Radical Health Rebel

116 - Alleviating Chronic Pain with Structured Water: Insights from Benjamin Smith

Leigh Brandon Episode 116

Can structured water be the key to alleviating chronic pain? Tune in to this enlightening episode where we welcome Benjamin Smith, the author of "Why You Are Sick," who shares his profound insights into the transformative potential of structured water for managing chronic pain, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Inspired by personal family health struggles, Benjamin's journey from curiosity to expertise offers a compelling narrative on the power of hydration and proper water structure in improving overall well-being.

Benjamin explains how structured water goes beyond its elemental composition, emphasizing its unique molecular arrangement that can significantly influence the body's energy usage and functionality. We also delve into the importance of high-quality natural spring water and how practices like blessing water can enhance its properties, backed by Masaru Emoto’s experiments.

Beyond structured water, our discussion touches on foundational health factors such as hydration, nutrition, movement, and sleep. We explore fascinating concepts like cymatics and Aquaphotomics, which study how water interacts with light and vibrations, influencing our health. The episode also introduces the benefits of using crystal wands like the Analemma wand to structure water.

Join us for a holistic understanding of how integrating structured water and foundational wellness practices can lead to a healthier, pain-free life.

We discussed:


Structured Water and Chronic Pain


The Science of Structured Water


Understanding Chronic Pain and Dehydration


Structured Water and Healing Chronic Pain


Benefits of Structured Water for Health


Foundational Factors for Health and Wellness


Impact of Water Structure on Health


Crystal Wands for Health Benefits

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Analemma Water Restructuring Wand (as discussed):

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Eliminate Adult Acne Programme - https://eliminateadultacne.com/
Radical Health Rebel YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@radicalhealthrebelpodcast

Speaker 1:

Chronic pain is people have chronic pain for a bunch of reasons. It's one of the biggest reasons is chronic inflammation, right? So in my book and in my model, I describe how all these things are interconnected. So chronic pain is chronic inflammation, which is also chronic oxidative cellular stress, which is also chronic oxidative cellular stress. The cellular stress is going to cause chronic pain because it's also causing chronic dehydration.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast. I'm your host, lee Brandon. This work started for me several decades ago when I started to see the impact I could make on people, helping them to identify the root cause of their health problems that no doctor could figure out, including serious back, knee, shoulder and neck injuries, acne and eczema issues, severe gut health problems, even helping couples get pregnant after several IVF treatments had failed, and it really moves me to be able to help people in this way, and that is why I do what I do and why we have this show. Welcome back to another episode of the Radical Health Rebel podcast, where we dive deep into all things health, wellness and, well, sometimes, the weird and wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Today, we've got an absolutely fascinating topic that might just blow your mind. We're talking about water, but not just any water. We're talking about structured water. Today, I'm joined by Benjamin Smith, author of why you Are Sick, who's here to break it all down for us. Benjamin is going to explain what structured water is, how it's totally different from regular water we guzzle down every day and get this, how it can help reduce chronic pain and improve your overall health. Yes, water can do all that. We'll also be getting some practical tips on how you can incorporate this magic water into your routine without breaking a sweat. So whether you're already a water enthusiast or you're just curious about how changing the water you drink could help manage pain, stick around. This is going to be an eye-opening chat. Benjamin Smith, welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast that's coming on the show.

Speaker 1:

Excuse me, thank you for having me. I'm a little thrown off.

Speaker 2:

No problem. So, benjamin, to kick things off, could you share a little about your own journey into the health arena and how did you become interested in structured water?

Speaker 1:

So how did the health journey start here? Well, ever since I've been a kid, I've been interested in health and basically I've always asked a lot of questions. So if you ask my dad, he'd tell you that that's all I did was ask questions as a kid, wanting to know why the sky is blue, why the grass is green, everything. And it annoyed him, obviously, but helped me to to do what I'm doing today. So, fast forward. I went to college, I didn't get a degree, went to humble state here in california, united states. I like science, stay, a lot of science stuff. I like meteorology, sociology, biology, all the sciences I really liked. And so after I left college, I moved to the town I'm in now and I started cleaning carpets, uh. And so what? Basically, what happened was my friend said hey, do you want to start, uh, detailing cars? And so that's where you wax cars and wash cars. I've been doing that for 30 years and so, all in the meantime, I was always interested in health.

Speaker 1:

And in 19, in 1905, backing up a little bit, my mom got the c word. I didn't like to say the word because we all know what that is and it just brings negative connotations and yeah. So I thought, well, that's not good. I thought it was genetic, like everyone else thinks. And you know, in 2012 or in 2007 or 8, my sister got diagnosed with the word and still didn't know anything really about it. I was still, you know, looking through health books and studying and reading articles, but kind of just kind of playing around, you know, just learning. In 2012, she passed away from that.

Speaker 1:

Then I started really getting into it, like this is not cool, someone's going on why. I always ask why. Why is this happening? You know, like when I was a kid, I asked why. And in 2019, my real mom passed away. My stepmom is still alive and in the meantime, in the last couple of years, I've had, like friend family, you know, a good friends, dads and moms, and you know a lot of people I know pass away from that word, as well as diabetes, all kinds of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I'm like this is just absurd. And so about four years ago, I thought I'm gonna become a health coach, you know, so I can help people. So I took a class from a company called Primal Health Coaching, where they really focus on primal ways of living, which that's what I agree with, and so at the end after my training, I thought, hey, I don't know if I want to really be a coach right now. And my friend said why don't you write a book? I said, okay, I'll write a book. I just thought, okay, I'm going to write a book. How hard can that be? Well, yeah, I kind of misunderstood how hard that was going to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you know, just for the listening audience. You know it was a long journey. I hired a company off of the internet. He said we'll write your book for 500 bucks. I said cool, nice, that's awesome. We'll have it done in three months. I said sweet, now I'm going to be rich and after six months I'll be rich. Uh, uh, doesn't work that way.

Speaker 1:

And so these people were writing my book. Well, actually, they asked me for, um, a bunch of interviews, right, to know what my book was about, structured water, all these things we're going to talk about and um, for like 10 hours of interviews. And then they wrote their first kind of chapter not chapter, but even an intro. And I was like these guys can't write. There was like third graders, third graders writing it and I. So I read, I go, are you serious? And they go well, we can change it. You know, let's, let's talk about it. I said, talk about. And so I got my money back from them. Thank God Found another person to help me write my book, another ghost writer they're called ghost writers and this person I know it's kind of a long story, but it's just kind of, you know, help to. You know, bring some, maybe laughter to the audience. So the next person I had they'd been writing for 30 years and so they started same thing asked me a bunch of questions. We did a bunch of interviews so they could help, you know, with the writing of the book. And this lady couldn't write either. I'm like, can anybody write? And so, yeah, she wrote what was really technical, a bunch of facts in my book, and I thought to myself no one's going to read this. And so then I found another person who was able to write the foundation of my book, but she couldn't write either. And when I say she couldn't write, she was better than the other people, but it still was. Just it wasn. It still didn't have my voice. And so I had to buckle down for the last three years and write.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I started writing and I'd write something. I'd throw it away, I'd throw my laptop on the ground, almost break it because I was so pissed off. And I just kind of one day woke up after talking to my stepmom and she said to me she said, just write like you don't care, like you don't give a shit. And that's what I did. I wrote, I just wrote from my heart, and I wrote in first person and I don't know if that's something you can learn or if you just have to be born with it, and so I just had that gift. I just would start writing. I said, just pretend like I was talking to you, I'd write, and lo and behold, everyone loves my book. I've gotten, I got, 23 five-star reviews. I have no bad reviews at all and everyone that reads it loves it. And I'm just like wow, even have to even take writing classes. I just wrote and people love my book, and so I'm really, I'm really grateful and blessed, I'm really happy, you know. And so that's kind of what happened.

Speaker 1:

We have a, we have a website called ultimate health model, because what we did was I made I create a model that and a blueprint that describes ultimate health and ultimate disease. Really it's called. You know, it's a chronic disease model and what causes it and all the factors that cause it and all the things going on in the background. Uh, in your health they're causing it. And then I created a. On the other side it's a, the model or the part of the blueprint that's for your optimum health, and it's really that simple. I made it as super simple as I can, so a five-year-old could understand it, and that's it. That's what I did.

Speaker 2:

So what's the name of the book?

Speaker 1:

It's called why Are you Sick and how to Reclaim your Health with the Ultimate Health Model.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that makes sense. It does what it says on the tin, right On the cover. Yeah, absolutely. You know what's quite interesting this morning. Most mornings I get up, I have a, have a water filter. I filter the water, it gets remineralized. And then I have a I don't know if you're familiar with the analema wand to restructure the water uh, I don't know that particular thing, but I know I know a lot about structuring water.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so it was quite interesting. So I've had this thing I don't know 18 months, two years, and I just finished stirring the water, restructuring it and I put it down. So it it lives in a box because it's quite delicate. So I always put it back in the box and, um, as I put the box down, for some reason, it I reason I wasn't thinking what I was doing. The box was upside down. Now, most of the time that still wouldn't be an issue, but for some reason the box managed to come open and the wand hit the floor and I thought, okay, well, it's in a solid container, it'll probably be all right. And I picked it up and opened it and just glass just fell out everywhere. Oh no, and these things aren't good, aren't exactly cheap. Um, and I thought it's quite ironic that we're doing this interview today, and that actually happened this morning, which I thought interesting was a little ironic.

Speaker 2:

Um. So, before we get any deeper, can you, can you explain what structure of water is and how it differs from regular water? Amina was a 32 year old personal trainer and mother of three. When she came to see me, amina, whilst training to run a marathon, experienced lower back pain and sciatica. Amina's back pain meant that she couldn't run without pain and had completed her last marathon in a disappointing time for her.

Speaker 2:

Amina wanted to complete a half marathon in under one hour 50 minutes, eliminate her back pain and get back to running full distance marathons. I devised a corrective exercise program for Amina to realign her postural imbalances and help improve her stability, which she completed for 30 minutes a day, five days a week. After working with me for a few months, amina completed a half marathon in one hour 45 minutes, beating her target time by five minutes, and now she has no lower back pain or sciatica. Amina has since gone on to complete several full distance marathons, finishing with good times. If you'd like to achieve similar results to Amina, you can contact me at wwwbodycheckcouk to secure your consultation. Now back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so what structured water is?

Speaker 1:

It's an altered molecular arrangement of water molecules in a structured pattern. Okay, what do I mean by that? So structured water is water, like I said, that has structured itself together in a pattern, and so think of something like ice, or a crystal, or a diamond Anything that's a crystal is in a structured pattern, the difference between carbon, and so let's talk about carbon really quick and then we'll explain how that relates to structured water. Carbon is an element on the periodic table Now. Carbon is the dirt outside, brown dirt, because it's carbon. Also turns into pencil, lead, graphite, which is a molecular arrangement of atoms, but they're not in a in a structured pattern. It's more of a loose arrangement.

Speaker 1:

A diamond is most precious thing on earth. Really, everyone loves diamonds, are, are, are highly prized. Diamonds are an extremely complicated, complex structured pattern. Okay, it's an. It's, that's why it's a crystal. It's just, it's this incredibly structured, uh geometry of molecules of carbon. Okay, so what I'm so?

Speaker 1:

So back to to the water, and also, as well as carbon. It's not the element that matters as much. It still matters, but it's the way it's structured. So the structure of something is more important than what it is. Okay, if you're a listening audience. Does that make sense? The structure of something is more important than what the element is. The structure of something is more important than what the element is. It's not about the element, it's about how it's structured and the way the water is structured around it. Okay.

Speaker 1:

The more complex and complicated and intricate this structure is, the more information can be passed in nature and in the body. Everything we do in society destructures the water. Whether you put it in pipes, whether you uh pollute it with chemicals, whatever you're doing is destructuring it. Everything into everything we do the food we eat, the thoughts we think it's destructuring it. And so the more you destructure it, the more the body has to structure it itself, because the body has to structure to use it. So 50%, approximately 50% of your energy I'm going to say approximately, because if someone calls us out on this or somebody said well, it was only 47.3%, I don't know the exact numbers, but it's approximately 50% of your energy goes to structuring water, every single second of every day of your life. If you drink it structured, what do you think is going to happen? It's going to save you a lot of energy, a lot of right to do other things. So that's what structured water is. It's found in nature.

Speaker 1:

Water that's found in nature is basically structured water in this molecular pattern. And so what it is it's liquid water is a liquid crystal. You know they have liquid crystal displays in your TV and in computers, all these things. A liquid crystal is a crystal that can move around like a school of fish. So they still structure together in these patterns, right, but they can unstructure into something else instantaneously too.

Speaker 1:

So it's not like it's a solid, like piece of ice, right, let's, let's, let's come for the audience, meaning that it's not stuck, it's not staying like that of ice, right, let's, let's, let's come for the audience, meaning that it's not stuck, it's not staying like that like all the time, so that the molecules move apart and come together into different structured patterns billions of times a second. It's basically instantaneous. So it looks like it's all safe, structured together because you know, obviously molecules also vibrate, move together everything's energy. So it's all safe, structured together because you know, obviously molecules also vibrate, move together everything's energy. So it's all just kind of moving together, but it's coming together so fast, even a trillion times a second, that almost looks like it's solid, make sense so what?

Speaker 2:

what would the um the difference in structure be between structured and, if you like, unstructured water?

Speaker 1:

so, just like I said, so when it's structured, uh, it is in a pattern. So so the yeah, so it's, they're like small little clusters, of water clusters, uh, and so what they do is they form these hexagonal type shapes. That's just one shape it can form, okay, and so and we'll talk about when the destructured part of the water is after you're talking about structure so when it's structured, it's in this little pattern. So imagine a beehive, a bee's eye, a beehive. You know how, the hexagonsagons, you know you have all the different, and so these fit together infinitely. That's when hexagons, a perfect shape, because it fits together for infinite, infinity because they can stay in the, they fit together exactly in a powder. There's no, there's no empty spaces, it just fits together.

Speaker 1:

So also, what happens? The molecules are coming together. What do I mean by that? Water is a polar molecule, meaning that, from just basic eighth-grade chemistry, water is hydrogen and oxygen. There's two hydrogens and one oxygen. The hydrogen are positively charged, the oxygen is negatively charged. So for people who might not understand chemistry, just from a basic point of view, those are like Lego blocks they come together, positive and negative attract each other. So imagine like Lego blocks coming together and making things. So the positive side on the hydrogen side goes to the oxygen side, the negative charge, and the negative charge goes to the positive charge of the hydrogen side, and so they make these molecules. And then what happens? When they're structured like that, they have a net negative charge because of the mathematics and the ratios of how much oxygen and how much hydrogen is in each molecular structure when the molecules come together, because half of it is oxygen and there's a quarter on hydrogen. So if you do the math, it's a net negative charge when it comes together in these molecules, and so that means there's more electrons too in each one, and electrons are really important for the flow of life. So when you have the more negative charge you have in your body and in your cells, the better off you are.

Speaker 1:

Unstructured water is just the opposite. The molecules are not coming together in these patterns, so you're not getting the negative charge. You're not able to pass the information either because they're not coming together. And so with water molecules they're. Basically they hold all information.

Speaker 1:

I write in my book that water is where everything is stored. All information since the beginning of time is stored in water. So if you have unstructured water, it can't hold information. I know it might sound a little woo-woo to some of the audience, but that's the truth and so everything we're doing. So when you destructure it, your body has to structure it to use it in some aspects. So it's going to take energy to put the molecules together and then once they're together like that, then they also can hydrate the cells better, and so when they're unstructured they cannot get through the cell membrane as easily as when it's structured. That's why when you drink structured water you feel more hydrated than when you're drinking unstructured water, for that same reason. So for some of the listening audience, they'll go drink a quart of just regular water and go I'm still thirsty. Then they go drink a cup of structure water and go, wow, I feel great, I feel hydrated.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the reasons why so when you were talking about the hexagonal shapes, what sprung to mind? The hidden messages in water by Dr Emoto. And obviously, when he was exposing the water crystals to you know positive emotions, they often formed hexagonal type shapes, didn't they? But then, when he exposed water to negative emotions, they didn't form any kind of natural shape.

Speaker 1:

There's your answer right there. Yeah, and so to piggyback off of that, that's correct. So everything we're doing in society, whether it's negative emotions, stress, eating bad food which is causing stress on the cells, it's all related food which is causing stress on the cells, it's all related. So by his experiments, and there's other people have done experiments even far greater than that. So let's just go into something that's going to the audience might. Basically, I hope they're sitting down for this because it's going to blow their mind.

Speaker 1:

So, on the topic of water being the information carrier of everything in the entire universe, which it is, I believe there's a lady named Veda Austin and she's in New Zealand, and I met her at a water conference about four months ago in San Diego, california, because I went to this water conference because I'm basically obsessed with water, I just find it fascinating, and so she was there and what she did, and what she has done, is she has taken Emoto's experiments to the next level. What do I mean by that? She's done thousands and thousands of experiments with water, thousands of experiments with water. What she does is she puts water in a Petri dish and then talks to it, puts music next to it, puts colors next to it, puts pictures next to it, whatever it is, and she gets these different patterns in the water when she freezes it. One thing she did was she played the song Stairway to Heaven and had the water sitting next to it. When she froze the water, guess what was found in the water? No idea, a stairway. Oh wow, you want to hear something even more remarkable than that. That was, that was impressive. But this is going to make people either sit down or fall down.

Speaker 1:

Um, she asked her cat, now, just really under. She asked her cat if it wanted to go in or out, and she had water sitting next to her. She froze the water, pulled it out of the freezer and there was a message in the water and it said in this that revolutionizes what we know about, everything we know about. Not, we don't know nothing about nothing actually after that. So right, I mean that just proves that everything is communicating. The trees are communicating with us. The, the, the, um, your dog. They're just not speaking the same language, but we're all speaking the same language through water. And so I write in my book. I said if we could decode water's messages in some kind of telepathic way, that is like a. That's the most important discovery since the beginning of time oh yeah, I'm familiar with um.

Speaker 2:

Now, water has been used for supercomputers, isn't it as like a storage?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, they're starting to use um. They're starting um to to use water as a computer because it's unlimited storage. They're they're working on it. They don't have it. They don't have it perfected yet, but they're working on how. They don't have it perfected yet, but they're working on how to do it. Yeah, I thought that was fascinating. Well, because water is a liquid crystal, just like the liquid crystal, or just like the crystals in your, the silicon crystals in your phone or your computer, or the stuff we're talking on right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so one of my favorite subjects. Well, it sounds sounds strange now I'm going to say one of my favorite subjects, but chronic pain is something I'm very interested in. Obviously, that's the work that I'm involved in quite a lot. So how does how does structure boards specifically help to reduce chronic pain and improve overall health? I'm briefly interrupting this episode to remind you you can now hear an extra no Punches Pulled episode every month with an amazing and almost certainly controversial guest who's not scared to put their head above the parapet. These guests are exposing lies and corruption, sharing their stories of being gaslit or cancelled for telling the truth, and offering real-world solutions to achieving optimal health and maintaining freedom amidst increasing censorship and restrictive regulations. These are the types of episodes I started producing back in 2022, for which I was cancelled on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and deplatformed from LinkedIn.

Speaker 2:

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Speaker 1:

So chronic pain is? People have chronic pain for a bunch of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is chronic inflammation, right? So in my book and in my model, I describe how all these things are interconnected. So chronic pain is chronic inflammation, which is also chronic oxidative cellular stress. The cellular stress is going to cause chronic pain because it's also causing chronic dehydration. So, for the listening audience, chronic dehydration is at the root cause of most of your chronic pain. What do I mean by that? Well, when you do the things on the red side of my model, it's going to contribute to chronic inflammation, which is going to contribute to chronic dehydration, which is going to contribute to chronic pain.

Speaker 1:

So the body uses water in a specific way. And when I started understanding more about water not just the woo-woo stuff and the experiments with Emoto and Veda Austin, all these things, but the biology or the pathology of water and the physiology of water and how water is used for everything. Water is the basis of life, but water is more than that. 99 out of 100 molecules in your body are water. When they say your body is 70% water, that is a somewhat correct statement. But water molecules are so light and there's so many of them that that's why it's only 70 percent, whereby it's only 70 percent water, but by molecule you're 99 out of 100. When I read that statistic I was like, okay, this is, water is the most important thing. So your body is always trying to regulate water. Okay, when you're stressed out, your body is going to put water into certain organs that are more important, like your heart, your liver, your lungs, your brain, and it's going to say you know what Skin we love you, but too bad, you don't get the water. Does that make sense? It has to prioritize water all the time. And when we're living in the world we're living in today, in a constant stressed out society where we're eating cookies and cakes and we're and we're mouth breathing, which is something that's you do not want to do, you're um, you're uh, on your phone all the time, we're on computers right now, all these things are causing stress on the cells. So, by definition, it's causing chronic inflammation and, by definition, it's causing chronic dehydration. And then that chronic dehydration, then the body's going okay. So now we got managed water still again, because you're, because you're drinking coffee or you're drinking soda, causing me more dehydration, and so it's always in this constant balance, and so what happens is, when you're dehydrated, back to the chronic pain.

Speaker 1:

So what happens is that certain cells don't get the water they need to flush the toxins and the waste away and bring them nutrients. It's like a highway. The blood vessels are highways. What I mean by that? I mean that think of the aorta and the bigger ones as freeways. The smaller ones are highways and the really small capillaries are your city streets.

Speaker 1:

I like to use a lot of analogies because it really helps the listening audience to understand what's really going on for themselves and they can kind of go okay, that makes a lot of sense. So let's say you're dehydrated, then the houses on the city streets are not getting the water they need and the trucks that are on the streets are not coming to pull away the waste from their house. Waste builds up in the cells. It's called acidity. That acidity can damage the membranes of the cells as well as the nucleus and the DNA, and the acidity will eat into the delicate structures of the cells.

Speaker 1:

Right, because it's building up, because you're causing dehydration. That's a signal. It's pain, because the body's like we got to get rid of this. Drink more water, homeboy. You know that's kind of what it's saying. Make sense of this drink more water, homeboy. You know that's kind of what it's saying makes sense and so that's just so. That's one.

Speaker 1:

I know it's a long explanation, but it's one of the reasons. That's one of the reasons people have chronic pain is because they're actually in chronic dehydration all the time. Arthritis that's your. Your joints are inflamed because you have chronic dehydration. A lot of doctors don't know this, but you're like, oh well, chronic dehydration, so I just got to drink more water, my arthritis goes away. It's not that simple. You have to drink structured water. Or you got to stop eating the cookies and the sugar and you got to stop stressing out. You got to have positive thoughts and emotions. You got to connect to nature, you got to get good sleep and you got to stop stressing out. You got positive thoughts and emotions. You got to connect to nature. You got to get good sleep. You got to exercise, all those things. Reduce the cellular stress, ox and that, and reduce the chronic inflammation, improve hydration, and then you're in a much better place. Does that make sense? Absolutely?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it's quite interesting. It just reminded me. Well, I'm going back 20 plus years and I remember a client came to see me. She had quite severe lower back pain and and I didn't I didn't assess her on the first type, first day, but I said look, you know I need to get you back in, let's reassess you.

Speaker 2:

But from what you've told me, sounds like you've got some kind of disc issue and and I can't remember why, but there was a reason why she couldn't see me for about a month. I don't know if she was going away or something. And just as she was leaving she said is there anything I can do in the meantime? And I just said make sure you're drinking. I can't remember exactly the amount. It was based on us, on a size, but let's say I said two liters of water per day. And then you know, I know she was due to come and see me in about a month's time. So I followed her up and I said oh, like you know, do you want to arrange a time to come in and see me? And she said oh, no, drinking the water did the job. I don't have any back pain anymore.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's that simple and I jokingly say I should have charged her first for solving up right but um well here.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing too, um, for the audience listening is that understand that drink you could, as you drank. The wash is great, but water is a very aggressive molecule when it so there's been stories of people drinking, like you know, a quart of water and then having to go to the hospital because all their minerals get depleted, or a lot of them get depleted because the water is not structured. So what the water is, the water has to have minerals to structure. So that's what electrolytes are is there's, it's water it's. It's. The reason you don't lead electrolytes is because to structure the water. And so when she was drinking all that water, that's great. Um, I'm glad she didn't have any problems because, like I said, if you don't drink the structured water, um, then you're at more a risk of of depleting your own minerals of supply, because the body will pull minerals from itself and its tissues and its bones to help to structure the water. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, absolutely. And when you think about you know again, thinking of pain, you know in in a lot of your joints you've got synovial fluid right.

Speaker 1:

They lubricate, which is water, which is water mostly water, everything's water, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then you've got discs. You know, in between most of your vertebrae You've got a disc in which is water. You've got a disc in the jaw. You know your fascia is made up predominantly of water.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, so it does make a lot of sense. There is, you know, a very close link between water and pain.

Speaker 1:

Well, and hold on, let me say something real quick, and so I'll pick it up after that. Yeah, so for our listening audience, understand water is everything. Nothing else really. I mean other things matter, obviously, but you've really got to get a handle on water and learn as much about it as you can. So I think the people listening to this obviously like to learn about health and stuff. Read as much as you can about water. You just need to understand water like the back of your hand, because when you understand water, you're going to understand most everything else when it comes to your health.

Speaker 1:

And, like you said, your fascia is mostly water, your eyes are water, your skin is 90% water. Your blood vessels are 90% or 80% water, so it makes sense that it's basically just water. We're basically bags of water with some minerals, I write in my book. We're basically water with a few minerals thrown in for good measure. We're three buckets of water with some minerals thrown in for good measure and something to cover the water. That's all we are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from a physical point of view that's correct. Yeah, yeah. So do you have any real-world examples or personal experience in which structured water has significantly improved chronic pain in someone? Significantly improved chronic pain in someone?

Speaker 2:

John was a personal trainer and triathlete when he first came to see me suffering from knee pain for which he'd received physiotherapy which, sadly, hadn't proven to be successful. As someone who was passionate about his triathlon performance, john was at his wits end about his knee, as it was preventing him from training properly. I performed a full assessment on John and gave him a corrective exercise program and together we came up with a revised triathlon training plan in the short term, which included no running or cycling plus some medium and long-term goals. John followed the program rigorously and after 10 weeks I reassessed John and upgraded his exercise program and added in some appropriate strength work in accordance with the progress that he'd made. Eventually, I gave John the all clear to start running and cycling again, and John slowly started to gain confidence in his knee and consequently increased his mileage, and was extremely pleased to find out that the knee pain not only went away but never came back. In fact, in his first attempt after completing the rehab program, john managed to beat his 10k run time by four minutes. He put it down to feeling much more efficient in his running technique and having a much stronger core.

Speaker 2:

John has gone on to complete many triathlons since all around the world, including Olympic and Ironman distances, alongside world-class athletes. If you're in pain and it's preventing you from doing what you'd love to do and you'd like to achieve great results, like John, go to wwwbodycheckcouk that's b-o-d-y-c-h-E-Kcouk to request your consultation. Now back to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean myself. My stepmom drinks structured water. I just find that for me and I started drinking the structured water and drinking quality water about, I'd say, about six or seven years ago I go to a natural spring where I live here in my area and I bottle my own water Because I just well, obviously I know how important water is and so I bottle my own water and I haven't, I've had it tested. So if we're listening audience, you really want to test it. Make sure there's you know it's not, it's it's not, there's not a bunch of runoff. You know a natural spring is usually coming from very deep underground and the rocks and the minerals and the carbon all filter it. You've heard of carbon filters for your, for you know there's carbon filters for for water purification right yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what's the earth? The earth is one big water filter. So you drink water from that, from a spring. You're getting all that perfect filtration from the carbon. You're getting all the energetics from the sun and from all the minerals in the soil, which have energetics too, energy which is transferring to the water. You're also taking away the negative energies in the water, because it's basically the minerals and all the energetics of all that interacting with all the microbes in the water are helping to take all that negative, polluted energy that's in the water and transforming it into what's the word? Into. It's releasing all that negative energy.

Speaker 1:

So when you drink someone drinks tap water, let's say all that negative energy is stored in the water from the pollution, from all the wherever it's been, because, remember, as we talked about earlier in the conversation, water stores everything. So when you're drinking water from a filtration plant, where they're filtering the water, from a water treatment facility, right, all that, it's remembering everything that's happening to it, and so that's why you want to drink the best water you can. And also, if someone can't go to a natural spring, let's say I mean, some people don't have them around, they're in a big city. You want to bless your water, thank it, just like Amoto's experiments and Beta Austin. You say thank you water. I love you water. Thank you for giving me life. You are the most important thing. Whatever right talk to it, you know who cares. If people see you talking to your water, it's you know. It's your health we're talking about. And when you do that, what's going to happen? As we discussed earlier, you're going to structure those molecules together into these patterns, these hexagonal, crystal-like patterns. Which is going to? Which is going is structuring the water, which is what your body wants and you have. You spend way less energy structuring it yourself.

Speaker 1:

And so my step-mom, like I said, she's been drinking it for about a year now. She's 71. She hasn't been sick in a year and she's under a tremendous amount of stress, um, but she also has a lot of other. She also does a lot of other things on my model and my blueprint I made. My publicist is drinking structured water. My publisher is drinking structured water. It has amazing results and so it's just.

Speaker 1:

People need to wake up to this. Structured water is one of the most important things for your health that no one's really considering. And another thing quickly about structured water is one of the most important things for your health that no one's really considering. And another thing about quickly about structured water, is that there's a lot of things on the market because it's this kind of new thing, a viral thing. Everyone's kind of it's the fad and it's not new. It's been around for a million years but people are starting to get back into it again. So structured water there's different devices and some will structure for a couple of days, maybe a week. It just depends on what they're doing and what kind of device you're using. I mean, there's so many things on market. The one I use personally and all the people around me that have been helped is something called the MEA device MEA and they can go to my website at ultimatehealthmodelcom and we have all the recommendations of stuff I personally use for my own health and they'll see it on there used for my own health and they'll see it on there and if they buy them they get discounts and so they can see all that stuff. But back to what that is.

Speaker 1:

This gentleman has figured a way to keep the water structure permanently. Now he's done many experiments on this to prove it staying permanently structured and he was challenged about 10 years ago by some scientists in Europe. He went to some conference I don't know the exact details. He went to some conference and they were saying hey, robert, we want you to structure water permanently, and he'd been studying water for 30 years. He goes okay, let's figure this out. And so he did it permanently. And a lot of devices on the market don't do that permanently. Now I don't know all the devices on the market, but I know his does stay structured permanently and he has the evidence and the research and the patents to prove it. Okay, so that's why I believe his is important. He's also I mean, yeah, he has done this stuff on his website where he's put, I think he's put vegetables and stuff and fruit in structured water and it stays. It doesn't decay or rot forever. He puts some blueberries in some structured water or something like that. I don't remember the exact experiment, but from my memory, blueberries or raspberries put in the structured water and five years later they're still good. So to me that means that whatever he's doing is keeping the water structured, and so I you know I don't know the exact, you know how it is exactly staying structured. It's his devices that are vortexing the water and there's a mineral and a magnetic field.

Speaker 1:

Because what way water structures for our audience, so they understand it. It's through all the divide, all the, the, the basis of nature, the, the uh, the, the um, not the environment, it's all the systems of nature and the and the how, how nature works, meaning vortexing. So when the water is in a stream, know it flows back and forth, side to side, gently. That's structuring the water. The sunlight and the energetics and the energies and the electromagnetic frequencies, everything's vibration, all those energies, the sunlight energies, infrared, ultraviolet visible light, all those are structuring the water. The magnetics of the earth, the field, earth's magnetic field, is structuring the water. The magnetics of the earth, the earth's magnetic field, is structuring the water. The minerals in the river are structuring the water. So if you bring that back and oxygen and all these things, so if you bring that back to your blood vessels we were talking about this earlier your body is structuring water to use it.

Speaker 1:

So what's in your blood? It's mostly water In your blood vessels. In the last few years they have found and figured out that the blood is actually vortexing in that same pattern in your blood vessels. Because when they open up blood vessels they can't see that because obviously the water goes out of them and the only way they can see that is in vivo, meaning in the actual body. In vitro means in a lab, in a Petri dish. In vivo means in the actual system or body or biological system. So they've seen the water actually vortex in that pattern. What's also in your blood Minerals, what's also getting into your skin through sunlight and the ultraviolet light and the UVB and the UVA light.

Speaker 1:

I think infrared is more penetrating than the UVA and the UVB. The UVB doesn't penetrate on the skin, the UVA does. That goes into the blood vessels to structure the water and the minerals. We talked about the vortexing, the magnetic field created by the spinning of the of the blood and water, and the magnetic and the minerals. You see how it's all. It's all interconnected people. That's why it's so. If you just take a, you know a, a 30,000 foot view and just go, wow the beauty of nature and the magnificence of what's here, and then they can understand. Okay, this is what I've got to do. All the things we've been doing the last 30 years, or 50 or 100 or whatever you want to say, is taking us away from what's natural.

Speaker 2:

And it's just. It's really simple stuff. Yeah, so one of the things I think most people know nowadays is not to store water in plastic. Now, glass, I think, is generally accepted as being a good container for water, but from what you've said, if you're going to store water anywhere, I think probably it also matters where you store it as well. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I kind of differ on that opinion from what people say about plastic. I store mine in these BPA-free plastic jugs because they're seven gallons and it's impossible to go up to the mountains where I get my water and carry a seven-gallon glass jug. Things can break. So it's just more convenient and practical to store it and I do so many things in my book and on my model and my blueprint that offset these effects anyway. So, yeah, storing in plastic.

Speaker 1:

So if the plastic gets hot you don't want to put stuff in a microwave. You never want to use a microwave anyway. Period, because that's completely destroying the structure of the water. I could have any way. Period, because that's completely destroying the structure of the water. But if you put them in plastic it's not hot. As far as leaching goes, you know what? There's studies saying that it's leaching plastic into the water. I don't know. I mean that's kind of you know. That's up for interpretation. I think if it's stored in plastic and it's not hot, you're okay. But you want you to put a plastic bottle that's a clear one. Obviously in a car it's 100 degrees out. The plastic gets hot. Then it might leach a little bit into there. But there's so many things, other things in the world that we're doing. Leaching a little bit of plastic into your food or your water is, you know, it is what it is. You can do other things to kind of offset that.

Speaker 1:

As far as storing water, you know I keep it in a cooler place. Now the water I drink is living water. What do I mean by that? Well, it's got microbes in it and algae and it's a living thing and that's why I think it's so important to drink that if you, if you can, if you can, because the mic, the algae and the um, spirulina, all the different algae forms of blue green algae is, is is beneficial to your health. I mean, if you, if you read studies on that.

Speaker 1:

I've read numerous studies on blue-green algae and cholera. One's a disease and one is algae Cholera. Cholera yeah, that's the one that's algae and blue-green algae, spirulina all this stuff is in my water and people take these as supplements because they're antiviral, antifungal, anti-radiation, anti everything. So you know it's not bad for you. Algae people take algae supplements, they, they. So why are you taking up if it's bad? So, anyway, back to my water. So if it's in mines in the sun it'll start to grow stuff, but I still drink it because it's it's in mines, in the sun. It'll start to grow stuff, but I still drink it because it's it's inert and harmless. It's not. It's not toxic.

Speaker 1:

Um and so. But you know, if you can't get water like that, then you know, uh, get regular water and filter it to get the pollutants out. Bless it, thank it. Put some sea salt in it, um, or bamboo salt, which is really good, because bamboo salt is incredible. Bamboo salt has, I think, all or most of the trace minerals found in nature. It is a little bit expensive, but you put that in some water. Maybe some organic lemons juice you find, or lime, lime or whatever cucumber, anything you do, anything you can do to help structure it and, as well I said, talk to it. Bless it, thank it. Get the structuring device.

Speaker 1:

I. I think you, you don't want to become obsessed, like me about water, but you really need to. You really need to take a second look at it and start thinking more about it. That people aren't doing and they're not respecting it, and that's why I believe, uh, I believe, a lot of the problems we're having today is because, well, it's because of all the things we're doing in society. You know that we haven't done in 100 years ago, but a lot of it's water, yeah, because that's causing the dehydration, chronic dehydration and everything else.

Speaker 2:

That's a problem yeah, yeah, I mean I always have a store of water just for emergencies. You never know, particularly in today's world, that you might be in a situation where you're stuck, or for me it might just be my water filter stops working. So at least I know I've always got a store of water to use. And I mean, what I tend to do is it's not, it's not in, it's not in the sun. Um, and that was kind of I was thinking while you were speaking, maybe it'd be better, possibly to put it in the sun, but it's also the furthest away from my wi-fi router as well. Although there you go, that's not very often, to be honest.

Speaker 2:

That's good, but it's literally as far away as it can be yeah, um because, again, that that will destructure the water as well, right anything like yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure so are there any scientific studies or research supporting structural benefits in managing chronic pain?

Speaker 1:

yeah, absolutely in my book um, they are. There's a study talking about the c word and how structure water might be able to help with that and I I can't. I wrote the book. I can't remember what the name of the study is. It's in the third chapter on biodesign. It's molecular structure of water and the benefits to cancer prevention or something like that. But yeah, I footnoted it because it was so important. There's not a lot of footnotes in my book references and citations because I didn't want a book with a thousand citations because a lot of them aren't even trustworthy anyway. But I did put a few in there that are really interesting and that's one of them, and when they get my book they can see that I don't. It just slips my mind. I don't remember the exact name of that study, but yeah, there are studies on that, on benefits of structured water and how it can improve health period.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't feel bad about not remembering references from your book. I've got five books and I'm sure if people question me on mine, I wouldn't remember half of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, good, All right, because I feel bad. I'm like I should know every sentence in my book. I've done it, though I can't remember them.

Speaker 2:

Some of mine I wrote 16 years ago. Okay yeah, I wouldn't remember. So what practical steps can people take to incorporate structured water into their daily routines to help manage chronic pain?

Speaker 1:

Well, just like I said earlier, is put water as your number one focus in your life, literally. I know it sounds kind of weird and kind of bizarre, but you really do. And I'm not just saying of drinking it because I say I'll drink five glasses of water a day, blah, blah, blah. I'm talking about the actual respect of it. Understand that that's all you are is water and and and. Just put that at the forefront of your mind, that this is, and do whatever you can to structure it and bless it and thank it and just and. Does that make sense? So, and there's a study actually I was reading when I had I had on my podcast, um, earlier this week, a gentleman named nate, dr nathan bryan yeah, he's a very well-known guy in the nitric oxide space, very nice guy and in his book and this wasn't even talking about structured water, this was just water in general, which is really a fascinating statement and fact.

Speaker 1:

They said the people that drank five glasses or more of water a day and this is men, I believe, and I said don't quote me exactly on the statistic we had a 46% reduced risk of getting a heart attack and I thought, wow, that's pretty big. And women, and this was like men 40 to 50. I don't I said I don't remember the exact statistics, but just suffice to say it was a 46% reduction in heart attack risk and women same thing was like a 63%. That might be it might be a little too high, but when I read that statistic I was like just drinking water and that's not even structured water, and I was like, wow, this is incredible. So once again, for the people, for the listening audience is you know, I highly suggest you go to my website, ultimatehealthmodelcom, and go to my recommendations page and look at that MEA device and just start researching it, just understand it. You click on there. He has, I think, 50 articles. He's written research articles that I've read. I've read most of them on his website.

Speaker 1:

They're fascinating about structured water and so they can just learn. You know Google, you can learn anything on Google on your phone. Just start reading about water and its importance and its magnificence and educate yourself and that's all you can do and then I'm confident you're going to feel better in some aspect, just with drinking structured water, not to mention everything else. On my model and my blueprint, the way I look at it is that the body is a self-healing miracle machine. If we get out of its way, it can do what it needs to do, and a million years ago there were no doctors.

Speaker 1:

When I wrote my book, I'm like okay, so if this body we have here in nature is, you know, self-sustaining a circle of life, everything is kind of perfect. Then I kind of work my way backwards from that. I go if everything's perfect, then let's dig into some research and some articles and go okay, well, if this happens because of this, maybe it's because of this. So I would just always ask questions about well, this doesn't make sense because the body's not going to do anything. That's not in perfect harmony with what it needs to do every second of every day, literally with what it needs to do every second of every day, literally Every second of every day, the body is in perfect harmony, doing exactly what it has to do all the time, without question. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's interesting. So, as a Czech practitioner, I teach my clients that there are six foundational factors to health, and they're in a priority order. Number one is your thoughts thoughts right. Number two is breathing. Number three is hydration. Number four is nutrition. Number five is movement. Number six is sleep and rest.

Speaker 1:

That's it well, it's interesting to say that because mine, I, I, I have the same kind of list, obviously in my book. I like how you say diet is way back there and I say the same thing. So in mine it goes breathing. I think breathing is number one. Personally, thoughts and emotions of breathing are neck and neck. I had to make a call in my book and so I just put breathing first, then I put sleeping, I put what structure water next, then I put um uh, then I put um food, then I put exercise, then I put toxins, then I put thoughts and emotions. But yeah, they're, it's so hard because it's they're all interconnected to try to say which one's more important is really tough.

Speaker 2:

But ultimately the idea is that unless you have got all six in place and you're nailing all six anything else you're going to try is kind of irrelevant really, because you canack and biohack and biohack that, but unless you've got those foundations in place, the building is just going to fall down anyway.

Speaker 1:

You know, you can try papering over the cracks, but you need those six foundations yeah, and I like how you say that about, um, if you have the foundation in place, because there's all these biohackers out there you know, do this, do that, do this. It all these biohackers out there, you know, do this, do that, do this. It's like, okay, you take this particular supplement, you take this supplement, nad, it's going to, that's it, that's all you gotta do. Or now there's this, this um, this thing about the carbon 15 saturated fat. That's supposed to be the miracle molecule of life and that's, that's what's. I think it's carbon-15 they're talking about. It's a saturated fatty acid.

Speaker 1:

I've been seeing some videos on that, read some articles. Same thing. It's like oh my, it's carbon-15, that's it, that's the miracle. No, like you're saying, it's everything combined. And I'm wearing this necklace because of the EMS, because it does help to block them. The glasses are helping to block the blue light. But when you're saying we're talking about biohacking, I mean this is kind of biohacking, but it's not saying and this is just, you know, from the beginning, you know we had to do this because you know blue light coming out of computers is not natural light, like is in sunlight, but biohacking, like you're saying, that's different. That's where they're talking about, oh, you know, this particular supplement. I agree with you on that. No, it's not one thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I don't know if you're familiar with Paul Cech. He's from California and he says you shouldn't biohack, you should bioharmonize, that's it Right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, a noise, that's it right. Yeah, no, I'm not familiar with him, but that's really yeah. I'm glad you brought that up because I read a book called the water codes which is fascinating about talking about water and its energetics and the frequencies of everything around us, either harmonizing or causing resonance, dissonance, harmonics, and it's almost like when the water molecules are in resonance they're in harmonics and that was fascinating to me, almost like music. So that's why music and sounds helps to structure water, because you can almost think of each organ in your body as a different key or a different note on a musical scale. This is just a theory.

Speaker 1:

Possibly the liver is a C chord or a C note and the brain is an A note and the the liver or the heart is a D note. I don't know. But in music because I play guitar you can see my guitar in the background there's harmonics and certain frequencies go together and when the waves come together and they're in harmony, there's a frequency, there's amplitude, all these different things that I don't want to confuse the listening audience, but suffice it to say when they come together in harmonies, the waves, that's like a musical chord which would be like a C, d and a, g, and so I just thought to myself well, maybe each organ is a certain musical note, I don't know, it's just, everything is connected. I just find that I'm always learning and thinking about things. As you can see, I do a lot of thinking yeah, I mean, cymatics is, uh, the study of that.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it where you and I normally use sand or powder, don't they? They put a vibration through something like a almost like a drum surface and they put powder on it and they're playing music through it and it will change shape depending on the music that's coming through. That's fascinating, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sometimes they do it with water as well, yeah, so when they use that with water and and and they put different vibrations through there and it creates different. You know molecular cool patterns and structures and crystalline patterns in the water. Well, if your body is water, it's obvious there. You can see it right there or in the sand, that's it. Yeah, and so that's why humming is or song or humming. You know the ancients, the monks, they hum, yeah, they go hum, and I used to. I'm still kind a buddhist, I don't really practice the. They have the. You know the different things, that it's called nam-myoho-renge-ko, but that humming sound nam-myoho-renge-ko, that is probably structuring the water too. Yeah, yeah that's.

Speaker 2:

That's why you also have to think about the thoughts that you have when you're, you know, because your body's made of water. Right, you got to think about the thoughts you're having. Are you thinking positively, thinking negatively? Yeah, you know. Are you around people that are arguing all the time? What's that doing to you? Or are you arguing with people all the time? What's that doing to your health? You know it's um. It's a very important thing to consider and to really consider very carefully the people that you surround yourself with, because you know you really don't want to be in an environment where people are just at each other all the time. You want to be in a, you know, a loving environment where you're infusing each other's cellular water, you know, absolutely with good vibrations, as the Beach Boys once said, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, and I think you know to that point this is all common sense. If people really just take a step back and go, well, what makes sense? You know there's anger and frustration, and you know, eating processed food that we didn't have before, or our computers. I mean, just think about what's logical. This is not rocket science, I don't think. And so if people get out of their own way and just kind of just go okay, let's go with a blank slate, let me just try to whatever benjamin's saying here, let me just kind of go to blank slate, get his book, go to his website and just understand these things from a real basic level, yeah, you're gonna, you're gonna. I'm confident you're gonna get better in some aspect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, for sure. So what's next for you, benjamin?

Speaker 1:

Next for me is just doing more podcasts. I'm getting some interesting guests. On my podcast. I have this lady Hopefully my publicist reached out to her. She is the founder of something called Aquaphotomics and what it is. It's the study of what we're talking about here water, the way water interacts with light and the different frequencies of the visible spectrum and the, and the the ultraviolet and the infrared, and they've she's been able to figure a way to map it out into into individual, individual frequencies and wavelengths in the water structure. I mean, I don't even I'm kind of talking off, I don't even know. I'm just it's so complicated but so fascinating. That's the kind of conversations I like to have on my podcast. Uh is something that people don't talk about or know about, and so that's kind of that's what's coming up.

Speaker 1:

For me is just getting these kind of guests on getting my message out there, you know, because I'm I'm not a celebrity and I'm just a small town guy, but what I have to share is really important. So it's just getting, it's getting the message out there the best I can about my book and my model, my blueprint, because every time, everywhere I look around, you're in England, I'm in the United States. I'm sure you go to the store and you see these people. You look like you're in fairly good shape too, but you look at these people. They're overweight or they're hobbling around. They're 40 years old or hobbling around. Or they're overweight or they don't look like they. They look like they don't look like they're well, and I know for me I don't know about for you, but I just look at them and go there really is a better way. You know you don't have to live like this. So it's kind of frustrating for me. I'm like you. Really. It's.

Speaker 1:

This is not the media and everything's made so complicated, but it's. It's really simplistic. It's one plus one is two. Yeah, and it's that simple. Yeah, hold on. It's simple, but it's not easy. It's not easy to get away from carbs. It's not easy to stop using our we're using our computers right now. It's not easy to do these things. But do the best you can, yeah, yeah. That's all I tell people is do the best you can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. I think one thing is clear is the further you move away from nature, the more likely you're going to be unwell, and the more you move towards a natural environment, the more you're going to be healthy. That's it. That's simple. Structured water is one of those things. That's simple.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So where can people find you online and also give a shout out to your podcast and also just mention again your book before we?

Speaker 1:

sign off. Yeah, so the book is why Are you Sick and how to Reclaim your Health with the Ultimate Health Model. The website's ultimatehealthmodelcom. Our Instagram's Ultimate Health Model, our TikTok's Ultimate Health, it's Ultimate Health Model. This is how they can remember that. Yeah, the name of our podcast, oddly enough, is the Ultimate Health Model Podcast Our first. We just started this a couple weeks ago. Our first episode will be out this week Ultimate Health Model Podcast on Spotify, apple, all these things. But what I really encourage people to do is obviously go to my website, too, and look at that recommendations page, look at the information on there, because we talked about today. The water filters are on there All these things they can use for their health. There's mouth breathing strips they can put on their mouth to keep their mouth closed at night, and these are things I use myself, but these are things that are going to help them along their journey, plus the book, plus the podcast anything we can do to help people feel better.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, great stuff, benjamin. Thank you so much for your time today. It's been really enlightening and it's interesting. I was on a podcast a couple of months ago, so the episode's not out yet, but, um, the host, I happened to turn up and I have. I took my own water with me, as I always do, and he kind of said, oh what kind of water you have you got, you know it was, it was intriguing.

Speaker 2:

It was intriguing in terms of the water. And I said, well, it's, it's filtered, it's remineralized and it's restructured. And he said I was restructuring. And I said, well, oh, there you go. I said, well, I could, I could try and explain it. I said, but, but I don't feel like I could explain it to an eight-year-old, so therefore I'm not even going to try. Yeah, so, and then he said I had you restructure it. And I said, well, I've got this crystal wand and you stir it.

Speaker 2:

And he was a little bit like well, I'm not sure if that's a gimmick or you know, that could be wasting your money. So it's great that we've had this chat and maybe I'll forward it on to him. Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 1:

I want to speak with you quickly before we go. Yeah, the crystal wand you're talking about, um, uh, I don't know how long it stays structured with that, but I know that's a good. It's a gardener or something. It starts a g right it's um.

Speaker 2:

No, the one that I use.

Speaker 1:

It's called analema, but it's a wand, because that's been around for like 20 or 30 years or something, because I remember learning about that before I even wrote my book about 20 years ago. It's a wand and I yeah it's those really really beneficial as well. Excellent.

Speaker 2:

So that's all from Benjamin and me for this week, but don't forget to join me same time, same place next week on the Radical Health Report podcast. Thanks for tuning in, remember to give the show a rating and a review, and I'll see you next time.

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