] Leigh Brandon: Including doing studies where they gave patients fatal doses of hydroxychloroquine and then said, look, it doesn't work.


[43:22] Matt Le Tissier: The value they put on a person's life is absolutely zero. They care not for the human population. I mean, if you sit down and think about it logically, and this was one of the big things for me, that it's taken me a long time to realize. I was too busy playing football and having a career in the media to actually sit down and never think about this kind of stuff. But when you talk about the pharmaceutical industry, it makes no sense whatsoever for the pharmaceutical industry to come up with any cures. It makes no sense, no business sense. If they come up with cures, they put themselves out of business. So they have no interest in curing people. All they have an interest in is making customers for the rest of their life. Take a look around you in your life and see how many of the people you know in your circles who are on medication and taking tablets, long term tablets. And I know I've got my wife and my mother-in-law in this house and I know because I have to go and fetch their prescriptions every month. And it's just incredible. And then it's kind of come home to me a few times in recent weeks when people friends of mine and friends of friends who have got ill, and one of my friends came out and said, oh, such and such has got this ailment, but he's been given tablets for it. But the only problem is with those tablets is they've got a bit of a side effect. And those side effects make you sick a little bit. So what they've done, they've given us some tablets for the sickness. But the only problem with that is the sickness tablets. They give you a bit of diarrhea, so they've given us some tablets to stop the diarrhea as well. So all of a sudden, you've gone *** *** bump, and you're having three lots of tablets and you're into them for a long time. And I've seen it in my own family and that the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing people because it would put themselves out of business. And when I realized that fact, everything else made sense to what's going on.


[45:36] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And the other thing to add to that, Matt, is that the pharmaceutical industries heavily fund the medical schools.


[45:46] Matt Le Tissier: They do indeed. There are massive conflicts of interest all over the place.


[45:50] Leigh Brandon: So what medical doctors tend to be taught is, yes, they learn their anatomy and the physiology, but they learn symptomology and pharmacology. So you have this symptom, you take this drug. Well, that's the antithesis of what I do as a health practitioner. I get a person in front of me and I say, okay, so what's causing your problem? Let's find out what the cause is. Because the medical model, if you imagine you're on a lake and you're on a rubbing boat and it springs a leak, the medical model is, let's get a bucket and let's tip the water out. Right. And that's a never ending story. Right. Which is great for repeat business.


[46:33] Matt Le Tissier: Yes.


[46:34] Leigh Brandon: In my world, I say, well, the reason the boat is sinking is because there's a hole in the boat. Let's fix the hole in the boat.


[46:40] Matt Le Tissier: Let's fix the hole. Absolutely right.


[46:42] Leigh Brandon: Now, that's probably why I'm not a billionaire.


[46:46] Matt Le Tissier: Exactly.


[46:46] Leigh Brandon: Because I teach people how to be healthy and I empower them to do it themselves rather than them have to rely on me.


[46:52] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. That's a brilliant way of doing it.


[46:55] Leigh Brandon: And that's what the health system should be.


[46:58] Matt Le Tissier: Exactly. Right.


[46:59] Leigh Brandon: I did actually do an episode. Five was actually called if I was the UK's health center. And I actually give my ideas on what I think the NHS should look like and it should be a health service, not just a medical service. There's quite a big difference between absolutely.


[47:15] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. Now, fair play to you. I think that's a really important point to make. I think it almost seems to me like that side of things like the homeopathic, the naturopathic side of things has also been demonized as, like, cranks, and they'll probably be called conspiracy theorists as well. And yet somehow the human race has managed to survive for thousands of years before the pharmaceutical industry came along. How does that possibly happen for me? We all know they lobby, they've got so much money that they throw up politicians at political parties to obviously pass laws in their favors. I mean, the fact that these companies were given immunity from prosecution if their vaccines went wrong was just the biggest red flag I've ever seen. When the government made the announcement that they were giving these companies immunity, my heart sank. It was just like somebody whacked me in the stomach because I thought, no, somebody's not right here. Something's not right. If they're so confident about their brilliant vaccines, they're so effective, 95% effective, apparently, right at the start. And they told you that you couldn't transmit the virus once you had your vaccine. It was impossible to contract the virus and it's impossible to pass it on. Well, clearly we know now, again, the media and the pharmaceutical industries lied to the people and there is nothing there's no denying there's no denying that we've seen everybody knows. Most of the people I know now who are getting COVID, they're the ones that are vaccinated. Most of the people that I know that weren't vaccinated haven't had COVID more than once. It's so obvious now, and yet people still turn a blind eye to it.


[49:27] Leigh Brandon: That's the only experience with my friends and family as well, exactly the same have not been jabbed. They might have had COVID once, they might not have had it at all. And it seems the more jabs they have, the more times they get COVID.


[49:41] Matt Le Tissier: Absolutely right. And I think there's been some studies that have been done, actually, I think I've read a couple of studies where actually they've proved now that the jabbed population have a higher chance of catching Kobe than the young jab. So it seems like every day that passes, I'm more and more convinced that I made the right decision.


[50:03] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, the business model they created is the perfect business model because the taxpayer paid the research and development, they took that money, made the products, they didn't have to test it for safety because it was going out anyway. They launched it to the market and there was no comeback if they killed people.


[50:24] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. Incredible.


[50:26] Leigh Brandon: I would love to have a product like that.


[50:28] Matt Le Tissier: Incredible. That corruption is allowed to continue in our government is just bizarre.


[50:36] Leigh Brandon: I think there are some people that are also unaware that all vaccines don't have liability as well. So that's all vaccines?


[50:45] Matt Le Tissier: All vaccines is that not all vaccines that are for children?


[50:51] Leigh Brandon: It might be.


[50:53] Matt Le Tissier: I think I read that all childhood vaccines have got immunity, but I think the adult ones didn't, which is why the government had to specify that they were giving them immunity.


[51:06] Leigh Brandon: Great. So just changing subject just a little bit and just going back to something we've already discussed that we can maybe go into a bit more detail.


[51:15] Matt Le Tissier: Sure.


[51:15] Leigh Brandon: Can you tell us what happened at Sky Sports? Yeah.


[51:19] Matt Le Tissier: So when all the George Floyd stuff happened and the Black Lives Matter stuff was all in the news, that was the current thing on the news that was there to put you in fear and to control you. We were just about to go on air at sky and Soccer Saturday, about a minute or two before we go on air, and the producer came into the studio and handed us all the badge and said, can you put these on? And it was a Black Lives Matter badge. Now, I'd have a lot of spare time on my hands. I'd done a lot of digging. I saw what was happening with the Black Lives Matter stuff, and I went and had a look and see what this organization was all about. Like you, I was kind of digging around with a lot of spare time on my hands, and I didn't like what I was reading about this Black Lives Matter organization. It was pretty contrary to everything that I stood for in my life. I looked at my producer and I went, Do I have to wear that? And he just looked at me and he went, it's in your best interest if you do. I was like, Jeez, now this is like, now seconds before we can go on air. So I put the badge on, but I was really uncomfortable with it. And at the end of the show, as soon as the show finished, I went to the producer, I gave him back the badge, and I said, that's the last time I ever wear that badge on the show. I said I wasn't comfortable with it. I felt in a very awkward position that you put me in just before we went on there. I said, So I will wear any other badge, the kick, racism out, all that kind of stuff, because there was that in place with the Premier League beforehand. I said, So I'm quite happy to wear a different badge. I know racist, I'll wear a badge, but I will not wear that badge because I do not want to be associated with that organization. And I don't think that went down very well. I think from that day on, my days at sky was pretty numbered, I think.


[53:14] Leigh Brandon: And what was their reason for not renewing your contract?


[53:18] Matt Le Tissier: The reason why they were taking the show in a different direction is what I was told. And I asked them if there was anything to do with my social media posts. And I didn't mention the backlash math thing, because that was a few months earlier. But I'd had a couple of warnings about a couple of things that I tweeted which were going against the narrative a little bit and I had a couple of phone calls asking me to be careful with what I was tweeting. Now, it was interesting because one of the things I tweeted was about the football clubs that were coming out and admitting to having COVID cases when they were looking to restart the season. So in the summer of 2020, the Premier League published every week the amount of people that were tested and the amount of positive cases there were, but they wouldn't say with clubs, the positive cases were at. And the only way you could find out is if the clubs themselves actually put their hands up and went, yeah, actually four of those cases are from our football club. And I looked at all the clubs that were actually coming out and putting their hands up and saying, yes, those cases were from us. The only ones that did that were clubs that were either in the relegation zone or just above the relegation zone. And it was in their interests for the season to not be finished and for them to annul that season and they get another season's, Premier League money next season. And so I just made the observation that isn't it strange that the only clubs that are coming out and admitting to having COVID cases are the ones that are in the relegation zone or just above it? And that was it actually absolutely bang on. So I get a phone call from the head of football at sky and he says, We've got a problem with one of your tweets. I went, all right, which one? And he said, the one about the relegated team, the teams in the relegation zone. And I went, oh, what's wrong with it? He said, well, you're implying that the teams in the relegation zone are not wanting to restart the season. And I said, Right, okay. He said, We've had a complaint from one of the CEOs of one of the clubs in the relegation zone. And I went, oh, okay. I said, So can you just read me the tweet? So he read me the tweet and I went, Right. I said, can you tell me what's wrong with that tweet, factually? I said, Is it correct, actually? Is it right? And he kind of looked at it again and after a couple of seconds he went, well, yes, actually it's right. I went, oh, okay, fair enough, so it's right, but you want me to take it down? And he was like, yeah. I said, Well, Gary I said, there's nothing factually wrong with it. I said, So, I'm not going to take it down. And then, yeah, a few weeks after that was gone, the Radical Health Rebel.


[56:25] Announcer: It's also available on YouTube. Find bite size clips from our episodes on the Radical Health Rebel YouTube channel.


[56:35] Leigh Brandon: Just a brief interruption to this podcast to talk about adult acne. Now, did you know that 40% to 54% of men and women older than 25 years will have some degree of facial acne, and that clinical facial acne persists into middle age in 12% of women and 3% of men. I know only too well the devastating effects that acne can have on your confidence and your self-esteem, and how it can easily destroy your social life, your career and your relationships. I know this only too well because I suffered from severe cystic acne from age 13 to 31 over an 18 year period. I visited my doctor on many occasions, and his only suggestions were acne creams, harsh cleansers and antibiotics that weren't working and were actually making my skin worse. After 18 years of struggle and thousands of pounds invested in treatments that didn't work, through my professional education, I began to learn that what my doctor had told me was untrue, and that diet was directly related to acne, plus other factors such as food sensitivities, toxicity, hormones, and balancing the body's microbiome. Putting what I had learned into practice, I managed to rid myself of acne over 20 years ago and have been helping others to do the same for well over a decade. By teaching people what foods cause acne, what food sensitivities each individual has, how to optimize their detox pathways, how to reduce environmental stresses and toxins, and how to balance hormones, especially those related to the mTOR pathway, a major causal factor with acne. I've been able to help many other adults overcome their acne nightmare, too. So if you would like more information on how to overcome your adult acne, please go to www.skinwebinar.com. It's www.skinwebinar.com, where you can also request an acne breakthrough. Call with me to see if you are suitable for my Eliminate Adult Acne Coaching program, where you can once and for all learn how to overcome your adult acne. Now back to the podcast. 


Well, I'm glad the season finished, because my team actually ended up winning the Premier League.


[58:56] Matt Le Tissier: Yes, there was no crowd into Sea. That was a real big shame. After such a long time talking to.


[59:03] Leigh Brandon: Football, what's your view on the number of footballers and other athletes around the world who have collapsed on a pitch or in training?


[59:13] Matt Le Tissier: Mate, it's just been heartbreaking. It is literally heartbreaking. I played for professional football for 17 years. I trained five days a week for pretty much, and I didn't see one person all that time. One young, fit footballer collapsed on the field of play with heart issues. Not one. And yet I was seeing it in all sports. I watch a lot of sports. I'm sports mad. I watch play a lot of sports, watch a lot of sports. And what I was witnessing, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So I had to say something and I had to speak up. I tried to get in touch with the players PFA, the Professional Football Association. I got in touch with FIF Pro, which was the Worldwide Players Football Association of Agents. And it was just so obvious to me that there's been such a big spike in the amount of people that this is happening to. And not just that, it was the amount of people in the crowds at games as well, where games were being stopped every week, because there was another incident in the crowd. And I'm like, Whoa, hang on, I didn't see this happening when I was playing. And this all coincided with rolling out the vaccines. And all I called for was an investigation, because nobody knew whether this might have been a side effect of having had COVID or whether this was a side effect of the vaccine. And I was just trying to raise the alarm that this shouldn't be happening. This is not normal. What is happening is not normal. We need to find out why. And the fact that I came up against a brick wall with these organizations who didn't want to investigate that then made me suspicious. Why would you not want to find out what it is, which way it falls? And the logical conclusion that you come to is that you don't want to find out because you know what's causing it and you don't want everyone else to know. And that, for me, is, again, that's a crime against humanity. These people know that this is not normal and they're turning a blind eye to it. It's scandalous.


[01:01:25] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And we're supposed to believe they've got our best welfare at heart as well?


[01:01:29] Matt Le Tissier: Absolutely. Not a chance that they have our best welfare at heart. Not a chance.


[01:01:35] Leigh Brandon: And then, obviously, since then, it's pretty well established now that those injections do cause myocarditis and pericarditis. I don't think anyone's arguing otherwise now. I think it's pretty well accepted. Yeah.


[01:01:50] Matt Le Tissier: But they'll still just turn around and go, well, it's very rare. Well, it might be rare if you were only vaccinated maybe a thousand people. That might be quite rare. But when you're vaccinating the amount of people that they've tried to vaccinate, those numbers are very high. And there's a lot of people who are going to have a lot of trouble down the line and they don't even know it. They don't even know it because it doesn't show itself until you might be doing exercise and putting your heart, testing your heart to its limits, and all of a sudden, bang, no warning.

[01:02:32] Leigh Brandon: It actually came up in my conversation with Professor Norman Fencer the other day. I was mentioning to him that Manchester City went to the US on tour, and I think it was three or four players didn't go.


[01:02:45] Matt Le Tissier: Funny that.


[01:02:46] Leigh Brandon: And it's like, well, you know exactly why they didn't go.


[01:02:50] Matt Le Tissier: But the media wouldn't tell you that and the football clubs wouldn't tell you that, would they?


[01:02:53] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, I guess to a degree, we shouldn't know either, should we? Because your medical record should be. Personal.


[01:02:59] Matt Le Tissier: Well, that's right, they should be personal. But the caveat to that is that it strains. Everybody wanted to know if you weren't vaccinated. They all want to know your vaccination status to get into a restaurant or to get on a plane. But all of a sudden, the strange thing now is when you're collapsing on a pit, nobody seems to want to ask the question, what are you vaccinated or not? They want to know if you vaccinated to go to a restaurant, but they don't want to know if you're vaccinated if you collapse on a football pitch when you're a young, fit, healthy young man. Now, again, that's the upside down world we're living in.


[01:03:38] Leigh Brandon: I mean, we're roughly the same age match. And I can remember Mark vivian Foe. I remember Fabrice. Muamba, I remember. Gabby Logan's young brother died. I think he was at the Tottenham Academy at the time when he had a heart attack. But that was a congenital condition. Yeah, that's all I can remember. And I've been watching football, I don't know, 45 plus years. I can remember three prior to 2020. You could have probably named three in a week. Absolutely.


[01:04:10] Matt Le Tissier: And it's not just footballers. It's been all sports, it's been cricket, it's been basketball, it's been all over the place. I think last week it was a young footballer in Ireland, I think it was. But you just see reports all the time, thankfully, as far as I know. I don't think they're now encouraging professional footballers to have any more COVID vaccines. Not as far as I'm aware.


[01:04:40] Leigh Brandon: Not even Gareth southgate.


[01:04:42] Matt Le Tissier: Well, I'm told that there was no pressure at all for the England players going to Qatar to have vaccinations. That's what I've been told. Whether or not that is true, I don't know, but I certainly know there would be a few of those in the players that aren't vaccinated. It's going to be a World Cup, so fair play to them to stand in their ground. I think they were right to do that, and hopefully they can perform well over there.


[01:05:17] Leigh Brandon: One of them I know was left at home when Manchester City went to America. I might mention his name, because I don't think that's right.


[01:05:25] Matt Le Tissier: I mean, if you think that somebody like Cristiano Ronaldo, who has looked after his body impeccably, if you see that the physical state that he is in, if you think that he's going to put some stuff into his body that he doesn't know what the long term implications of it are, I'd be incredibly surprised if he had taken the Jibby Jabber.


[01:05:55] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. You get the impression he's very similar to the likes of Djokovic and how he looks after himself.


[01:06:02] Matt Le Tissier: Very much so. Very much.


[01:06:04] Leigh Brandon: Djokovic is very much along the lines of how I teach people to live in terms of their health.


[01:06:09] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah, absolutely.


[01:06:11] Leigh Brandon: So do you think politicians have been truly ignorant, or do you think there's something more to it than that.


[01:06:21] Matt Le Tissier: Now, that's the billion dollar question, really. I think, given the weight of evidence, I think there's probably something a little bit more sinister to it than them just being a bit stupid, a bit thick, not really taken on board the information. I think the information has been there. If they want to go and look for it, like we have, the information is there. So I don't think they have any excuse whatsoever. They are representing the people. They should have done their homework the same as we all have, and should have come to the same conclusions that most logical, reasonable people would come to if they saw the evidence. That's right in front of their eyes.


[01:07:04] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, I certainly wrote to my MP on several occasions and I tried to be well, I was polite, I was struggling to be polite, but I was.


[01:07:12] Matt Le Tissier: Yes, me too.


[01:07:13] Leigh Brandon: And you just get back the standard reply that they're just completely ignoring. They just say, well, we'll have to agree to disagree on this. And I'd start the letter saying, Look, I've worked in health for 25, 26 years and it's just like your opinion doesn't matter because I already know the answer. And you just think, well, the way I look at it is one or two things. They were either ignorant or it's sinister. Yeah.


[01:07:40] Matt Le Tissier: I mean, for me, these MPs are only concerned they're only concerned for their constituents about three weeks before the election, and that is the only period of time where they'll probably give you the time of day. Because I have the same stuff with my MP, with some of the emails that we exchanged.


[01:07:59] Leigh Brandon: To be fair, I think there are a few that are trying, or have been trying.


[01:08:03] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah, I mean, I'd like to have some faith in humanity and still think that there were still some decent people around. And I think there has been, but not been enough to really force any meaningful change.


[01:08:21] Leigh Brandon: On that subject, do you think we still have democracy in the UK?


[01:08:27] Matt Le Tissier: No, I think our political system is broke. I think the Conservatives and Labour are two cheeks of the same house, quite frankly. I think they're both controlled by the same people. And I think you've just got to see in the budget that's just come out, that is not a Conservative budget. That's not what Conservatives stand for. They're taxing people up to the hilt, and for me, they are deliberately trying to ruin the middle and lower classes in this country. It's all about the money in this country, the transfer of wealth going from the lower and middle classes up to the super rich. And the politicians are facilitating this because they're being manipulated by those people who are going to profit from everything.


[01:09:24] Leigh Brandon: Yes. So my next question is going to be how much power do you think non government organizations such as pharmaceutical companies have over governments.


[01:09:36] Matt Le Tissier: I think they have a huge amount of power, but I think it goes probably higher than that. I think you've probably got to look as to as to who founded the pharmaceutical companies in the first place, who their shareholders are. And I think you'll find that most of those people who are founders or the major shareholders in those pharmaceutical companies are also the same people that are major shareholders in the mainstream media and also the ones that are able to control certain governments through these NGOs like the World Economic Forum. And Klaus Schwab has openly admitted that he's got his people penetrating cabinets all around the Western world. And I think we've seen that with the likes of Jacinda Ardern with Trudeau, with Macron, with Rishi Sunak. They've all gone through that program. They're all on board with what the World Economic Forum want. And it's a pretty dystopian future if we don't stand up and fight against it. And the only real person I've seen do that is Ron Da Santis, who has openly come out and said, Florida will not take on board those things from the World Economic Forum. And he's pretty open about it all. And it's good to see at least one leader come out and openly admit that they will not be influenced by those people. And I think if we are in a world that's influenced by the likes of Cloud Twelve and Bill Gates and those kind of guys, we are on a slippery path. And I think it's a massive over the next few years, this next decade will be a huge for the Sweden that you've got going forward in this world. If enough people don't fight back, humanity will be in a very bad place.


[01:11:40] Leigh Brandon: In my opinion, which actually leads on perfectly to my next question. So with the threat of central bank and digital currency, digital ID, the online safety bill and the public order bill, also the planned reduction of the potential for personal transport, the threat to farming, how do you see the next five to ten years panning out?


[01:12:06] Matt Le Tissier: I think we're at war. I think a lot of people don't realize we're at war, but there is a war going on. How do I see it panning out? I would like to think that enough people will understand what's going on and what's at stake and they will fight back. Whether that be through the political system, which I'm not sure it can be, because I think that system has been set up in a particular way which protects the people who want to control everything. So I think there would have to be some kind of big political reform. And I think the next five years will be a real battle to keep the Technocrats from taking over this world and the lights of the World Economic Forum. Because what they have planned for us, if they get what they want, is not a very nice life.


[01:13:05] Leigh Brandon: So what would you suggest each and every one of us need to do?


[01:13:11] Matt Le Tissier: And that's the big question that everybody asks, well, what can we do about it? And when you think of it as such a massive problem, it's easy to kind of lose heart and sing as an individual, what can I do? I can't make any difference. But you can make a difference. And there are ways that you can make a difference, small ways that you can make a difference. Firstly, you cannot live your life in fear. That's the first thing. Turn off the television, certainly the news stations, because they are there just to keep you in fear.


[01:13:43] Leigh Brandon: Except GB News!


[01:13:48] Matt Le Tissier: I meant the sly news and the mainstream stuff and GB news has been kind of a bit of a breath of fresh air, quite frankly. They have been allowed to have the other side of the narrative being heard a little bit. So don't live your life in fear. First and foremost, be nice to everyone. Be a good person. For a start, keep using cash. I think that's one of the biggest things we can do because I think a cashless society is one where we will be a lot easier to control through the CBDCs. So make a point. Keep going to the cash point and paying people in cash and keep that going, because I think that's one of the simplest ways that you can help to not let us get trapped into that digital world where at the flick of a switch because there's no cash in it's, only electronic money that at the flick of a switch, the government if you say something bad about the government on social media at the flick of a switch, they can turn your money off. And that is a pretty scary place.


[01:14:57] Leigh Brandon: To be honest we've seen that happen, haven’t we?


[01:14:59] Matt Le Tissier: Oh, it happened with the Canadian trappers. Absolutely it did. So the warnings are there.


[01:15:06] Leigh Brandon: PayPal have done it as well.


[01:15:07] Matt Le Tissier: PayPal have done it as well. I deleted my PayPal account very quickly, as many people did. We saw their share price go drop through the floor very quickly. So that was nice. And we got to keep pushing back against these people who are against freedom and against freedom of speech. And I think we have to keep being brave, keep speaking out and don't be silenced by the woke who just think that they take the moral high ground when actually in this upside down world, they're actually the ones that are not very nice people.


[01:15:43] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, some good points there and I think trying to support small businesses rather than the big corporates as much. So I canceled my TV license a couple of years ago, snapped. I cancel my Amazon Prime, canceled my Netflix and all these big organizations and just try and buy from small local and particularly when it comes to food, because if you're relying on food coming a long distance, you're probably going to be in trouble.


[01:16:15] Matt Le Tissier: I think you're absolutely right. I think your best friend over the next few years would be your local farmer.


[01:16:20] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And I've got one coming on the show next year to talk about regenerative farming, which everyone should know about, by the way.


[01:16:28] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah, absolutely.


[01:16:29] Leigh Brandon: Massively important when it comes to the climate and the environment. Or the environment. I'm not too sure about the climate.


[01:16:34] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah. So my view on the climate is that the climate has never been stable over all the millions of years. The climate has gone through ice ages, gone through warming periods, and it is always corrected itself. And I believe that as human beings, we're incredibly arrogant if we think that we can control what temperature our planet is going to be.


[01:17:05] Leigh Brandon: It's interesting that they've stopped using the term global warming.


[01:17:09] Matt Le Tissier: Of course they have, because there's been evidence now over the last 15 years that it's not warming anymore. And they buried that evidence. So they had to come up with a different term because in the don't know if you remember, if you were about the same age as me, it was global cooling and the ice age that was coming. And that's what we needed to be scared of, all their predictions. I mean, the Maldives should have been underwater about 20 years ago. I remember from when I was growing up that was predicted to the sea rises and what happened? Oh, they're still building more airports on the Maldives and things like that because they're not underwater anymore. So all of those are nonsense concocted by the same people that brought you COVID.


[01:17:53] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And also the people that are telling us the seas are rising, they're buying houses on the seafronts.


[01:18:01] Matt Le Tissier: Exactly right. Yeah. If they were really concerned, Martha's Vineyard shouldn't really go and buy a house on their shoulders. But who's got their property on there, I wonder.


[01:18:15] Leigh Brandon: Excellent. Matt, have you got anything else to add before we wrap up?


[01:18:19] Matt Le Tissier: I think we've covered quite a lot there, mate.


[01:18:21] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, got through quite a few questions. I think it's a record for the Radical Health Rebel podcast. Actually got through 16 questions.


[01:18:29] Matt Le Tissier: Excellent.


[01:18:30] Leigh Brandon: And I normally ask about six. So we did pretty well.


[01:18:34] Matt Le Tissier: Good stuff, mate. It's good to talk to you.


[01:18:36] Leigh Brandon: You too. So, Matt, where can people find you online?


[01:18:40] Matt Le Tissier: So I'm on GETTR at MattLeTiss7 and I do live streams every Monday night where I interview relevant people for things that are happening in the world today.

[01:18:50] Leigh Brandon: Which is great, by the way. I definitely recommend people follow Matt and tune in on a Monday because there's some really great sessions.


[01:18:58] Matt Le Tissier: Yeah, I've had some interesting people on. So Getter is where I do most of my posting on social media nowadays. I am still on Twitter. I haven't been banned yet, but I tend not to share too much on there because it's a pretty fascist organization still. And still trying to silence people and censor people for misinformation, when in this upside down world, they're actually censoring the truth.


[01:19:26] Leigh Brandon: Matt, thank you so much for taking your time out today to share your views with the listeners.


[01:19:31] Matt Le Tissier: You're welcome, mate.


[01:19:31] Leigh Brandon: And through all the Radical Health Rebel Tribe, if you know someone who would benefit from watching or hearing this episode, please make sure to share the love and pass it on to them. After all, the mission of this show is to help people lead a more fun filled, healthy, productive, fulfilling and happy life. And if you'd like to support the podcast, you can@patreon.com/ Radicalhealthrebel, where you can also receive lots of other exclusive premium content, including unedited full length ad free, video episodes, Ask Me Anything, Q and A sessions, and Radical Health Rebel merchandise. As I mentioned earlier, I will also be posting all of the presentations I did from March to May 2020 on COVID with the immense amount of data that we had, so you can see what was known then and how much information was ignored and censored by the mainstream media and the medical experts. So make sure you check those out. And you can do that for the price of just one take away coffee and just head over to the Patreon page. And it does help to support the podcast. 


So that's all from Matt and me for this week, but don't forget, you can join me same time, same place, next week on the Radical Health Rebel podcast.


[01:20:42] Announcer: Thanks for tuning in to the Radical Health Rebel podcast with Leigh Brandon. You can find Leigh at www.Bodychek.co.UK. Please hit the like button and share on your social media and with someone you feel will benefit from watching this episode. So together we can help them lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling and happy life.

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