Radical Health Rebel

33 - Conspiracy, Corruption and Collectivism with Leilani Dowding

Leigh Brandon Episode 33

This week, Leilani Dowding, social commentator and Ickonic presenter discusses the conspiracies, corruption and move towards collectivism over the last 3 years, what the biggest threats are moving forward and how we can emerge victorious in this war on humanity.

We discussed:


Leilani's background


Thoughts on Early 2020


Bill Gates' solution to Reclaim Freedom


Alternative Treatments


Mask Mandates


The Craziest Restrictions and Mandates


Increases in All-Cause Mortality


CBDC, Digital ID, censorship, 15-minute Cities & more


The Most Dangerous Policies


Leilani's Health Secrets

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Eliminate Adult Acne Programme - https://eliminateadultacne.com/
Radical Health Rebel YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@radicalhealthrebelpodcast

[00:00] Leilani Dowding: At that point, I was far more terrified of locking down than I was of the disease, way more worried about the restrictions that they were going to impose, way more than the disease. I think it's because I know how the media works. From being a page three girl, I knew how the media worked. That's one of the things. So, like, for example, we knew what would sell, used to set up stories and all sorts. Not on other people, on myself, because we knew that that would sell, right? And then when I was doing the housewives, for example, they would pick the most negative things because they did something which was called splitting the audience. And this is what I was saying. Like, at the start, the fear was being ramped up to the point where people were thinking that all these deaths were from light thieves, but no one was thinking about what they had been doing with such drugs and then ventilators and everything else. So I think the evidence is there, really, if people want to look and that's the thing, they're never going to show it on the BBC. They're never going to show it on ITV or Sky News. I do think democracy is dead and there's the same just as we have. I think it's actually been dead for a very long time. And the illusion that it's even alive is dead now. Because when they installed Richie Sunak, who no one voted for, I think it was pretty obvious then that this is like it was a coup and this is a guy that's being now installed into it. Because I called out the Ukraine and Russia war right at the start for exactly what it was. And then everyone's blaming these price hikes on Putin. And then you see that British gas exxon, Shell, they're all recording their record profits like four times higher than the profits last year. And we're going to blame Putin for it. So there's a lot of convenient excuses. You have to think about how you can barter, what skills you can swap, what products you can swap, have cash, have goods that you can trade and swap. So I think it's something that people need to think about without driving them and that's the thing. Without driving themselves into a place of fear.

[02:23] Announcer: Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast with your host, Leigh Brandon. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a five star rating and a warm review. Your opinions are important and your ratings help grow the podcast and help educate people to lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling and happy life. This video is your thing. Please check out the Radical Health Rebel YouTube channel, where you'll find fun bite size clips from each episode. And now, here is Lee, the Radical Health Rebel with this week's podcast.

[03:03] Leigh Brandon: Lelani Dowding. Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel Podcast. Thanks for coming on the show.

[03:08] Leilani Dowding: Thanks for having me.

[03:09] Leigh Brandon: It's been a while getting you on the show, so I'm really looking forward to this. And I just want to just say thanks for taking your time out today.

[03:18] Leilani Dowding: Oh, no problem, honestly. And not doing much, just riding horses.

[03:23] Leigh Brandon: So today's episode is entitled conspiracy, corruption and collectivism with Leilani Dowding. So the last three years has seen the biggest attack on freedom in the Western world in our lifetime. And we're currently facing a war between globalist technocrats and the rest of humanity. Sadly, the majority of humanity are still supporting the very people who are planning to take away all our freedoms, privacy, and even our own thoughts. This week, I've invited social commentator and iconic presenter Leilani Dowding to discuss the conspiracies, corruption and move towards collectivism over the last three years, what the biggest threats are moving forward, and how we can emerge victorious in this war on humanity. So, Leoni, to kick things off, would you share with the audience a little bit about you, perhaps your upbringing, your education and your career to date?

[04:17] Leilani Dowding: I grew up in a really normal household activity. My parents are still together, just kind of middle class, had ponies, was very lucky, I got to say. I suppose it was quite a privileged background. We weren't super rich, but my parents gave us whatever, you know, whatever they could. And the most important thing was, like, good food. Good, healthy food, I suppose. And that's where I've got that health thing from. I went to Uni and I studied economics, and I thought I wanted to be a banker. So thank God I left because that would not have been the career for me. And I left because I got spotted while I was at uni for Miss Great Britain. I ended up winning that competition, and Miss Universe was the same time as my end of the year exam. So I thought I'd just leave and come back a semester later. But started modeling, did a bit of TV and stuff, moved to America, lived there for 17 years, did loads of jobs, thought the world was going to end. So I trained to be a massage therapist so I could barter. If the world end, the world as we know it ended. I started doing real estate and did a couple of more TV shows there. Then I moved back to England, thank goodness, about three years ago. And I ended up doing a reality show back in the UK called The Housewives of Cheshire. So it's part of the franchise, Bravo franchise, housewives of New York or Beverly Hills or what have you. And I think that that's where people realized I was very outspoken and would say whatever I felt. I ended up leaving that show. I just couldn't do it. They were editing out the most important things of my life, which are family, my pets, my horses, my niece, my fiance. They edited a lot of that out and then code here. And I'd been in the media, obviously, because of the housewife. So I was very against everything that was going on. And I think that the media picked up on that and then gosh, I never planned on being a social commentator or talking about any of this stuff. It just came to me, I suppose, because people knew that I would say how I felt, which was how a lot of other people were feeling, without being worried about the comeback, because I couldn't get canceled. I don't work for anybody. I'd already quit the housewives. I have no more ambition in TV, so I just didn't care. And as I said, I didn't have a boss. I am my own boss, so I could do as I wished.

[07:02] Leigh Brandon: Awesome. It would have been quite interesting if I'm a Celebrity jungle with Matt Hancock. I think that might have been quite interesting.

[07:10] Leilani Dowding: I do wonder if they would have cut out everything I said, because I would not have been able to do the niceties. I can't be fake or lovely if I don't like somebody, I cannot even pretend for a second. And I would have absolutely blasted him when I heard he was going on. I wanted to be sick. I was repulsed by the fact that he was going to get paid such a sum of money to go on that show after everything he'd done.

[07:38] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. Before we carry on, I just got to tell you something quite interesting. So I don't know when we connected on social media, but I think we were definitely commenting on each other's posts in early 2020, and I've been commenting on your post, and we might have had a little dialogue online and stuff, and I assumed that you worked in the fitness industry. And not only that I'm a check practitioner. I, for some reason, assumed that you was a check practitioner. Now, I can't give you a bigger compliment than that. Now, I don't know why I thought that. I know there's someone in Australia, she's got a similar name to you, and she does look a bit like you, and she is a check practitioner. I don't know if I just kind of got you two modeled up, but a lot of the things that you were saying online, I knew that, one, you're very smart, and number two, you've done your homework. So I think that's why I thought you was a check practitioner.

[08:40] Leilani Dowding: I don't know what a check practitioner is. Tell me what it is.

[08:45] Leigh Brandon: So the Check Institute was founded by a guy called Paul Czech. And we look at the human body from a very holistic point of view. So from a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual aspect, I don't know any other school that teaches all, you know, a fully holistic system. But even just within, for instance, the physical side of things, we go into so much detail. Again, more detail than any other education I know of. So it's based in California, a place that you know very well. So I've spent a lot of time myself in California, and since 2010, I also am now one of the instructors for the check insuff. So I teach check practitioners. So I've spent a lot of time in a place called Ensignitas in California, where the Institute used to be, but you used to be there. Then it moved to Escondido. I think they still they still have a building in Carlsbad, but it's now moved even further towards La, which I've not been there yet, but it's called Rainbow rainbow something. It's kind of halfway between San Diego and La. So I've spent a lot of time in California, not as much as you, because I haven't lived there, but from since 2004 till 2019, I was probably going over there most years and spending at least a week over there.

[10:07] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, that's really interesting because I have I don't know whether it's because I used to post a lot of fitness things and quite things that a lot of things to do with health, nutrition. I've always kind of been against big pharma, self healing, all of that kind of stuff. So I don't know. But no idea. I take that as a compliment. Thank you.

[10:30] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, and it was quite interesting because I didn't know your background. I was just really commenting on your posts, and he was clearly saying some intelligent things, and he was clearly seeing through the propaganda. And then I can't remember when it was, but then I found out what your history was, and I was like, oh, my God, that's a real surprise, because I thought, he's a check practitioner. And then when I found out your history, I was like, that's a real surprise. But, you know, I just thought that was quite funny.

[10:58] Leilani Dowding: Yeah. Yeah. No.

[11:01] Leigh Brandon: So I want to take you back to early 2020. So as I mentioned earlier, we were seeing people, you know, in the streets of China, face planting in the streets, and there was a rumor of a novel disease going around. What were your thoughts back then?

[11:17] Leilani Dowding: Well, I remember being in Los Angeles, and I wasn't too concerned. I do remember them. A lot of talk about this wet market with the animals in and I guess I didn't pay too much attention to it because I was in La. It was happening in China, so that was my initial thing. And then I thought once I've moved, let's say probably a space of two or three months until it really started ramping up in the UK and America, and I was back in the UK. And then I started seeing, like, these tickers, the death rate tickers or the death tickers, and how many people were dying. And I was thinking, now, this doesn't make sense at all, because I knew a lady in her 90s. It was my friend's grandma who had dementia and cancer, who was one of the vulnerable people who actually supposedly had it or tested positive, whatever you want to take that as being supposedly had it was a bit sick, but got better. Now, this is a lady that was 90 with dementia, with Karen Sat, and she was okay. And then I was like, this is crazy to me, because you're ramping up all the fear here, but the reality is something very different. And when somebody is ill, and this comes to mental health as well, when somebody is ill and has something like cancer or something very life threatening, right, you don't tell them that they are going to die, you are positive and you'll call up whoever it is, my fiance has had cancer. So he's had people calling him, he's better now, he had cancer. People say, oh, you know, my friend had it. If you wanted to speak for my friend, he's got better. This is how he did it. Try this, try this, try this. You don't say, ring someone up and say, oh, hi, mate, here, you got cancer again. My friends just died of it last week. And this is the stats for how many people are dying. So to me, everything was back to front and it just sent off alarm bells.

[13:27] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. I mean, obviously, as we know, if you want to be healthy and you want a strong immune system, the last thing you need is stress, right? Because stress is going to suppress your immune system. But what did the government do? It was all fear. So if they wanted to help people, that would have been the last thing they would have done. They would have tried to reassure people, which is actually what Chris Whitty did, right at the beginning. If you remember, he said, look, most of you, this won't be a problem. Maybe 80% of you will get some kind of illness, but it will be a flu like illness and a small percentage of you might be hospitalized and a small percentage of them may well die. Well, that was the truth. But then, for some reason, that all flipped, didn't it, right?

[14:16] Leilani Dowding: And that's like every other illness, like flu, for example, that's how it works with flu, right? So for them to then lock you down and say, you can only go out for an hour a day, and we're going to shut the gyms, and we're going to shut parks, and you can't go out and play. Football with your mates. And you can't go and do any sport, and you can't go to the swimming pool, and you basically have to sit and be a couch potato to save everybody else. That didn't make any sense to me. That is like the opposite of everything I know, surely. And that's why I got into trouble, because I said, this is actually really bad, doing this to people. When health comes from being outside, fresh air, vitamin D from the sun, less stress, better rest a routine. You're happy with all of these things. And this made me into a conspiracy theorist and a completely insane person just for saying what most people know to be true. So we had to do the opposite of that, apparently, to save lives. And that's, I think, kind of what got me in trouble in the start, was getting my social media bands and all the rest of it.

[15:31] Leigh Brandon: So back in March 2020, I think, Italy had just gone into a lockdown. So China was in lockdown. Italy had just got the northern region, the Lombardi region of Italy had just gone into lockdown. And Boris Johnson kind of said, well, yeah, we're not going to go down that route. That's not going to happen. But there was becoming more and more pressure for the UK to go into lockdown. And then Boris Johnson starts changing and sort of saying, well, we might have to. What were your thoughts at that point when it was looking like we were probably going into lockdown?

[16:09] Leilani Dowding: At that point, I was far more terrified of locking down than I was of the disease, way more worried about the restrictions that they were going to impose, way more than the disease, because my friend's 90 year old grandma had supposedly had it and was okay. And to me, it was just the reason they got all these people saying on all the pressure from all these people was because they had been ramping up the fear. They'd been ramping it up. And the propaganda of all these people just dropping dead in the street, they really pushed the fear. And they had no balance on TV as well. They had people like Piers Morgan saying that the government isn't doing enough, as though it was like Ebola or something, an outbreak. And so there was no balance in the media. And any person, I think, like Beverly Turner came out quite early on the TV and said, this is crazy, and this is going to cause horrific economic damage and damage to people's mental health. And they were like, absolutely I don't even know the word for it. People were vile to them, and it was allowed. And they got absolutely blasted on TV for saying what I think a lot of people were thinking, and what's logical, because I was like, how could you stop people going to work? How are they going to pay their mortgages? How are they going to pay their bills? They're going to go through their savings. This is going to be so stressful to people. And to lock them up, it was great. I live in a nice house. I have horses, so I'm allowed to see my horses because it's an essential I don't know, it's not an essential worker. But seeing animals and caring for animals is essential, apparently. So I was allowed out the house to see them, and I just thought, God, what if you lived in London, and you were in three kids in a little flat, and kids have to share a room and there's no computers, and what about school? And all these things were going on my head, not thinking how my life would be, because I'd be able to manage, but how everybody else's would, and what would my friends do that need to go to work? And they were self employed and had to earn money to pay for everything. So that's what was in my head and it really made me angry and it made me worried. And I hate being worried. It made me far more worried than the disease itself.

[18:42] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, my story is exactly the same, pretty much. I run a business at the time. I had a practice in central London, near Roxford Circus. Probably 90% of my income was made at that facility. And then, okay, I did have some online business. At that point, I was already kind of going a bit more online, but all of a sudden, 90% of my income was gone, literally gone. And like you, I was thinking of the consequences. I wasn't necessarily for my own personal safety. I wasn't worried at all. I've got elderly parents, so for them, I thought, okay, well, this is somewhat novel. They need to be looked after. But I could see, and it's not just for my own business, but just looking at everyone else and what knockon effect that would have on everyone else. But then when Rishi Sunak came out and said, well, we're going to pay you all anyway, again, you kind of think, well, who's going to pay for that? Yeah, that was the first thing I thought, because money doesn't grow on trees unless you're a globalist, then it does. So everything they were coming out with, I could just see problem after problem with their so called solutions, right?

[19:58] Leilani Dowding: Absolutely. No, it was terrible.

[20:01] Leigh Brandon: So this is a question I ask a lot of people. Why do you think that you were able to see so clearly what was really going on? Whilst most of the population and even most of the medical profession weren't able to really see the reality of the situation, why do you think that you were able to see it and others weren't?

[20:22] Leilani Dowding: I think it's because I know how the media works. From being a Patry girl, I knew how the media worked. That's one of the things. So, like, for example, we knew what would sell. I used to set up stories and all sorts. Not on other people, on myself, because we knew that that would sell. Right. And then when I was doing the housewives, for example, they would pick the most negative things because they did something which was called splitting the audience. They liked to split the audience, to have the audience bicker amongst themselves, because it would bring the viewers back and people would turn off the telly. They would go home and they would argue about what they saw in that nice episode. Maybe they'd come on Twitter and complain about something and it would split the audience and I could see that that's what the news was doing. Also, I have never trusted big pharma. I can't remember how old I was when I watched Erin Brockovich and a big pharma, the FDA, the CDC, all of those, and the Environmental Protection Agency. And I remember watching Erin Brockovich and seeing how these big corporations were able to cover up so much and then big pharma. I know how bad so many of the drugs are and how the side effects are absolutely horrific and can affect things. And I know that through healthy living, a lot of people don't need the drugs that big farmer push, but they push it because it's profitable. So all of these things have made me very untrusting. I don't trust the government of government, a big pharma of like the globalists of the corporations, of the media, so I don't trust a lot. So I need to have my own experience to know what I believe in my world and my world experience of that time, of the people that I knew were getting this Socalled disease, they were all getting better. And now, unless they've been put on a ventilator, so that was a whole other thing. Or unless they've been given that, I won't say it because YouTube that drugs were given with M when they had gone into hospital, right. So there was a few things that I could see going on and my personal experience wasn't said that it didn't add up, but I was looking for that anyway because as I said for decades, I've not trusted them.

[22:53] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, it's interesting when you say you knew people that were getting the novel disease and they were getting better. And this is something that I've thought about and it's a controversial thing to say out loud, but I've got a feeling you're going to agree with what I think. In your view, was there a pandemic in the true sense of the word?

[23:16] Leilani Dowding: No, I don't think there was because I think people were getting ill for sure, and I'm not going to say they weren't, they were for sure people getting ill, but there were a lot of other things going on, shoving the people on the ventilators, the drugs that they were given. There's another one that begins with R, ends with mere. There was other diseases that just didn't even happen that year. And so, yes, I think people did get ill. I think a lot of stress made things worse. I think, like I said earlier on, how when somebody gets ill and they don't have that support and they have the fear inside them, that makes things a lot worse because no one was telling these people, don't worry, you're going to be okay. There's a lot of panic and whatever, I mean, I even had a cough two years before this thing was supposedly around. And I remember thinking, my goodness, I need to go to hospital. I can't breathe. And I went to the hospital, and the guy was like, you got a cough? I'm like, no. Sometimes I can't breathe. And he's like, but that's how it works. That's how you're expelling more air than you're bringing in, and that's how sometimes it works. And I said, no, but I've had this for, like, a month. And he's like, Sometimes that happens. And I'm a very fit, healthy person. And I got panicked because everyone was saying, like, go and get yourself checked. You might have pneumonia. You might have this. And that was what was scaring me. As soon as the guy had said to me, you're okay, I just was like, all right, and I was, okay. But these poor people, no one was ever saying to them that they were going to be okay. And I think it panics you even more, especially when you got something respiratory.

[25:14] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, well, that's the placebo. And the nosebo effect, right? So if you go to a doctor and you believe in that doctor, and the doctor says, look, you're going to be fine, that can actually have more of an effect than any drug that the doctor could give you. Or if they say, well, sorry, you're going to be dead in a week, well, chances are you'll be dead in a week if you believe that doctor. If it was you or I, we probably wouldn't be affected by it because we don't tend to respect doctors that much, or in certain situations, that is. But, yeah, I mean, stress is going to reduce your immune system. The nocebo effects, having all the fear on television every day, being locked in your home. As we know, most people drunk more, they smoked more, they ate more bad.

[25:58] Leilani Dowding: Food during lockdown, they couldn't exercise, they couldn't see family, friends, couldn't give each other a hug, couldn't do all the things that make you happy and social.

[26:07] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, it's almost like every procedure or every guideline they came out with was actually harmful to your health. It wasn't beneficial.

[26:19] Leilani Dowding: Yeah. No, I totally agree. And I think that's the thing as well, that a lot of people think, oh, God, she might show mad conspiracy theorist. What you said about the placebo effect and how psychologically things can make you better or harm you, and I'm a massive believer in that, as I keep referring to just I think I referred to it because my fiance had it. But with cancer, you don't tell somebody they're going to die, not when you're supporting them and you want them to get better. You don't give them the fear.

[26:57] Leigh Brandon: Medical doctors often do, and that's normally because they haven't been trained to deal with it properly. So oftentimes someone will go to a doctor and they'll say, sorry, you've got three months to live, and the patient often believes them, and they think there's no other way because the doctor doesn't know another way. Yeah, but the truth is that all of the cures have been buried and hidden, just like a lot of the treatments for this novel disease were as well. Absolutely right, because unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry have one goal, and that is to maximize their profits. And if people die in the process, so be it.

[27:39] Leilani Dowding: Absolutely. Absolutely.

[27:41] Leigh Brandon: A lot of people find that hard to believe, but sadly, it's the truth.

[27:45] Leilani Dowding: No, it is the truth. And it shocks me that people can't, you know, can't see it. I mean, if we were all really healthy, they wouldn't be a very profitable companies, would they? And their main, what would you call it, where their loyalty lies, really, is with their shareholders and their customers. And you can see it from all the millions pharmaceutical companies have paid out in lawsuits and what have you. And then just recently, it was funny because there was a show on called what was it called? Dope Sick. And it was a real story about Purdue Pharma in the OxyContin painkiller opioid crisis. And all they cared about was making money. They didn't care who died in the process, and they lied about this drug. They got all these people hooked on Opioids. They were, like, doubling the dose. And there were phrases like what was it? Oh, I can't remember now. It's just, like, claims to be where you got to guess the word with COVID where they COVID they said it escaped the old thing that you get in your arm. Do you know what I mean? Right at the start, when it evaded that thing I'm not going to say the word. When it evaded that they had a name for it until they realized that everyone else was getting it anyway, do you know what I mean? What is it called? Something. It's what they called it when people that had the thing.

[29:24] Leigh Brandon: I know what you mean. Yeah, I know what you mean. I can't remember the word. I know what you mean. Yeah, it was like it was a random thing.

[29:31] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, I can't remember the word. But anyway, what they did is we'll remember the word in about half an hour. What they did is the same thing happened with these painkillers. Right? When the painkillers didn't work, they said they used the same word to say, this is why.

[29:48] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, that's another can of worms, but I just want to touch on that. And this is something, again, as Check practitioners, we really focus on a lot, is that pain isn't necessarily something that needs to be numbed. Pain is there to teach you something, right? If someone's kicking you in the shin every day and all you do is take painkillers, you're not going to solve the problem, are you?

[30:09] Leilani Dowding: No.

[30:10] Leigh Brandon: Whenever we get pain in the body, whenever we. Get pain in the body. It's an opportunity to learn what our body is trying to teach us, whether it's we're not drinking enough water or we're working too long hours, that's why we're getting a headache or whatever it might be. Right. But obviously, the pharmaceutical industry, all they want to do is numb the pain because they can just keep giving you that repeat prescription every time and they're just raking in more and more money. And then that's going to cause some other symptoms or side effects, which they can then give you another drug which won't deal with the cause of the problem, but it will cause another side effect. And then you got to take another drug and then you're on that merry go round that you're just almost impossible to get off. Right.

[30:51] Leilani Dowding: And I always think that as well with pain, that it's like it is a warning sign, isn't it, that if you're getting pain from doing something, it means you probably shouldn't be doing that because your body is trying to say to you, don't do that then, don't do that. It's not good for me.

[31:07] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I mean, if you had a stone in your shoe, the solution from the pharmaceutical industry would be a painkiller. Take the stone out of your shoe. That's a perfect analogy, really, but sadly, that's the world that we live in. And talking about shareholders of pharmaceutical industries, what did you think when Bill Gates came out on the BBC and told the whole world that we wouldn't be able to have our freedoms back until everyone on the planet had taken the experimental injection that he had invested so heavily in?

[31:42] Leilani Dowding: Well, I think I saw it for what it was and I was just like, who is this guy to be telling any of us what to do? You can't tell us we can't have our freedoms back, freedoms of freedom, and it's not for him to take it away. And I thought, you know what, well, this is the hill I die on because I'm not having it. It's an experiment to me, it hasn't been around long enough. I'm not going to even be hung if I catch this so called thing, right? So why am I going to inject myself with a gene therapy with something that's not being tested and be part of the experiment? I'm like, no, but if I can't travel, I won't travel. And I did get into a panic because I thought, what if I can't see my horses? What if I'm not going to better take them to a horse show? And you know what, it was fine. I thought, you know what, I'll just not go to another horse show. This might be the last time I can ever compete my horse or take part in anything or go anywhere. And I'm like, so be it. I'll have my own friends and they'll come to my house and we will do everything and set up our own little communities where we don't have to do this. And that was my mindset. I'm not complying with this for half a second.

[32:59] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, definitely. It was interesting. I was on a podcast in I think it was June 2020, and they were kind of asking me about what was going on. And I said to them, they're going to mandate this vaccine. And one of the things they're going to do is they're going to say, if you want to travel, you've got to be up to date with these injections. And they said, what about going on holiday? And I said, well, if that means I've got to have this injection, I won't be going on holiday. And they were like, oh, okay. Interesting. And then the funny thing was, they invited me back exactly a year later and they went through all my answers and I got every single thing, everything that I predicted was going to happen was going to happen.

[33:48] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, I knew it as well. I knew it. And although they didn't mandate it for jobs, aside from care workers, I knew, I said, they're going to stop you from being able to do anything. You're not going out of work, you're not being able to go to supermarkets. They're going to really stop you because if they can't kind of pressure you into doing it, they will force you. But without force, without holding you down, without physically injecting you, they will take away whatever they can. And, yes, I don't think they did it in the UK because I think so many people got out week after week and protested it and there was such a backlash, but in other countries they did. And also, I thought, you know what's going to happen? This is going to create a place for a lot of fake paperwork, because there are going to be so many people that refuse to do it that they'll have to get fake papers. And that definitely happens as well. And you know what? I don't blame the people that were forced into a situation, but, yeah, I think I could see it was going to happen. And people were like, no, it will never happen. They've never done that before. There's always a first time. I had doctors saying to me, they'll never do that. They can't do that. I said wait. I can tell. They're pulling away all our freedoms so they can give us our freedoms back under condition.

[35:17] Announcer: You're listening to the Radical Health Rebel podcast.

[35:22] Leigh Brandon: Are you regularly suffering from painful bloating of wind that could be smelly and embarrassing? Are your bowel movements not as they should be, either constipation or diarrhea or possibly alternating between the two? Do you find the pain is bad enough, but the bloating and cramps make you feel awful and are affecting your everyday life? Do you sometimes feel you can't eat properly because of the wind, bloating and pain, and has your doctor told you that you have IBS but unable to help find you a solution? Do you feel right now that you simply don't know what's causing your symptoms and whatever your doctor has suggested hasn't worked and you feel frustrated that you're still far from having a normal, flat, comfortable tummy? Have you invested a lot of time, energy and money into improving your symptoms and don't wish to waste any more? Do you feel frustrated and depressed and don't feel like you can take part in all the activities you enjoy and sometimes have to cancel attending events because of the way your tummy feels? Do you fear that if you don't get this sorted, you could end up with a much more serious gastrointestinal disease? If so, what would help you right now is to understand the root cause of your digestive condition. Rather than continuing to try to mask the symptoms with over the counter or prescribed medications. You need help understanding how factors such as nutrition, gut health, stress and toxicology affect the digestive system and how to optimize these factors. You need someone who can advise, motivate, and support you every step of the way, someone who has walked the path before and taught many others to do the same. What you need is my overcome your digestive issues program. My Overcome Your Digestive Issues program can help you in the following ways I will help you understand the root causes of your digestive problems and teach you how to approach the condition holistically via expert advice on nutrition and lifestyle Factors to Overcome Your Digestive Issues Program we'll start by ensuring you are on the right diet for you based on your genetics or metabolic type, and one that avoids the foods that are known to exacerbate your condition. We'll go on a journey step by step, learning all the necessary lifestyle changes required to achieve a flat, comfortable, painfree tummy. Each weekly 30 minutes coaching session will include advice, support and guidance specifically tailored to your needs and at a speed.

[37:57] Leigh Brandon: That is right for you.

[37:58] Leigh Brandon: Once you're eating right for your metabolic type, you will begin to see changes in how your tummy feels. And we will also uncover all the necessary blocking factors that you may have. And you'll be taught how to reduce, replace, or eliminate all the factors that are causing your digestive problems. Ultimately, this program will enable you to achieve a flat, calm and comfortable tummy every day for the rest of your life. For more information about how to improve your gut health and to claim a complimentary no obligation gut health consultation, please go to www dot BodyCHEK Co. UK that's BodyChek and fill in the request form at the top of the home page and we'll be in contact to arrange a convenient time. Now back to the podcast.

[38:46] Leigh Brandon: So with regards to those experimental injections, was there any particular experts or any particular evidence that you were kind of looking at at the time, yes, at.

[38:57] Leilani Dowding: The time, very early on, I looked at a couple of American people. There was Dr. Sheeba. And there was another guy, Dr. Batar. So I was listening to them at the start and they were talking a lot about vitamin D and other protocols. A lot of those got then suspended from social media. But there was a lot of, at the start, American doctors talking about it. I can't remember the name. I remember a doctor called Stella Emmanuel who people really started attacking her because obviously she was going against everything, so they really started attacking her. And there was Simone Gold, there were quite a few others.

[39:36] Leigh Brandon: She was in prison, wasn't she? They put Simone Gold in prison, did they? I didn't know even saving patient yeah, she did about two months in prison. And this is what I mean for saving her patience.

[39:51] Leilani Dowding: What's happened is so disgusting. So I was listening to a lot of the American ones because it was a while until the English doctors came out and started talking. Obviously now we see Dr. Ashimaholta speaking up. But initially for me, I was listening to a lot of the American doctors and the little alliance that they had formed. But it was mad because I was trying to explain this to people here and they weren't listening. They weren't listening. And then you saw, well, you know, they're a discredited doctor and this, that and that, but it's like, no, they've only been discredited because they've been saying this and big pharma are clamping down on it.

[40:35] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, it's interesting. Again, in 2020, I had a lot of debates on line with people. I mean, you could call it a debate or an argument. Either way, whenever I was I was trying to help people, that's all I was trying to I was trying to help people see what was really going on. And then I would present them with some information and rather than talk about the information, they would talk about the person and they say, well, yeah, he's got some really strange ideas about heart disease. So, for instance, Iva cummins, right? Oh, yeah, he's got some really strange ideas about heart disease. Well, actually, his strange ideas about heart disease are actually very effective, unlike what the pharmaceutical industry tell doctors to do, right? And they said, okay, so you think the person is in some way nefarious or whatever, or they're not accurate. Tell me what it is about what they've said that's not accurate. And they couldn't say anything. They would just attack the person but couldn't debate on the information.

[41:29] Leilani Dowding: And that's the thing. And that's happened a lot. That happens a lot because I was in the lockdown. I spent hours of my days listening to these doctors and I'd repeat what the doctor said, but no one could ever attack what I was saying because I was repeating what the doctor said. But they would always be able to attack me somehow. And I think that's very common. If you can't attack a message, you start attacking the person. Oh, alarming was just a model. What does she know? Well, I'm just repeating what doctors have told me. And then obviously, I came to know these doctors personally, where I have them in my phone, and I'm speaking to them, and if I was to repeat them, they would just attack me personally. And I think that is what happens. That is always what happens when they can't attack the message that you're giving.

[42:22] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. I mean, I remember one guy. I actually know him. And I don't know if he remembers, but I was once his boss, and I don't know if he remembers me, but I remember. Without being too critical, I do remember when I worked for him, remember thinking he's not very bright? But one of the things he said to me is and I knew he was just trying to slur me, and he's like, oh, just stick to what you do. You just work in recreation.

[42:52] Leilani Dowding: Here's the thing. When people say that, right, you have to say, well, why is Gates on everything? Gates is being brought out and wheeled out to talk about the vaccines and how we can't have our freedoms. Well, you can't say that, because maybe if he was sticking to what it is, he should be sticking to his computer systems, right? So why is he the expert now on these things and green energy and farmland and mosquitoes and all the rest of the things that he's talking about, right? You can't say that. And by the way, I found it. Do you know what I was talking about? And I couldn't remember the word breakthrough COVID. Remember breakthrough COVID because it's so long ago, because practically everyone that's had the thingamajiggy has had breakthrough thing. And it was the same with the opioids OxyContin. When they were having they called it break through pain because the drug wasn't working. They called it breakthrough pain. And people didn't see the similarities. People that would watch that show and see them talk about breakthrough pain and a drug that was highly addictive, that made people sick and didn't work, they still wouldn't connect it with the fact that they were saying breakthrough.

[44:13] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. So another word for breakthrough is it doesn't work.

[44:17] Leilani Dowding: It doesn't work, basically.

[44:20] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I know Louis Faru did a program on the opioids, didn't they, some years ago, which was quite interesting, highlighting the seriousness of what was going on and how so many people were dying because they were addicted to them very soon.

[44:36] Leilani Dowding: No, it's awful. It's really awful. It's really awful.

[44:42] Leigh Brandon: I've worked in health and wellness for 27 years now, and I work with clients on a daily basis, and I see that let's call it over prescription that goes on when quite often there are very effective, very safe, natural alternatives. The only difference is it normally requires some effort from the person.

[45:05] Leilani Dowding: Right?

[45:05] Leigh Brandon: So obviously, taking a pill is no effort, right? But obviously the pharmaceutical industry know that if people are lazy, they're going to take their drug, right?

[45:15] Leilani Dowding: And I've had this conversation yeah, I've had this conversation with my dad because my dad was prescribed something. He had high cholesterol. I said, dad, why don't you just try changing your diet to like this? I've just watched this show and this could work. They showed these people had changed their diets for a week, and it had an effect of, no, I think my pills have done the trick. And I was like, oh, that's my dad. It's so annoying. And then I think Dr. Asymahold, who's come out and called for a suspension of the thingy rollout he for years has been talking about statins and the over prescription of statins and how people need to consider whether they can change their health and their diet and their lifestyle and thus their health. Instead of just going like, boom, let's get on to Statins. And in the US. Especially, the drug companies kind of incentivize pushing the drugs to doctors, and they're no longer allowed to kind of give out bonuses for good prescription. But there's ways around it. If somebody's a very good prescriber of a certain drug, they'll give them a speaking engagement that they get paid thousands for. So they prescribe a lot of this drug. The drug company then says, you've done so well. Will you be a spokesperson for this? We'll give you thousands of pounds. So really, it's still paying them for over prescribing them, but without saying it specifically for it. It's just now a speaking engagement. Yeah.

[46:55] Leigh Brandon: I mean, if we were living in a just world, doctors would get bonuses for getting people off of drugs. That would mean that they're becoming more healthy, whereas if you're putting them on more medication, that means they're getting sicker.

[47:08] Leilani Dowding: And people don't understand that, do they? It's become so twisted and so inverted. I don't think people understand that.

[47:17] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And this is where the corruption comes in. And it's absolutely everywhere, the fact that the pharmaceutical companies control what doctors get taught at medical school. And we know that the regulatory agencies are owned by the pharmaceutical companies, so if they want to get something approved, they just have to pay the money. That's how it works. And a lot of people aren't aware of that. They think that these regulatory bodies are actually trying to look after the people. They're not. They're just making money.

[47:49] Leilani Dowding: Absolutely.

[47:52] Leigh Brandon: And talking of pharmaceuticals, did you at all look into the other potential treatments that actually ended up becoming banned?

[48:01] Leilani Dowding: Yes, I have horses. There was one there Horsepaste that was funny, which yeah, totally. Just like carrots, a horse for horses. So you shouldn't eat a carrot, right, because it's just for horses or Parliaments for horses. It was the most stupid thing I've ever heard. When you look at it, when it actually happens, that drug has won Nobel Prize Awards for its use in humans and for river blindness. And it is a very cheap drug, and it also has very little side effects. There are millions of people on it all around the world because of parasites and stuff. And it's funny that there were countries that did use it and it helped.

[48:56] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? In the US. You had Dr. Pierre Corey over here. We had Tess Lorry that were really championing in it. But then all the authorities just went after them because obviously, as we know, if there was an alternative treatment, they wouldn't have been able to have the emergency use authorization for the experiment.

[49:19] Leilani Dowding: Absolutely. And actually, if I read Dr. Fauci's, robert F. Kennedy's book on Dr. Fauci, real Anthony Fauchy, and I think there's an extract there of a letter that I think it was dr. Teslaury had written to a scientist at Liverpool talking about it. And it was like and when you read the letter and the conversation between them, you just think, wow, this is just so corrupt. He knows what's going on, but obviously he's worried about his funding. Should he say that it's okay?

[49:55] Leigh Brandon: I've heard that conversation.

[49:57] Leilani Dowding: Actually.

[49:58] Leigh Brandon: She recorded that conversation. I've actually heard it. It's incredible because he's basically saying, okay, so you're happy for people to die? And he's basically saying, well, yeah.

[50:08] Leilani Dowding: Wait, that was the summary of it. It was crazy. I just saw it in the book. I think he put the transcript of it in there. And you just think, God, these people. Like, when you have these bodies giving money to the institutions, universities, scientists, projects, and they then can't go against the narrative or they get their funding pulled. What is that other than corruption? And it's not making anything safer for us.

[50:45] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, absolutely. What was interesting in March 2020, I came across a research paper, albeit it was from China, but it came to me via a very credible doctor, and it was a study done with hydroxychloroquine, with ethromycin, zinc and heparin. And they treated people with the novel illness, and they were using PCR tests on them. And 100% of the people that got the full protocol, 100% of them were PCR negative within five days and symptom free within five days. Now, I think there was one group that just had hydroxychloroquine and a zephyromycin. I think there was one group that just had hydroxychloroquine and zinc. They still got results, but they took a lot longer.

[51:40] Leilani Dowding: Right.

[51:41] Leigh Brandon: So in March 2020, we already had a cure.

[51:45] Leilani Dowding: Sorry. Well, the hydroxychloroquine wasn't working if they didn't put the zinc in it. So they had to put the zinc in it to help it get absorbed. Or it was working, but not as effectively.

[51:56] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, and then they did a study in I think it was Switzerland, where they gave the participants a fatal dose of hydroxychloroquine and then said, well, it doesn't work. And in fact, it kills people. Well, if you give anyone a lethal dose of anything, it will kill them. Right? So, yeah, that's the crazy world that we've been living in. And just going back to you mentioned another medication beginning with M that was used in a lot of the care homes, part of end of life care for anyone that came in with any kind of respiratory illness. Have you seen the recent data? I know professor Norman Fenton. I know. Dr. John Campbell has shared the data with people. Have you seen that data and how it correlates between the prescribing of that drug beginning with M and it all caused mortality back in the spring of 2020. The thing that we called the first wave, have you seen that?

[52:54] Leilani Dowding: You know, I haven't seen the data, but what I did see was a documentary and iconic called a good death. And they spoke to a lot of people. It was horrific when you watched it. And these poor people have no idea what they were being put on. Their families have no idea what they were being put on. Some of their families were sitting by their loved ones watching the nurses alter the doses and increase the doses of this drug. And then coupled with morphine completely, I mean, they're giving them something that stops their breathing and slows their breathing for people that can't breathe and relaxes them so they can't take those deep breaths. And what were they doing? Like I said, I haven't seen the data, but I know that that was going on and I'm sure there's a high correlation.

[53:51] Leigh Brandon: Well, you're absolutely spot on. So I know recently Chris Whitty came out and said the reason why there's been an increase in heart attacks in the young is because they haven't been prescribed enough statins. People like Dr. John Campbell and Professor Norma Fenton went on to a website that shows how many prescriptions of each drug has been given. And what it showed was that statins have just continually gone up over the last few years. So that was a lie. So we knew that was a lie. But then what they've done with this drug that begins with M is they've gone to the same database and looked at how many prescriptions were given during that period of time. And then if you overlay all cause mortality, it looks exactly the same. It's scarily the same. It looks like you just got tracing paper and you've just done the graph.

[54:45] Leilani Dowding: See, and this is what I was saying. Like, at the start, the fear was being ramped up to the point where people were thinking that all these deaths were from light seas, but no one was thinking about what they had been doing with such drugs and then ventilators and everything else. So it was just I think the evidence is there really, if people want to look. And that's the thing, they're never going to show it on the BBC, they're never going to show it on ITV or Sky News, and you'll probably struggle to get it on anything where there's anything on TV. We're off. Common governing, everyone. So the only place it will be talked about will be online. And then you have people that are so addicted to the BBC that are going to think, because it's online, it's not real, but you can't talk about it. All these people, I'm sure Dr Benton and everyone else would go on the BBC and talk about it in a heartbeat. They're just not allowed to, so we're never going to hear it there.

[55:44] Leigh Brandon: Only Dr Gates is allowed on BBC. But then if you give them tens of millions of pounds a year, I guess you've earned it. I guess it's unbelievable. So, just going back again, what did you think when the face masks were first mandated on public transport shops and restaurants?

[56:04] Leilani Dowding: I just thought it was really stupid. I thought, what's that going to do? Virus? It's just the most ridiculous thing ever. And I refused from day one, I was like, that's it, actually, no, that is a lie. There was a picture floating round of me in one and a friend of mine was in America where you weren't allowed an exemption, and she was like, I'm going to make these masks that people couldn't reuse, where you just do a picture in one. I'm like, I think this is a really stupid idea because I think they don't work and I don't think you should do it, but you're my friend and I'll do it. And then the next day, I was, like, blasting them and so she took it down. But someone has tried to use that to discredit me in what I say about masks and the fact that I refused to wear them. I actually refused to carry an exemption. I made exemption cards for my sister, for her friends and for my friends, because they were a little bit afraid and they wanted to show their exemptions. I was like, I'm not no, people can come up to me and I'll tell them I'm exempt if I need to. So I never wore them. I thought it was absolute rubbish. And I made sure to tell everyone, I'm not just exempt, I think they're absolute rubbish as well. It was stupid. It was utterly stupid. And the sad thing about it is, and I think I was guilty of this as well, is that I did post a couple of videos of people getting arrested for not wearing face masks, and I wanted to post them because I was saying, like, this is what is going to happen if we allow it to happen. But I think it actually had the opposite effect and I think it scared people because I think people then thought, oh, look, if I don't wear one, I might get arrested. But that wasn't the case. I never wore one at all. I didn't comply with any of it, and I never actually had a problem if I got approached by somebody at a supermarket. I was very polite and I just said, look, I'm sorry, I'm exempt. I'm not going to wear one. And by the way, they're really stupid anyway, but I'm exempt. And so I think there was a lot going on around there. I think a lot of people knew they were stupid, but didn't want the dirty looks, didn't want to be shouted at, didn't want the drama. And I think when people were posting arguments about them online, I think that was encouraging the real Karens to start mouthing off as well when they saw someone not wearing them.

[58:44] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. Even though I've worked in health for 27 years, I've never really looked into masks before. The only time I ever really saw a mask is when I go to the dentist. And so, like everything else, you know, I I wanted to look into, okay, so what what does the mask actually do? And I remember very early on, on on the highwire with Del Bigtree, he got two ladies from OSHA who specialize in PPE, and they trained medical professionals how to wear PPE, or not just medical, but other people as well. And they said, well, first of all, masks only work if you wear them properly, and you have to be trained to wear them and fit them properly. And she said, secondly, if a man's got facial hair, or these days women, they don't work, right? And then they say, well, the other thing is, if you're covering your nose and your mouth, which is your breathing apparatus, your blood oxygen levels drop about 20%, which is massive, and your blood carbon dioxide increases by 50%, which is massive. And if you do that on a regular basis, eventually that's going to make you sick. It also tends to make people feel anxious. It makes people chest breathe, which is why they feel anxious. Now, when you chest breathe, you go into a stress response, which reduces your immune system, which makes you more susceptible to illness. Right? And then if you're not changing them, every 20 minutes, the moisture from your exhalation will start to gather. Bacteria and fungi, which you're then going to inhale. Your lungs have already exhaled all these toxins. Now you're trapping them on this mask, and now you're breathing them in. So it was an absolutely stupid idea. And it really saddens me that so many people just went, oh, okay, that's what we have to do, and they're going to work. And I know so many people that still believe that they did work.

[01:00:54] Leilani Dowding: It's stupid, isn't it? My sister actually was wearing them to start, and I'd go into shops with her and she'd grab it out a handbag or a pocket, and I'm thinking, Well. First of all, that's not a sterile, is it? So what do you do? You're putting that on your face. Then she got a sinus infection and stopped. Actually, it gave her a sinus infection, putting this grubby mask on. Like Howard, you said, there's all this cross contamination, you're touching it and everything. If it was something deadly, for example, if Ebola was spreading, it would take a lot more than one of those little masks for me to leave the house. I can tell you that. If I knew it was happening around my village, I want something that's going to do a lot more than that. So I think they do nothing. But then the way you handle them, it just makes no logical sense. I mean, come on, use some critical thinking. If you're taking it off, ******** it up, putting it in your pocket, reusing it, it's not going to do anything at all whatsoever, except maybe in your mind, you think it's not going to do anything, you're not going to catch anything, but it just makes zero logical sense. And I just don't know how anyone can think they work. And I still see people, it's funny. And we just went on holiday. I saw two people wearing them and they were these obese people. And I thought, you know what? You've had three years. You've had three years to do something about your health, that you've chosen to wear a mask and you think that's what's going to keep you healthy.

[01:02:31] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, it's sad, isn't it? That just makes me feel sad. I had a couple of interesting experiences. Again, I've never wore a mask. Now, in 2020, when I was filling up my car, I would use an app because that would mean I wouldn't have to go in the shop. It means all the hassle. And I was actually coming back from London. I'd seen a client in London and I was driving back and I was almost out of petrol and I thought, I better stop. So I went into the petrol station, got my app out and my app just wasn't working. And I thought, I've got to go in to pay for my petrol. Didn't have a mask. If I did, I still wouldn't have put it on anyway. So I've gone in and I'm stood there, everyone's staring at me. No one said anything, but everyone is staring at me. And I thought, okay. I was kind of waiting for someone to say something, but anyway, no one did. Anyway, so I paid my petrol, I've turned around and there's two police officers standing right behind me. And I thought, oh, no, they're going to arrest me. And I just walked around them and they didn't do anything, so that was good. And then I had another time when I went to my dentist. My dentist is in Harley Street in London, and they just moved venues. I hadn't been to this new venue on Harley street. And I got there and the stairs going up, and I thought, okay, that's obviously the way I need to go. But every 6ft there was someone standing there on the stairway wearing a mask. And it's signs everywhere, sanitize your hands, you must wear a mask. 6ft apart, all that kind of stuff. And I thought, well, my appointment is in 1 minute. The stairs are quite a long way out. I thought, if I stand here, I could be here for half an hour. So I thought, I'm not having this. I just walked past every person on the stair again. They're all staring at me as they say, what are you doing? What are you doing? And I got to the top and the door was closed. And I just looked at the guy who was first in the queue. I just sort of looked at him as if to say, Why are you waiting? He didn't say anything back to me. He was just looking at me like I was about to kill him because I didn't have a mask on. And I just opened the door, I walked in and there was a nurse at the main reception. She was in a mask. And I just said, oh, can you tell me where? I won't say the name. The clinic is where I was going. And she said, oh, yeah, it's down there on the right. I said thank you. And I walked down and I walked in to my dentist and their receptionist had a mask on. There was someone in the waiting room had a mask on. And I just sort of nodded at him as if to say hello, and he went in for his appointment. So I'm standing here in the waiting room, just me and the receptionist, and I've been standing there about five to ten minutes. And I just looked at the receptionist, I said, do you need me to wear a mask? And she went, no. Great. I mean, I wouldn't have worn one anyway.

[01:05:23] Leilani Dowding: England. It was funny because England just wasn't too bad. I remember wishing my experience in the petrol station was the same. So I went into this petrol station, I was in California and I could travel because I'm an American citizen as well, so I don't need to be jabbed. So I was over in La and I said, you pay upfront for free of petrol, unlike in the UK. So I went in, put 20 quid on the desk, $20 on the desk. I said, $20, please. Went back out, stood up my pump trying to do it, and I'm like, Nothing's coming out. So I went back and I went, waved, my pump's not working. You didn't wear a mask. And I went, but the money is already on the table. No, you didn't wear a mask, so we can't turn it on, okay? So I walked in and I grabbed my 20 quid off the table, my $20 off the table without a mask, and I went to a petrol station down the road. But they were so insane in America. I can't even tell you how weird California was because it wasn't the whole of America, because I also went to Florida during the same trip, which was completely different, and I didn't have to wear a mask. But in California, they were mental. Can you imagine that? The $20 is already on the table. Just press the button so I can get my petrol. But no. But anyway, I didn't kind of, at the time, promote any of those stories by talking about them, because I didn't want to put people off in England from not wearing them. Because I think, like you said, people were actually quite lenient and not so bad if you didn't wear one. I wish people had just been brave enough to just say no, the people, because so many people knew. And you knew people knew because the moment they said, you don't have to wear a mask, 90% of people didn't wear a mask. So, you know, they know it's rubbish. They can't all think, oh, today must be okay. They have to know. And they're just basically following it to comply.

[01:07:23] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. I did hear there was one guy who was on a bus, I think, pretty sure it was London, and he didn't have a mask on. And this guy went up to him quite aggressively and said, Put your mask on. And he said, no, I'm exempt. He said, Put your mask on. He said, no, I'm exempt. Well, the guy then beat him up so bad, he put him in a coma wow. Because he wasn't wearing a mask.

[01:07:48] Leilani Dowding: And these people are crazy, and they think that it's what are they doing? It for the good of humanity to put somebody in a coma.

[01:07:56] Leigh Brandon: And there was a lady, I think it was in Australia, who was killed by a security staff in a hospital for not wearing a mask.

[01:08:02] Leilani Dowding: Yeah. And the worst thing, I think it could have been Canada, but the worst thing was it went to court. It could be a different one. It went to court and then the judge or whatever ruled that nothing should happen because it was such a time when people were so afraid that these poor security guards that killed somebody, their actions were kind of justified because of the fear going on. I mean, it's completely and utterly crazy. And in Australia, where little kids needed a heart operation, but they weren't allowed to cross states to go to a different hospital because they had to keep each state separated and closed. I mean, the madness that went on for the supposed greater good is actually disgusting.

[01:08:55] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. What do you think was the craziest restriction guideline or mandate that we've had over the last three years?

[01:09:04] Leilani Dowding: They've all been crazy and stupid. The funniest to me was the fact that you couldn't walk down the street with a friend or walk in the countryside with a cup of tea because that was considered a picnic or the Scotch egg thing, or they're going to tape off they taped off areas and supermarkets when you're ready in there anyway. So there was a lot of really stupid things, but then there was a lot of things that, thank God, I never had to experience, which I think would make you hold a lot of resentment inside like that you couldn't have more than a certain amount of people at a funeral or weddings had to be canceled. To me, if that had happened, I think I would probably harbor a lot more anger inside me. As I said, I've been really lucky where first of all, I didn't comply with anything and I found it all completely nonsensical. I didn't comply, but there was nothing really forced on me. I mean, I couldn't travel, but I didn't care. It wasn't like I was forced. Somebody had passed away and I wasn't able to go to their funeral or something like that. Thank God that didn't happen to me. But it was crazy and upsetting. And then there was just absolute stupidity that people I mean, I put a picture of my sister and I are sitting on a bench drinking a coffee when you weren't allowed to be drinking anything outside and you weren't allowed to sit on a bench. And I just wanted to wind up the ideas, but also show people that nothing's going to come to you if you do, don't be afraid of not complying. And I have people tagging Staffordshire police saying I was like, this selfish murder. And they're like, Staffordshire act Staffordshire police come and do something about it. I'm like, dude, they can't even come to your house when you get robbed or your car gets burgled. They're not going to come to my house because I'm sitting on a bench drinking a coffee. I mean, they could, but they didn't. So I just kind of wanting to demonstrate the absolute stupidity and the rules.

[01:11:15] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, I think for me, the one that stands out, some of them you mentioned are probably more silly, but when you walk into a restaurant, you have to put a face mask on. You walked to the table once you sat down, you could take it off. And then if you wanted to go to the toilet, you had to put it back on. And then if you wanted to leave the restaurant, you had to put it back on. Or on an aeroplane as long as you were eating, you didn't have to have it on. I mean, how ridiculous is that?

[01:11:43] Leilani Dowding: Oh, it was so stupid. And there were times you know what? I nibbled food all the way to La. One time I was traveling, I made sure I watched you. And any time one walked by, I was like sipping my water. But also California again, I'll say how California was even more stupid. They wanted you to put it up and down between bites. And then they had people that played instruments in the bands like, I don't know, the wind instruments. And they had masks that just covered their noses so their mouths could blow into their trumpets. I mean, it was stupid. Just so stupid.

[01:12:19] Leigh Brandon: Crazy. And did you fall out with friends or family over your views?

[01:12:24] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, not so much my family. My family is very small. My parents thought I was insane to start off with and then realized my sister is like, Alani, you always think you're above the rules. And I'm like, no, not every rule. If a rule makes sense, I will stick to it, but not because it's the rule, but because it makes sense. But if something doesn't make sense and is stupid, I'm going to use my critical thinking, and I'm not necessarily going to comply with it. There's speed limits on the road outside me that are 60 miles an hour. I don't even go 60 miles an hour. I go 30 miles an hour because there's such windy little lanes. It would be stupid. So I use my common sense. And the same with this. It's like, it's stupid. I'm not going to comply with them. I follow the basic rules. I don't know what you want to call them, universal law or whatever, which is do not harm or do not steal. And that includes don't steal anyone's freedom. So I am not going to comply with this nonsense that's stealing my freedom, I think. What was the question? I do this all the time.

[01:13:36] Leigh Brandon: So did you fall out with people over your views?

[01:13:40] Leilani Dowding: Yes, and my friends. I lost half of my friends in Los Angeles. As I said, I lived in Los Angeles for 17 years before I moved back here. And when people saw my social media that I refused to wear a mask, that I wasn't complying, I lost probably half of my American friends, and so be it. None of them have really come back and said they've seen them, right? They're just very quiet. And I did have. But I have to say on a really positive thing, that things could be changing. I had some big fights with a friend of mine's husband who thought that anyone that didn't get whatever you want to call it gene therapy was a really selfish person that should probably not be allowed into work. So obviously there were some big arguments and it was kind of awkward. If we went out for like a group dinner or anything, I'd kind of avoid it. And I got a message saying that he'd listened to a podcast and listened to a couple of injured people and had done a complete and utter uturn. I was like, wow. This was somebody who was so adamant in his beliefs that for him to do a uturn and to actually come and tell me that he's done a uturn is huge. That's pretty massive. So I do think that people are seeing what's going on and becoming more aware now of everything and well, I mean, you can't not from injuries to the economy to everything, you can kind of see how wrong people have got this.

[01:15:28] Leigh Brandon: Well, even Gates and Fauci have come out recently and said that the injections don't work.

[01:15:34] Leilani Dowding: Wow.

[01:15:35] Leigh Brandon: After they've made their billions of dollars off of it, they've now come out and said, well, it doesn't work, so we'll have to do better next time.

[01:15:42] Leilani Dowding: It wouldn't even surprise me if they shorted their stock just before coming out and saying it as well.

[01:15:48] Leigh Brandon: Just to really like, that's exactly what Gates did.

[01:15:53] Leilani Dowding: Did he really? Wow. Why does that not surprise me? They're animals. They're not animals because animals aren't even they're just like, vile creatures. They're horrible, vile creatures. They're parasites, actually.

[01:16:11] Leigh Brandon: That's an insult to parasites, actually.

[01:16:17] Announcer: You're listening to the radical Health Rebel podcast.

[01:16:22] Leigh Brandon: Just a brief interruption to this podcast to talk about adult acne. Now, did you know that 40% to 54% of men and women older than 25 years will have some degree of facial acne? And that clinical facial acne persists into middle age in 12% of women and 3% of men? I know only too well the devastating effects that acne can have on your confidence and your self esteem and how it can easily destroy your social life, your career, and your relationships. I know this only too well because.

[01:16:53] Leigh Brandon: I suffered from severe cystic acne from.

[01:16:56] Leigh Brandon: Age 13 to 31 over an 18 year period. I visited my doctor on many occasions and his only suggestions were acne creams, harsh cleansers, and antibiotics that weren't working and were actually making my skin worse. After 18 years of struggle and thousands of pounds invested in treatments that didn't work, through my professional education, I began.

[01:17:19] Leigh Brandon: To learn that what my doctor had.

[01:17:21] Leigh Brandon: Told me was untrue and that diet was directly related to acne, plus other factors such as food sensitivities, toxicity, hormones, and balancing the body's microbiome. Putting what I had learned into practice, I managed to rid myself of acne.

[01:17:38] Leigh Brandon: Over 20 years ago and have been.

[01:17:40] Leigh Brandon: Helping others to do the same for well over a decade. By teaching people what foods calls acne, what food sensitivities each individual has, how to optimize their detox pathways, how to reduce environmental stresses and toxins, and how to balance hormones, especially those related to the mtor pathway, a major causal factor with acne. I've been able to help many other adults overcome their acne nightmare, too. So if you would like more information on how to overcome your adult acne, please go to www.skinwebinar.com. That's www.skinwebinar.com, where you can also request an acne breakthrough. Call with me to see if you are suitable for my eliminate adult acne coaching program, where you can once and.

[01:18:31] Leigh Brandon: For all learn how to overcome your adult acne.

[01:18:34] Leigh Brandon: Now back to the podcast.

[01:18:37] Leigh Brandon: Just looking a bit more ahead. So, looking at 2022, what do you make of the increase in all cause mortality last year? And why do you think the authorities aren't really interested in looking into that?

[01:18:52] Leilani Dowding: Well, I think they know the answer. I think it's because of a lot of the things that they've done. They don't want to look out into it. They don't want to get sued. They don't want the outrage that if suddenly everyone realizes what's causing it. Because here's the thing. They can keep saying, oh, it's because of the NHS, and our ambulances are slow and blah, blah blah, which I'm sure is a little bit. But when it's happening and there's like these huge increases in Germany, in Australia, in Canada, in America, in places with great health care systems, you can't blame the NHS. So it's not the NHS. So let's just take that out of the equation right now and the backlogs and everything. Because I can assure you, in America, where people have got private health insurance, there is probably no backlog on getting statins prescribed and what have you. So there's one thing that's going on, and everybody is avoiding talking about it within government. And they're actually, even if you take Andrew Bridgen, who's come out and he said he's got these injuries and they can’t use the answer

[01:20:07] Leigh Brandon: just for the American listeners, he's an MP in government in the UK.

[01:20:15] Leilani Dowding: Yes. So he's an MP. He was the Conservative Whip, whatever that actually means, I'm not sure. But quite high up. I believe I should know these things, but I don't.

[01:20:27] Leigh Brandon: I think that just means he gets to be part of the Conservative Party and he's able to vote in Parliament.

[01:20:34] Leilani Dowding: And so he's got suspended. But he got suspended because he said it was a crime against humanity and the greatest one since a certain thing, which I don't want to say in case it affects, like, the YouTube algorithm. So I won't repeat the quote that he quoted.

[01:20:51] Leigh Brandon: Something that happened in the 1930s and 40s in Germany and Poland and places.

[01:20:56] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, around the Second World War. So he quoted on Twitter a quote and got suspended from the Conservative Party because they called him antisemitic, which is the new slur, because they can't get you with an antiv@xxer slur anymore. They can't get you with that because they're labeling everybody that. I mean, he's had two of them, right? And he's got the injury from it. So how can you call somebody that's had it? I don't know if you could say these words. I got to be careful with YouTube, so you know what I'm saying. So they've got this slur that they've been using for people like me. People like you. Then they've extended it to people that have or even had it, speaking against it. So they've got to come up with these new slurs. So they'll do anything they will do anything they can to ignore looking at the actual evidence. And there's one thing. There's more excess deaths now than in the times where this kind of supposed virus was at its worst and strongest. So what could it be? Well, you know, I think it's the thing in the jiggy, because I don't hear of anyone getting sudden myocarditis or just dropping dead, unless unless they've had it. Had the experiment. Experiment?

[01:22:30] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, that was that American football player who recently had a heart attack during a game. And he was interviewed, I saw it yesterday, I think, the day before, and they asked him, what did the doctor say? Why you had a heart attack? And he thought about it for some time, and then he said, I don't want to talk about it.

[01:22:45] Leilani Dowding: I mean, that silence, that tells a.

[01:22:49] Leigh Brandon: Big story, doesn't it?

[01:22:50] Leilani Dowding: That silence just told you everything, didn't mean it's. Like, wow, well, I suppose you can't play American football anymore, so maybe some hush money is needed.

[01:23:01] Leigh Brandon: Maybe, yeah, maybe. So on top of the so called pandemic, we've had many other things going on at the moment, like the war in Ukraine, gender politics, climate change, the war on farmers, the war on meat consumption, climate change, net carbon zero, government interfering with social media. So we saw Mark Zuckerberg on Joe Rogan's podcast. Talk about that. We've got the Twitter files, and we've also got Big Brother watch uncovering the 77th Brigade here in the UK, who were spying on UK citizens who dared to have an alternative view. So there's quite a lot going on. In addition, in the UK, the government is already pushing through the introduction of digital IDs. Central bank of Digital Currency 13 minutes cities, the online safety bill and the public order bill. Now, there's quite a lot to think about there. Do you think all these initiatives are exclusive from each other, or do you think there's a more coordinated plan being rolled out?

[01:24:06] Leilani Dowding: It's all coordinated and I think it all comes together, and I think it's all being pushed at the same time just to put people in such confusion and to overwhelm them, so you can't sit and take each thing individually and try and fight against it, because you just got so much at the same time. You're like, Where do I even start? And I think that that's what's happening to a lot of people at the moment. It's just so overwhelming for them. And also, it's going to take a lot to really look into why each thing is happening, you know, because you can't trust your usual main mainstream news sources.

[01:24:47] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. I mean, I think you can sum it up pretty quickly by saying it's Agenda 30, isn't it?

[01:24:52] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, absolutely.

[01:24:53] Leigh Brandon: Gender 2030, which used to be Agenda 21. It's a plan being rolled out by the WEF, basically.

[01:25:01] Leilani Dowding: That's the thing. You seem to have all these people, you know, it's such a conspiracy theory that these these outside forces, like, run the world. But if you see that all these governments acting in unison and they're all taking advice from these bodies like the WEF, right, who are unelected billionaires and technocrats and people that have just got untold amounts of wealth and influence influencing our politicians, then what is it other than all these people having a massive impact on our lives and changing everything? So it is a gender Agenda 30? Absolutely, for sure. And it's all of it is working towards that and you can see it. But then they have been very blatant and they have talked about Agenda 30. So how anyone can sit there and think that it's a conspiracy theory, it's beyond me because it's out in the open. But I think it's that if people just kind of in denial that it's happening, that why would these people want to do this to us?

[01:26:10] Leigh Brandon: I was speaking to someone yesterday about 15 Minutes Cities and Central Bank of Digital Currency, and his response, it will never happen. And I suggest that the 15 minutes cities is already happening. And as we know, Oxford City, 98% of the residents voted against it and the council said we're going to do it anyway. So what does that say about democracy?

[01:26:32] Leilani Dowding: Well, exactly, it's like, why even vote if you're not even going to listen to what people are saying? I do think democracy is dead and it's the same just as we have. I think it's actually been dead for a very long time. And the illusion that it's even alive is dead now. Because when they installed Richie Sunak, who no one voted for, I think it was pretty obvious then that this is like it was a coup and this is a guy that's being now installed into it.

[01:26:58] Leigh Brandon: So you mentioned conspiracy theories. What would you say if someone's listening to this and they think that we are conspiracy theory, not jobs?

[01:27:09] Leilani Dowding: I think you have to read through the evidence of what's out there and what's being put out by people like the WEF, so that when we say, look, this is what they're aiming for, right? You can see the goals. So find out what their goals are like. What are their goals? Less cars, less you will owe nothing and be happy. Think about what they've actually said and you will see how everything that they are doing is working towards that. So if you're going to own nothing and be happy, then think about what that means. If you have to rent everything, who are you going to rent it from? There's going to be a very small group of people that you then have to rent from, and that is those people. Think about what they're doing with 15 Minutes Cities and everything, but they don't want people traveling. They've said that because of net zero, which by the way, drives me insane, because the same people calling for net zero. And the same people that are trying to convince you that carbon dioxide is this deadly, poisonous, dangerous gas have actually been very silent about one of the most horrific environmental disasters that has happened in Ohio with the train derailment and the milk.

[01:28:29] Leigh Brandon: There's been another train crash as well with hazardous there's been a second one.

[01:28:35] Leilani Dowding: And this is what I mean. You've got these people that can't even do their jobs fully, and what's going to happen is these train, these chemicals now are going to go into the land. They're going to affect the farmland. They're going to affect the rivers. There are fish that have already been found dead in the rivers. There are there are animals 10 miles away that have died, wildlife dying all over the place. Then it's going to come. You know, you're going to have the rain come and wash it all into the land and the soil, and it's all very fertile agriculture or land around Ohio. The water's damage, the air is damaged. And these people that are convincing you that carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is basically the building blocks of plants. It's what plants take in and turn into oxygen and turn into their substance and their leaves and their bark. And they've convinced you that carbon dioxide is so poisonous, and yet it's so silent over this. So these are the people that then say, well, we want less cars on the road. And how are they going to do that? Well, they're going to tax it out of you and make it so you can't even afford to drive a car. And it's so inconvenient with the 15 minutes cities. And then look at what's happened with Ukraine, because I called out the Ukraine and Russia war right at the start for exactly what it was. And then everyone's blaming these price hikes on Putin. And then you see that British gas exxon, Shell, they're all recording their record profits, like, four times higher than the profits last year. And we want to blame we're going to blame Putin for it. So there's a lot of convenient excuses for things that are coming out, and you find out what it is. And like Nordstream Pipeline, for example, right, they've just said that it is more than likely that America has blown that up. And the same net zero people didn't say a single word about all the methane escaping because of the USA. So when you look at the Hypocrisy, when you look at their goals and then it's not really a conspiracy theory to see that everything that's going on is heading towards those goals. And they're not good goals or they're not goals that are going to help humanity. They're going to help them. A handful of people. When you look into the whole net zero scam, and you see the amount of investment that Bill Gates cronies and the people in the WF and all these people. And our politicians have put into green energy and renewables, then you're like, oh, no wonder they're pushing it, because if we all move to it, then they're going to make all the money, just like Big Pharma. And when you see all the shady deals that have gone on between Pfizer and Moderna and the EU government and all of that, when you look at what's actually going on, the PPE deals between Matt Hancock and his mates, when you see all of that, how can you say it's a conspiracy theory?

[01:31:52] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. So really, if anyone is listening to this or watching this and they're thinking, where conspiracy theory nut jobs, then I guess the answer is, perhaps you need to do a little bit more investigation into why we're saying this and what backs up what we're saying. And you might want to start with Agenda 2030, because it's got it all in there.

[01:32:14] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, it's all in there. All their goals are in there.

[01:32:18] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. It's why several people have been able to predict what was going to happen. Like, I have lunch with my parents every Sunday and I basically tell them what's going to happen and then it happens. Right. It's not because I'm psychic, although I'm a bit psychic, but that's not the reason why. It's because they've written it down. That's why we know.

[01:32:41] Leilani Dowding: Exactly.

[01:32:42] Leigh Brandon: And we see it step by step, being rolled out.

[01:32:45] Leilani Dowding: Exactly. It's not like we see into the future, we're just repeating what they've already said they plan to do.

[01:32:55] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. So, as I mentioned, the UK government is attempting to roll out digital ID. Central bank of digital currency. 15 minutes cities, the online safety bill, the public order bill, and, of course, we also have the who treaty. Which do you feel are the most dangerous of those policies?

[01:33:20] Leilani Dowding: I think the digital IDs, if they start trying to add on the Jab passports to it, but all of it, I think it's it's all linked in the 15 Minutes Cities as well, because that is going to harm people. So, so much like, you know, I think where I used to live, if you can't get from one side or the other, you basically have to go the long way to cross streets. But then you're not to get around to a different part, but then you're not really allowed to because you can only do it on certain days. That's going to affect people's jobs so much, like people like babysitters cleaners, plumbers, handyman, electricians, because they then have to pay to go round to a different part of the city. And it's going to affect shops because people are no longer in restaurants and pubs, because people like, oh, well, I can't get there, so I'll just have to stay in my little my little sector. And it's becoming very Hunger Games.

[01:34:23] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. I mean, the way that I see it going is that some of the things that we're starting to uncover in terms of how these things are going to run. If we let it happen, which let's hope we don't, it's going to start off at one level, but then as soon as we accept it, they're going to start ramping it up.

[01:34:41] Leilani Dowding: Yeah.

[01:34:42] Leigh Brandon: And then it might be okay. 15 minutes city means you can't use your car outside that zone, or you can for 100 days a year, but then it'll be 50 days a year. Then it will be ten days. A year. Then it will be you can't use your car outside that zone, and then further down the line it will be you can't go outside that zone at all. That is it, you're stuck in that zone. Or, you know, the with the central banking digital currency they're talking about in the UK will be allowed, I think it's 20,000 or 22,000 maximum. I mean, what if you have to put aside 30,000 a year to pay your tax? How does that work?

[01:35:26] Leilani Dowding: And this, this is this thing, this is a thing. And I think the only way out of this is non compliance. And you keep using cash as much as possible. That's the really important thing. Make sure that cash is always circulating. But yeah, I think the only things we can do now is make sure that we don't comply with these crazy things and find loopholes and find ways around it. Just like we did with COVID just like we did with the disease, like we did with the masks, like we did with the gene therapies I think you just have to make sure that you're strong enough to say no and I'm not going to take part in this and then set up alternatives as well. I think that's a really important thing, making sure that you can set up alternatives.

[01:36:22] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And what you said earlier about Bartering, that might be really useful as well. I was listening to someone the other day, I can't remember who it was now, and he was saying when he was in the ex Soviet Union, so he's Russian and he was saying, when the Soviet Union first fell apart, everyone was battering with vodka. That was the currency. Right. So I guess you got to think outside the box, because if it does go through, I don't know what you feel, but for some of us, the only way we're going to survive that is to have an alternative way of life. Almost another word for it is a black market. Right?

[01:37:03] Leilani Dowding: Yeah. And I think there will be, and that is the one thing I think people are very good at adapting, and those that can adapt will survive it. So you have to think and I mean, like, look, I suppose I've always been a bit of a doomsday prepper, so for me, I became very worried about this, more so than ever when the lockdown happened. So I begged my fiance if we could move somewhere where I could have my horses at home so I would never have to worry about being stopped on the drive or how many miles I'm allowed to drive or anything, or anything like that. So I've already got ahead of it. So if it was to happen, I'm prepared because I do believe that they could try and bring in these carbon credits. You can't drive more than this many miles a week. You can't go more than this far from your house. So although I don't ever want to comply with it, you've also got to take the steps to protect yourself. So what else can you do? Well, you have to think about how you can barter, what skills you can swap, what products you can swap, have cash, have goods that you can trade and swap. So I think it's something that people need to think about without driving them. And that's the thing, without driving themselves into a place of fear because fear is just going to stress you and that's not good. So if you can just get ahead of these things, just so you can have a bit of peace of mind, which is what I have, I've set myself up so I can have peace of mind that I'm kind of ahead of it. I think that's kind of the way forward and to always don't be afraid of being non compliant.

[01:38:58] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, absolutely. Now, I imagine there are people listening or watching to this, that we're probably preaching to the choir to a certain extent, but they might be thinking of loved ones themselves that maybe want to hear this message. But for my kind of usual viewers, what advice could you possibly give to them to help those that aren't seeing what we're seeing?

[01:39:28] Leilani Dowding: It's a hard one, isn't it? Because I just think I do sometimes think to myself, if you haven't seen it by now, will you ever see it? But I'm sure there are because I think people become aware of things at very different times. I think the important thing is to allow people to change their minds. Don't put up don't come at it from anger or frustration, even though there are probably things that really, really anger you if somebody loved one of yours has been injured or harmed from the thing. There are people that committed loved ones who committed suicide during the lockdowns. There are so many things that can make you angry and hold on to that. But I think the really important thing is to try and change the minds of other people. And you have to give them the space where to see that they're wrong and admit that they're wrong, possibly repent for it, but give them the space to say that I was wrong and understand that that's a big move for someone to be able to say that. And as I said, it's easy for me to say that because I didn't comply, I didn't ever miss out seeing my niece grow up? I didn't miss out with friends that I loved. My biggest loss for the whole of it was that I lost a couple of crappy friends who obviously weren't friends, right? So that's my biggest loss. So I'm in a different position where, for me, I don't have too much anger or resentment over it. And I'm not talking about those people like Piers Morgan or Esther Anton that were horrible and vile and bitter, but I'm talking about the people that just, like, didn't know. Because what we need is for those people that are afraid to speak up or those people that know deep down, but were afraid to kind of not follow the easy path and to stand up and say, Look, I can see it. We want them to be on our side. We don't want to make everything, us and them, because if we're going to fight this, we need to kind of fight it together. So that's what I would say, probably. Don't be hard on people and name cool. Just try and slowly, gently ease them in seeing it with facts. And the facts are out there now. It cannot be hidden. I've just found out I was talking to my fiance and I was like, how many people do we know that have been really injured by it? And it's a hard one because we don't know that many people that have had it, because we're in that kind of thing. And then, like, gosh, and then next thing, it turns out that someone very close to him, only 38 years old, has now got myocarditis and so it's there for people to see. Everyone knows somebody that's got something and it's been hurt from it. So you take that and then you can expand on it. And if people have seen what's gone on over the last three years with masks, lockdown, jab, then hopefully use that to say, are you we've seen how they lied to us about this. Do you really believe them about X-Y-Z? The BBC have lied and pushed this fear about this. Can you really still believe them about the war or about anything that they're coming out with? The climate is changing because of humans and we're all going to be underwater. Like, can you really believe it? Or are they just, you know, pushing fears?

[01:43:23] Leigh Brandon: They had to stop using the term global warming because we know the globe has been cooling for the last 20 years.

[01:43:32] Leilani Dowding: It's insane. And history only goes back like they say, ah, the coldest in history. No, like the on coldest on record. The record records are 150 years old. The Romans were growing grapes in Manchester, you know, so it's not like the coldest on record, it's the coldest in, like, the last 150 years or the warmest in the last 150 years. And go back further. How many millions of years old is this planet? It's so obscene to say that these cars or the cars or the cows or whatever just are doing this. The planet just has cycles.

[01:44:15] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, definitely. I did a good episode with Jane Buxton who wrote The Great Plant Based Con and we went into quite a lot of detail about the environment in that. So if anyone wants to listen to that, you can always go back and have a listen. So just want to change the subject just a little, just to finish off. So as a health practitioner of 27 years, it's clear to me that you're very healthy. I can generally see whether someone's healthy or not. And as this is a health podcast, it would be great if you could share your secrets with the audience as to how you stay so healthy.

[01:44:54] Leilani Dowding: Thank you. Right, I'll start with what I do don't have and then what I do. So I don't have things like artificial sweeteners, I don't have diet drinks or so called diet of food or low fat because it's fats such as avocado oil or olive oil that I do have. So I don't go for those fatty things. I don't like artificial stuff. I'll have butter to rather than Margarine, so that's one thing. And then I don't have to be drinking, I don't drink a lot of alcohol, don't smoke, don't take drugs. If I've got a headache, for example, then I think what might be causing me in this headache and it's usually something like dehydration. So I'll drink lots of water. So it's very rare that I'll even take like a paracetamol. Sometimes people go, Are you taking a paracetamol? I'm like, God, no, I didn't even think of that. Like I'll be moaning about a headache or something and it's usually because of water. I drink loads and loads of water. As I said, I don't drink a lot of alcohol. Maybe a couple of glasses of wine a week or I might go two weeks without anything exercise wise. Well, I haven't been going to the gym as much because I do like 2 hours in the morning mucking out my horses which is a lot of lifting and kind of running around. I got to take them down to the field, bring them back. So there's a lot of walking and I'm riding my horses. I do do a bit of yoga because I get a lot of from horse riding obviously I get some aches and pain so I do a bit of yoga or stretches. I wouldn't say yoga, I say I stretch a lot.

[01:46:44] Leigh Brandon: And.

[01:46:47] Leilani Dowding: What else is there? Oh, I get lots of good sleep, I sleep a lot. If I'm tired of a finger under the weather, I'll rest and that usually clears me up before I ever get sick. If I'm just feeling a bit run down or tired I'll just try and sleep a lot and rest and then yeah, well, I've got the horses, I'm outside all the time as well.

[01:47:10] Leigh Brandon: Yeah, certainly being outside in nature has a massive effect on people's health. We didn't evolve living in concrete buildings, so getting outside in nature definitely has an effect. I guess your life is relatively stress free.

[01:47:29] Leilani Dowding: Yeah, I think it's stress free. The only thing, I mean, the last three years has probably sent me a little bit gray. Yeah. You know, but I do feel that a lot of the time I'm stressed worrying about other people. And rather than, you know, myself, like, you know, stress, worried about people as a whole and society as a whole and where it's going. And sometimes I do think, right, focus on the things that you can kind of control. And actually, that's why I think sometimes when I went to the anti lockdown process and stuff, that really helped me physically as well, because it released a lot of the stress because I felt I was around like minded kind of people, and it was kind of putting out there that I didn't agree with things. And it was probably about the best I could do at the time.

[01:48:24] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. Well, as check practitioners, we teach what's called the six foundations of health. So number one is your thoughts. Number two is breathing correctly. Number three is hydration. Number four is nutrition. Number five is movement. And number six is sleep and rest. So it seems like you've got most of those nailed already.

[01:48:49] Leilani Dowding: See, that's why you thought I was perfect, because I agree 100% that all of those are just so important.

[01:48:57] Leigh Brandon: And you don't eat meat, do you?

[01:48:59] Leilani Dowding: No, I don't eat meat. And it's not because I'm trying to save the world or be net zero. I just love animals. Occasionally, I do eat fish, but I just went away on holiday and I went some Snorkeling, and it's kind of put me off because the fish was so cute. Occasionally I do, but I know that vegetarians can lack B Twelve, so I do make sure to take a B Twelve supplement. And I'm not one of those vegetarians that kind of eats loads of pasta or I don't put, like, a soy meat meat alternative in my food unless I'm being really unhealthy. I don't act like, oh, I need to have meat. So what I'm going to do is get, like, some process there on my plate. I'm not kind of one of those.

[01:49:58] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. The other thing that we go into quite a lot as well is about eating foods that are right for you as an individual. There's no one diet that's good for everybody. And one of the things that determines what's right for you is your ancestry, because your DNA has evolved over many thousands of years. And I know is it your mother? Where's your mother from?

[01:50:24] Leilani Dowding: Philippines.

[01:50:24] Leigh Brandon: That side of the family. Philippines.

[01:50:27] Leilani Dowding: Philippines.

[01:50:29] Leigh Brandon: So the Philippines, going back many years, would be kind of almost tropical rainforest type territory. Would that be? Right? So generally in those areas of the world, people tend to do better on a more of a lower meat type diet because there's no big game meats available.

[01:50:50] Leilani Dowding: Right.

[01:50:52] Leigh Brandon: So your genetics actually helps you be a better vegetarian or a healthier vegetarian. Anyway.

[01:50:58] Leilani Dowding: That's really interesting.

[01:51:01] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. My episode that I did with Jane Buxton, there's some really good stuff on there for vegetarians. I mean, it definitely wasn't anti vegetarian, but she talks a lot about some of the anti nutrients that you can get from plants if you eat too many of them. So it's quite interesting. So anyone's vegetarian? Check that one out.

[01:51:21] Leilani Dowding: I'll check that out for sure.

[01:51:24] Leigh Brandon: So before we wrap up, is there anything else you want to add?

[01:51:30] Leilani Dowding: No, I think we've covered a lot, haven't we?

[01:51:33] Leigh Brandon: We've covered quite a bit, haven't we?

[01:51:34] Leilani Dowding: We've definitely covered quite a lot. And I got my ranting about the insanity over the Ohio train crash and how no one's even talking about it.

[01:51:47] Leigh Brandon: Yeah. And it's interesting that they decided to blow that thing up with the residents still there, and then they evacuated them and then they said it's safe to go back, and they've asked the Environmental Protection Agency when are they going to go in and clean up, and they said, when it's safe to do so. So it's safe for the public to go back with no hazmat suits and everything else that they would need. There's no information on how to make sure that their house doesn't get really badly affected. So these ladies were talking on the high Wire this week, explaining to people that live there what they need to do. The government aren't telling them to do that and the government staff aren't going anywhere near it yet because it's not safe yet. They've told the people that live in that town to go back home, and it's completely safe.

[01:52:33] Leilani Dowding: It's just so that's the world we're living in. It's so upsetting to me. I can't imagine it. If it had happened somewhere around here, I've got like, four horses in the field and it's like, what would have happened to them? What would have happened to all the beautiful wildlife and birds that live around here? It's so upsetting. And it's the same people saying it's safe as the same people that said, take the Jab. It's safe and effective. It's safe and effective. The same people. Don't worry.

[01:53:08] Leigh Brandon: And what's next for Leilani?

[01:53:11] Leilani Dowding: What is next? Well, I'm still hosting in the news right now with Gareth Ike on iconic. Mark Stein, who I used to work for, well, I was contribute a bit on GB News. He is now not on GB News anymore. He's doing his own thing, so I am still contributing to that. And I'll be on there once a week with him.

[01:53:36] Leigh Brandon: Awesome.

[01:53:37] Leilani Dowding: Every couple of weeks.

[01:53:40] Leigh Brandon: Where can people find iconic and find Mark Sting?

[01:53:43] Leilani Dowding: So iconic. He's on iconic.com, but it's iconic spelled like David Ike. I-C-K-O-N-I-C I'm like I'm not good at spelling out loud. I'd never do one of those spelling bees. So that's Iconic.com and Mark Stein is on Steinonline.com, so he's streaming his shows once or twice a week on Steinonline.com.

[01:54:13] Leigh Brandon: I highly recommend, if you haven't checked those out yet, you absolutely have to check those out, because Iconic is a great channel, it's got loads of good information on there, and Mark Steen is an absolute legend as well.

[01:54:24] Leilani Dowding: And as I said, none of it is governed by ofcom, so we can all speak freely, we don't have to kind of watch what we're saying or anything else. So it's really great to be able to do that. It's funny that I'm there because like I said before, early in the show, it was never really my plan. So as long as I have a platform where I can try and help and I can try and get people together to think that the people that can't say things out loud can say, oh, yeah, there are people that think this way, as long as I've got that kind of platform, then long may it continue. Otherwise, yeah, I'll just be riding horses.

[01:55:05] Leigh Brandon: Awesome. Leilani, thank you so much. I really enjoyed this episode. It's been great talking with you.

[01:55:13] Leilani Dowding: Brilliant. Thank you. Thank you very much for having me on.

[01:55:17] Leigh Brandon: It's been a pleasure. And to all the Radical Health Rebel tribe, if you know someone who would benefit from watching or hearing this episode, please make sure to share the love and forward it onto them. After all, the mission of this show is to help people lead a more fun filled, healthy, productive, fulfilling and happy life. And if you appreciate my amazing guests like Leilani and the wisdom they share with you each week, and you'd like to appreciate the show by supporting the podcast, you can become a subscriber to the brand new Radical Health Rebel podcast plus starting at just $3 a month. Or you can check out the seven day free trial at our patreon channel@patreon.com Radicalhealthrebel, where you can have access to lots of exclusive premium content and exclusive discount offers included in your membership. Full details can be found in the show notes. So that's all from Leilani and me for this week, but don't forget, you can join me same time, same place next week on the Radical Health Rebel podcast.

[01:56:15] Announcer: Thanks for tuning in to the Radical Health Rebel podcast with Leigh Brandon. You can find Leigh at www.BodyCHEK.co.UK. That's BodyChek.co.UK. Please hit the like button and share on your social media and with someone you feel will benefit from watching this episode. So together, we can help them lead a healthier, more productive, fulfilling and happy life.

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