Radical Health Rebel
Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel Podcast, where Leigh, a renowned Functional Medicine Practitioner, CHEK Practitioner, CHEK Faculty Instructor, Active Release Techniques® Therapist, Emotion Code Practitioner, author, and podcast host, takes you on a journey to achieve optimal health, wellness, and happiness. With his extensive training and years of clinical experience, Leigh provides a truly holistic approach to health that has proven effective even when other methods have failed.
Join us every week for insightful discussions and expert interviews focusing on chronic pain, gut health, and skin health. Leigh's diverse background and passion for holistic healing brings you valuable knowledge and practical tips from leading experts in the field. Whether you're struggling with persistent health issues or simply looking to enhance your well-being, the Radical Health Rebel Podcast is your go-to resource for achieving a vibrant and healthy life. Tune in and start your journey to radical health today!
Radical Health Rebel
120 - Homeopathic Remedies for Muscle Strains & Ligament Sprains with Dr Jo Polich
In this week’s episode of The Radical Health Rebel Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Jo Polich, a leading expert on Arnica and other homeopathic remedies for injury recovery, especially sprains and strains. Dr. Jo combines scientifically validated methods with traditional knowledge, offering effective solutions for both athletes and non-athletes alike.
We explore how these remedies can be a powerful addition to your healing toolkit, helping you recover faster from muscle and ligament injuries.
Whether you're an athlete looking for quick recovery solutions or just someone wanting to heal better, this episode is packed with practical insights!
We discussed:
Healing With Homeopathy
Healing Through Alternative Medicine Success
Understanding Homeopathy Nanostructures
Understanding Homeopathic Treatments and Prevention
Enhancing Recovery Through Homeopathy and Healing
Healing Chronic Injuries With Homeopathy
Exploring Pain and Healing Concepts
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showing high-level allopathic doctors that homeopathy is a real thing and we'll get to that in a minute. And so basically, he says to me. He says, joe, I didn't believe you, he said, but you're better than 90% of my patients that use anti-inflammatories. You've discovered something remarkable.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast. I'm your host, Lee Brandom. This work started for me several decades ago when I started to see the impact I could make on people, helping them to identify the root cause of their health problems that no doctor could figure out, including serious back, knee, shoulder and neck injuries, acne and eczema issues, severe gut health problems, even helping couples get pregnant after several IVF treatments had failed. And it really moves me to be able to help people in this way, and that is why I do what I do and why we have this show.
Speaker 2:In this week's episode of the Radical Health Rebel podcast, I sit down with Dr Joe Pollock, a leading expert on Arnica and other homeopathic remedies for injury, especially sprains and strains. Dr Joe combines scientifically validated methods with traditional knowledge, offering effective solutions for both athletes and non-athletes alike. We explore how these remedies can be a powerful addition to your healing toolkit, helping you to recover faster from muscle and ligament injuries. Whether you're an athlete looking for quick recovery solutions or just someone wanting to heal better, this episode is packed with practical insights. Dr Joe Pollock, welcome to the Radical Medical Podcast. Thanks for coming on the show.
Speaker 2:Thank you for having me on for this real thing, and we'll get to that in a minute and Joe, to kick things off, could you share a little bit about education and?
Speaker 1:professional background. He said wait, you're a matter of the 90% of my patients that use anti-inflammatories.
Speaker 2:Oh, I have a very unusual background for someone that became a homeopath.
Speaker 1:So I started my life as an engineer. I have three engineering degrees, one in mechanical and two in material science and engineering, which is a small subset, and I was very happy being an engineer. I loved problem solving. I worked a lot in the manufacturing world. I actually was appointed actually there's a I know you're in Europe, so there's a French company called Alcatel and I was appointed to two working boards, one in fiber optics and one in space satellites and so I think the natural progression after that sort of career is to quit your job and become a homeopath, which is kind of what I did.
Speaker 1:And in the US, basically you have to get some form of a medical license. So I chose chiropractic, went back to school, went to four more years of school why, I don't know and then it did a postdoc in homeopathy and this all really started with. So I'm, you know, an engineer. I'm very happy with my job. But I have a one-year-old who for the first, for the next year she had diarrhea two to three times a day, and anyone that's had a little one in diapers that's hard. If you did not change a diaper within like 30 minutes her butt was raw. So a lot of work. Took her to.
Speaker 1:Every doctor looked everywhere to try and figure what's going on. Pediatrician did this, did that. Every specialist in the world? They can't figure it out. So, long story short, there's a place in the United States called Whole Foods. I went in and I found a vial. The vials typically look like something like this I'm just looking at them. I have no idea what they are and but in I kind of trusted it was. Whole Foods is a natural food store and basically, um, do they have them in England?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Okay, nevermind, yes, there are Okay. So you guys know what I'm talking about. Yeah, so what happens is I take this vial. I now have a two-year-old. I give her these little white pills. There's little white pills in the bottom here. They taste like sugar. She has no idea and for the first time in over a year her stools are solid. I was shocked. I've got three engineering degrees, I've done tons of experiments and I'm like one. I don't think any child could make their stool solid. And secondly, she thought it was like candy. So this is not the placebo effect.
Speaker 1:So I became interested in it. I played mommy homeopath, I learned to be mommy homeopath and in the end what really would happen for me was one of my. So I'm at this point the director of engineering. One of my employees comes in. He just had some trauma in his family and I realized that I care more about making him feel better than I did about whether he got his code done. So I go back to school, I quit my job. I realized, okay, I'm going to align my life with what I care about. I quit my job, I go become a homeopath and then in the process I accidentally invented something that ridiculously reduces sorry, ridiculously reduces swelling and pain and bruising.
Speaker 1:I had a patient who had a trigger point on her back. She was elderly and she was very thin and very frail and you literally could see a lump on her back. Her trigger point was so big and the reason that we were treating her was because, sorry, she had headaches and we tried to do the normal chiropractic things and it wasn't doing anything. And then I went to my clinician I said can I give her oral Arnica, which is the same thing my daughter had taken? And she's like we're chiropractors, we don't do things orally. And I'm like, oh well, like cause, so I don't. I'm assuming well, this is actually a French company too, boira. So we had these creams that they're really really, really low potency. I wanted something way stronger. So what I did was I um, I basically figured out a topical concoction to work and the trigger point went down like half didn't help her headaches at all. But the trigger point went down in half and then what happened for me was so I use it on patients for ages.
Speaker 1:I use this topical Anytime somebody had a problem. They had access to it and I ruptured my ACL. So here I'm like oh, so I did. I actually tried to make like a cream out of it and it didn't work. And I'm like, oh, so I so I did. I actually tried to make like a cream out of it and it didn't work. And I'm like, okay, this is weird, I don't know why there isn't something like this in the United States. So I looked in Europe, I looked in India, I looked all over and could not find I was looking for this in this potency. So I don't find it.
Speaker 1:I basically rupture my ACL, which is the anterior cruciate ligament, and I don't swell. This is two days after I ruptured my ACL. It's supposed to be really swollen but I don't know that. I think that, oh, maybe 20% of the population doesn't swell. And I go see an orthopedic surgeon and he tells me there's a very famous school here called Northwestern and it's top 10 probably medical schools in the country and he's the orthopedic surgeon for it. And what happens is he tells me I've been head of orthopedics for 30 years. I've never seen an ACL that doesn't swell and just thinks I'm crazy, because, you remember, he's allopathic, traditional medicine, right, and I'm a homeopath. And he just thinks I'm crazy, right, but he repairs. I'm like I don't care, just get my knee repaired, because of course I don't expect him to believe me. We all we live in that world, we know this right.
Speaker 1:And so what happens is I go and I basically get my ACL repaired and I don't use anti-inflammatories and he basically stops me at a month and he said first of all we're talking and he's apparently very worried that I'm not taking anti-inflammatories because apparently at about a month your knee is typically completely swollen at maximum amount and you can't bend it and so he's worried. This is where I'm going to look, but instead at a month I could almost bend it completely. I very limited amount that I couldn't bend. I was walking around like a normal person and he was amazed and he said Joe, I didn't believe you. So here and this is important because I know a lot of your listeners are basically into alternative medicine If you provide the right data, they will follow it.
Speaker 1:And in fact, my entire journey in the last 14 years has been all about showing high-level allopathic doctors that homeopathy is a real thing, and we'll get to that in a minute. And so basically he says to me, he says, joe, I didn't believe you. He said but you're better than 90% of my patients that use anti-inflammatories. You've discovered something remarkable, and that was what got me to write the first patent, because it was the fact that he didn't believe it and I'd done enough research. You don't call something on one unless it's so incredibly unbelievable that you know that it must be, and I'll show you some photos just because it's up and I don't want to, and then I'll jump back to what my path has been in the last little bit. Okay, so show my ACL first. This is the ACL.
Speaker 1:Do you see how there's like, this is two days, oh, actually it's actually the day after the injury. I don't know, have you ever known anybody who blew an ACL?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's normally swollen like crazy. Yeah, this is a baby.
Speaker 2:What I'm saying, what are you? So? Yeah, I was just going to say it looks like the right knee is slightly more swollen than the left to me, yeah, you can actually tell, because there's an imprint of a brace on it.
Speaker 1:Can you see that right a little bit. Yeah, this knee is slightly more swollen, but the point is slightly is the operative word here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean I I kind of struggled to see the difference, to be honest, but there's a slight difference, yeah if you know what you're looking for.
Speaker 1:I can tell um, because I look at those things. But yeah, so there's a baby bump. There's a bump on a baby's head. So so what happens is I? So he says to me, don't go into orthopedics because they're very conservative and they will not use it. And so what I found out is, in the United States, that 97% of plastic surgeons and dermatologists use homeopathy. And so what I did was I launched a product into dermatology and homeopathy.
Speaker 1:I don't know if all your listeners know this, but in Europe homeopathy is relatively accepted. In the US not at all, like not at all. It's so much worse. And so what happens is I succeeded in getting the top dermatologists and plastic surgeons in the country to say, yes, this works. We brought a product out. It was called OccuMend, and I had four past presidents of the American Society of Dermatological Surgeons who all publicly stated that a product which was a 50M. For those you know homeopathy, but I will for the rest of you, I will say just something that's very, very, very, very, very, very, very dilute. They, they absolutely were advocating because they saw the proof was in their own, was in what their own patients, and in the end. There's a very big company in the United States. I'm sure most of your people are probably familiar with Botox, lee. Do you know what Botox is? I'm assuming it's popular in Europe?
Speaker 2:Yeah, botulism, toxin.
Speaker 1:What's that?
Speaker 2:Botulism Toxin.
Speaker 1:Yep. So can you imagine, think about all the barriers that we all have to alternative medicine. I got a legitimate pharmaceutical company who did lots of diligence to make sure this stuff actually worked, to say, yes, this works, and we will license it from you because we think this is an important thing to have in the world. It was pretty amazing and so that's really you know. So we have a patch. You can see me and I'll show you some photos, because we actually have some pretty amazing photos. And the real reason that Allergan did that is because the data we had two studies. One study we did basically was a placebo controlled trial, randomized placebo-controlled trial, where we induced bruising and the bruising of the patch actually reduced bruising by about 88%. And then we have another published study in the Journal of Ophthalmic, plastic and Reconstructive Surgery that basically showed I believe it was 52% of patients recovered five to seven days faster. And it was the strength of this studies that mattered, and and one of the things that I've always really really wanted to do was, you know, part of the reason. So I now have a product, so so Allergan licensed the old product and then we launched this one, which, unfortunately, is not available anywhere in the United States, but if somebody wants to go figure that out in somewhere else, they can. But we launched this and my real hope at some point is that this becomes big enough that I can do the research that will prove that homeopathy works and it'll be far more accepted. That's really my desire because I can do it.
Speaker 1:I was going to show you lovely pictures to show you, but I can do that with this product. We can say there's, I can pass any double blind placebo controlled trial. I want to. It's because it's so darn effective, like, for instance. So one of the photos I was going to show you is we had a guy this actually was recently sprained, his ankle all swollen up.
Speaker 1:We have actually had two cases recently. One never had crutches, the other one was off crutches, basically measured. I mean, everybody's sprained the ankle right. By the way, what this is actually for those that are homeopathic is it's basically taking this, a really high potency Arnica, and putting in this, which doesn't exist in the world and it was really my manufacturing background that got me there and so we can reduce swelling, pain and inflammation of any ligament and tendon. Out there we have case studies where there's an athletic trainer at Texas A&M who basically measures the ankle the night of and does a measurement the next day and it's less swollen the next day than it was the day he did it and he played that saturday. He heard it on thursday and played on saturday just on. So I can pass any double blind placebo control trial we ever wanted and that's kind of my underlying. I want this to become big so that we can do the clinical trials yeah, gotcha.
Speaker 2:What I think would be good right now actually before before we get into it a little bit more is if, for some people that maybe don't know the detail, if you could explain what homeopathy is, and also why do so many people believe that it's, you know, mumbo jumbo, pseudoscience, and also what would be your response to anyone holding that view? Catherine had always been fit and active. When she suffered a debilitating back injury, she was barely able to get out of bed or walk without being in excruciating pain. She visited her GP, who prescribed anti-inflammatories, painkillers and muscle relaxants and also referred her to an orthopedic consultant. Catherine was bedridden for 10 days and subsequently could only get through the day with large doses of the prescribed pills.
Speaker 2:Catherine was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc at L3-4 and she was offered anaesthetic injections or spinal surgery. She was horrified and concerned that she would have constant back problems for the rest of her life. Catherine was miserable, could hardly drive, a day at work was agony and any movements in bed were very painful. I carried out detailed postural assessments, muscle strength tests and analysis of her movement patterns. I identified the biomechanical problems and prescribed a very specific exercise program to correct her posture, reduce her level of pain and to prevent the injury reoccurring. After five weeks on the program, the pain had reduced hugely in her back and Catherine stopped taking painkillers. After 10 weeks, catherine was back jogging and doing more intensive exercise with absolutely no back pain, and she was so pleased that she was able to pick up her young son again. If you're suffering like Catherine was and you'd like to find out more about getting to the root causes of your back pain, go to wwwbodycheckcouk and request a consultation. Now back to the podcast will we?
Speaker 1:I love that you asked that question because it's a great question, okay. So, um, everyone's familiar with herbal and actually many people probably have used herbal arnica as well. There's both homeopathic and herbal and the key is is that homeopathic products are diluted. The reason they're controversial is because they're diluted past. There's something called Avogadro's number for those of us that are scientists, and we are diluted. Basically, what Avogadro's number says is below a certain level of dilution. There is no original substance in there, this product, so abogado's number is um 10 to the minus 32.
Speaker 1:I'm probably going way too math on the. I'll explain this non-math in a moment. I'll go math for those that are into math and then I'll go non-math. I'm with you, I'm fine. This is 10 to the minus 2,000. Wow, okay, the product Allergan bought was 10 to the minus 100,000. So, to make it simple, minus Basically. To make it simple, we are so far dilute beyond what any chemist would think there was something in there. They're like there's nothing in there. Can't work right. So there's been research that was done and the research suggests that when you make a homeopathic remedy, you actually form a structure which we call NASA nanostructures, and what these are is it's a combination of the original substance and water and in fact, the reason we or, by the way, we patented this as well and the reason we had, the reason why you could not take this and this and put it together, is because these structures are formed and they are the active ingredient within homeopathy.
Speaker 1:So what I tell people like, so first of all, realize like I'll give you a story. Homeopathy so what I tell people like. So first of all, realize like I'll give you a story. There's a very famous dermatologist. His name is Dr Roy Geronimus and he's in New York City. He's a past president of the American Society of Dermatological Surgeons. He has been forever the president of the New York City.
Speaker 1:One okay, and his position was homeopathy does not work. I've tried it a million times. It doesn't work. And I he's very famous and he's and I really wanted him to try this cause I knew it would work. It took me two years and what he did was I said, okay, use it on, only on who do know 100% of the time bruise, and then call me. So I talked to him three months later. He's like I stopped calling people. I'm like, oh no, it didn't work. And he's like, no, my staff called 41 patients that had always bruised and none of them bruised. So you can, with good data, get to these skeptics none of them bruised. So you can, with good data, get to these skeptics.
Speaker 1:But he absolutely didn't believe it because of the dilution factor. Does that make sense, lee? And so, basically, there's obviously something there. The data suggests that it's what we call NASA nanostructures, and what they are is like they've imaged them with atomic force microscopes and it's not so. This is the problem is that people think, oh, it's the original ingredient. No, there's actually another structure that's formed, and so I am able to your point of what do I say to skeptics? I can't speak. What do I say to skeptics? I simply say try it.
Speaker 1:And when I got Dr Geronimus to use it, he has become. One of the thing that's lovely about brilliant skeptics is, if you convince them, they become the biggest supporters you possibly have. Dr Geronimus, if I called him today, I probably haven't talked to him for a while, and if I called him today, he was like what do you need? He's just that person. In fact, we still have a patent that's pending in England, in Europe actually and he got up super early Like well, he's on East Coast time but he got up at like 7 o'clock in the morning to give a presentation to the European Patent Office. Because of the fact he's gone from complete skeptic to absolute believer because of this product.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so in terms of how homeopathy works, how would you describe that to someone who doesn't know how it works?
Speaker 1:And, by the way, and so I try, one of the things I very much try to do is be very clear on what I know and what I don't know. Okay, and so what I will say is this is just based on being a very analytical person through engineering degrees good figure and observing it over the last 20 years, and the best way I would describe it. So let's say that I hit my arm on the door jam right, I would get a little bruise. This makes your body believe you just got hit by a baseball bat. So it just amplifies what your body normally does and brings more of the cytokines and other things that you normally do. Let's say you would send 50 cytokines, which are things that are used to clean up bruising, and this would send like 2,000 of them. So it just happens way faster.
Speaker 1:It doesn't one of the things that's really key about homeopathy. Unlike pharmaceutical and some botanicals and supplements, homeopathy cannot work if your body can't heal it. So, for instance, type 1 diabetes homeopathy won't touch it. Type 1 diabetes you need insulin. Your body cannot make insulin. Therefore, we can't touch it. You give a homeopathic remedy to somebody with type 1 diabetes and nothing happens Because your body can't make the insulin, we can't help you. Type 2 is different. Your body often is still able to make insulin, and so we can't help you. Type two is different. Your body often is still able to make make um insulin, and so we can help type two. But once your body's no longer capable of making it, we can't help it yeah, in terms, in terms of the, the mechanism, in how it works.
Speaker 2:Now, obviously, one thing we do know is that we don't just stores memory right, water is one of the best stores of memory, which is why a lot of supercomputers, hard drives, are now made of water. So even though that the physical um molecule, or whatever you want to call it, is no longer in the water, my understanding is but the memory of that substance is still in the water. Is with that? Am I on the right lines?
Speaker 1:so I don't call it. That's the nanostructures we're talking about, right? Okay, so the nanostructures which have been imaged with atomic force microscopes, and if I could show my screen, I could actually show you the pictures of them, because they're very, very cool and if you want, lee, I can send them, I'll send, I'll send you the resources and you can see the photos, because it's pretty cool. This is what they're talking about, about the memory of water. There's a number of things. There's been some work that's been done in Washington University, here in Washington State, and it turns out that water will form a long structure, much longer than they ever thought, and so this is part and parcel of what happens with homeopathy is, yes, it's stored in those structures that are made with the water that are ordered, and that's that's basically when I'm. I don't remember. I I'm. I have to be honest, I don't. I haven't read the memory of water stuff in 20 years, and so I'm not a hundred percent sure what they mean. But, yes, if water, water is a very unique substance.
Speaker 1:If it did not, it's basically and in fact we're going to go deep a little bit so the reason that you can't make this and this actually has to do with the hydrogen bonds that are in water. You need hydrogen bonds free and this is my entire pen, actually In order to make a homeopathic remedy. The hydrogen bonds must be free when they're in a gel. You know, picture your hydrogen bond is here, the gel grabs onto the hydrogen bond and so you can't make the Hassa nanostructure. So the patent was simple you needed to have the water molecule completely free, able to form the Hassa nanostructures, and then, when you cross, link it, which is what happens with gels then it can hold on to it, but the nanostructure has to be made first, and that's the entire point, and that's why no one over 200 years has ever been able to make, had never been able to make this gel with a homeopathic remedy.
Speaker 2:And is there a particular type of water that's generally used?
Speaker 1:Doesn't matter. Basically, we literally like just natural water. I mean, we've been making these for 200 years. You want water that's as natural as possible, because it's always worked.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I'm guessing you don't use chlorinated fluoridated water? I do all the time really, wow, they were fine. Wow, yeah, interesting. The other thing that I was going to ask you and you was kind of you've kind of answered it, but you might want to go into more detail. So, obviously, when you, when you have an injury, a normal reaction is to get inflammation, redness, pain. It's there for a reason. Now, when you were saying you tore your ACL, there was no inflammation. From what you said earlier, I'm gathering what you were suggesting is that the kind of immune response just happens quicker. Is that your understanding?
Speaker 1:Yep. So this is a question I thought you were going for and I'm going to answer it because it's one that I pondered and that is so. For instance, I hate steroids. Steroids are not positive for the body. They shut the body down.
Speaker 1:Yeah steroids are not positive for the body. They shut the body down, and so, for instance, one of the things that was super surprising to us was that, when we did the bruising study, that we prevented the bruising. We don't know why, but my guess is, is that the bruising the reason we discolor? By the way, humans are the only ones that discolor. No other animals discolor with a normal bruise. The only reason they discolor is if you open a blood vessel, Totally happens. But if you just hit them lightly or something would normally cause a bruise in a human, they don't do this. So there must be a reason why we bruise. That has to be done in order to help the healing right, why we bruise? It has to be done in order to help the healing right, but we seem to get things to heal so fast that you don't need it.
Speaker 1:And the same thing for the ankle. I call it the runaway from the lion, and so it's one of the few cases where we will sacrifice a limb, like if you have to. It will sacrifice to the point where it'll lock, lock up if you need to, because you need. You. Think about it. If you sprain your ankle, it swells like crazy. You sprain your wrist, it spreads the sweat. You sprain your wrist, it swells. Swells a little bit right, yeah, yeah, and it's because you need the. The swelling stabilizes the joint so you can run away. It's gonna hurt like crazy, but you're gonna run away. It's going to hurt like crazy, but you're going to run away.
Speaker 1:And so the thing that I trust about homeopathy and this is having seen it for 25 years now is that, one, homeopathy can only do what the body can normally do. All we do is amplify what the body normally does. And two, I trust the body. I trust that it knows what to do in what sort of situation. And so, with the swelling, what I think and again, I don't really know that we do is we just amplify it so much faster that the body's like okay, you're going to run away from the line and we don't really need you to swell so much, and it's really just an acceleration of what your body normally does. And the same thing with the bruising. It just decides okay, we're moving fast enough, we don't really need to worry about this. And there's actually people that have this. I was actually with a friend of mine last night and I've talked to people some athletic trainers about this. There are people that are super healers, that just heal up way faster than the rest of us mortals, and so they don't swell very much.
Speaker 2:Interesting. Yeah, it's interesting because I know when we spoke previously I mentioned, uh, trauma, which is a homeopathic. Uh, it comes in different forms but there can be an injection, it can be a pill, it can be an ointment. And I remember some years ago looking into studies they did in germany where they had athletes I think it was ankle sprains, if I remember right and one group they used corticosteroids and another group they used trauma I believe it was injections and the trauma group had much less inflammation and they recovered I think it was twice as fast as those that were using the steroids. So it sounds similar, but it sounds like your product is doing the same thing, but quicker and way more potent.
Speaker 1:So Tramiel, if I remember. I don't use it much anymore, I used to have it. Ours is probably at least 300 times as potent as as tremiel, wow yeah I?
Speaker 2:I think yeah. So my next question is what involves? I was going to say athletes, but non-athletes as well might suffer from ligament sprains and muscle strains. What are the key homeopathic remedies for these type of injuries that everyone needs to know about?
Speaker 2:I'm briefly interrupting this episode to remind you you can now hear an extra no Punches Paul episode every month with an amazing and almost certainly controversial guest who's not scared to put their head above the parapet. These guests are exposing lies and corruption, sharing their stories of being gaslit or cancelled for telling the truth, and offering real-world solutions to achieving optimal health and maintaining freedom amidst increasing censorship and restrictive regulations. These are the types of episodes I started producing back in 2022, for which I was cancelled on Facebook, twitter, youtube and deplatformed from LinkedIn. These additional episodes are for subscribers only. For the equivalent of one takeaway coffee per month, you can now become a paid subscriber and receive exclusive access to content the authorities do not want you to hear.
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Speaker 1:Okay, so your first is always going to be Arnica, and I'm sure you guys know Arnicare. This isn't very potent, but it's the main ingredient and pretty much that will. Arnica works on soft tissue, meaning bruises. You run into something everybody knows it for bruises, that's your little fat pad here and it really works really well in muscles. It's not as great on ligament and tendons. What you want for them is you want Rustox and Ruta and Letum, and those basically work on ligament, tendons and muscles all together, but mostly ligament and tendons. And then the other thing is is um latum is really good for black eyes? Actually, arnica doesn't do black eyes and um, another thing is Ruta is very good for um, actually, the goose egg that I tried to show you. It's actually really good for that, and so cause it tends to be. It does things on what we call a periosteal area, which is right Um, the covering for your bones, and so that you really want to make sure if you're going, let's say if you decide, especially since you can't get it, um, and you basically go by the oral version of this and you basically dose it as often as possible.
Speaker 1:So one of the other things that I learned is that time matters. Putting this on you for a long period of time is hugely important. Part of the reason it's not only it's only it's actually about a thousand times more potent than this, but it's not only that it's more potent, but it's a fact that it's applied. This is applied for 24 hours straight and between the two of them. So if you're doing it orally, through the mouth, with something like this, this is actually what it says. This is let them 1m. You really want to take it as frequently as you can tolerate and I would just take them all. This is them 1M. You really want to take it as frequently as you can tolerate and I would just take them all. I would just take them all. I would pop it in the mouth and I would dissolve them, and I would just do it as often as possible.
Speaker 2:When you say tolerate, what would be the sort of signs that you're not tolerating it?
Speaker 1:Oh, in this case it's just annoying. Sorry, it's like. What am I thinking about there? Um, in this case it's just that it's annoying to dissolve something in your mouth that often like you don't want to do it. It's not a toleration homeopathy. I'm sure that, um, everyone knows this Well and it's very well tolerated. Like, we've had this product out for I don't know how long and we are required in the United States to record every time somebody has problems with it and we have problems. We sell it with a tape. This is Kinesio tape. We sell the tape. We have people that react to this because it's got adhesive in it and, of course, I'm sure some of the people that listen have reactions to adhesives. We get effects of the gel. So far I've never seen anything I can ascribe to any of the homeopathics that are in it, and we've sold it to thousands and thousands and thousands of people.
Speaker 2:So we've sold it to thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Yeah, so we've mentioned Arnica, can?
Speaker 1:you discuss the specific benefits of it and why it's so effective for injuries. Well, I have to be honest, it's really just. We know Arnica is good for bruising and muscles Um it, you know, like you know, muscle strain, you go run a marathon or you know, it's really, really good to just take a lot of Arnica after the marathon and one of the important things is as soon as possible, um, so that that that's really pretty much what I can tell you is the main thing is arnica. If you ever bruise yourself, put it on, absolutely put it on. It's very, very, very good for that yeah, yeah, it's interesting.
Speaker 2:Um, a family member of mine had a full couple of weeks ago, broke their arm in three places and so they've got a plaster cast on, but above the plaster cast it was bright purple. The whole arm was just literally bright purple. And it's quite amusing to me because another family member that's got absolutely no clue about any of this stuff was on holiday in Spain and they bought something called a muscle rub. They bought it for themselves because they had a sore knee right. And this person said to me, would this be any good for the arm? And I said, well, let me have a look at the ingredients. And I just looked at the packaging and I said, oh, it might have arnica in it, right. So I started looking through the ingredients and it's got arnica in it.
Speaker 2:And the interesting thing was as soon as we put it on this person's arm, literally the next day, the bruise started to come out. So it's quite interesting that we're talking about Arnica and I've had quite a deep experience with Arnica in the last couple of weeks and the person's healing really well as well, actually, even though they're they're quite elderly now. Would you say that homeopathy can be used to prevent sports injuries and not just treat them? And if so, how does it do that?
Speaker 1:so um, so the so does it prevent, so it conceptually can prevent. In other words, but you don't I don't know that you want to would be the way that I would describe it. So first, do no harm, which is a very important thing, is Okay. So homeopathy in general is very good for prevention, and I'm thinking more of the chronic cases that I know. But the problem is that you would have to wear let's say you wanted to use Arnica because you might sprain your ankle.
Speaker 1:It's not going to be a weekend warrior where you are basically knowing that you're going to be running around and you're going to get muscle soreness. In that case I would take some Arnica, but I'm assuming orally or the patch. If you're in the United States, I'd throw the patch. Let's say you know, on your major muscles I'd throw a patch on and it'll probably reduce it substantially. We did do, actually, in the bruising test that we did, that we published, we found that if we actually do a pre-application of Arnica because of course we knew we were going to bruise in that case pre-application of arnica beforehand, we put the arnica on, we removed the patch obviously, did the bruise and then put it on again. It actually worked better than if we all we did was put it on for the same amount afterwards. So you can definitely do that. For instance can be hard to do, but in muscle soreness, absolutely you can do that yeah, so I.
Speaker 2:So, as you were speaking and I was thinking, you know, I've I lift weights, I play tennis quite a lot, and some weeks can be quite full-on. But then I started thinking well, what about people that do things like brazilian jiu-jitsu and boxing and sports like that, where not only is it physically demanding but you do get bruised as?
Speaker 1:well, you know, when boxing especially, you know you're going to get punched. Yeah, you could probably do that. I didn't think about that, but that's a great idea.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll take five percent for your sales on boxes yeah, I often see that and it would.
Speaker 1:I mean, um, we have a lovely picture of my son who actually flipped on a trampoline. So he was. I learned this recently. He said, yeah, I was trying to do a double flip on a trampoline but the second double landed with him on the bar of the trampoline. So he hits, it's all on his eye, a hundred percent of his eye. So he comes into the house, he's got a goose egg here, he's got, you know, just smashed all here and he basically it's so hard that he split his lid of his eye.
Speaker 1:And so I put my magical little you know formulation on him. Take a picture of him, because I'm a mean mom just saying, and then I take him to the emergency room. So he goes in and gets four stitches. Right, he should have been swollen shut, because if you hit something hard enough to split your face open, he should have been swollen shut. No swelling, no black eye. I have pictures of that but I can't show them to you. If you want, I'll send them to you. I don't know if you have them. I'll send them to you because it's one of those things where you're just. It was one of the things that helped me realize how incredibly effective this is. But yeah, so you can With boxers, I think, all the time. Oh my God, you guys should so be using this stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so, yeah, yes, so you've. You've spoken about your ACL injury. You've just mentioned your son's eye injury. Um, what was the story you were going to tell earlier about the, the child with the with the bump on their head?
Speaker 1:were going to tell earlier about the, the child with the with a bump on their head. So this actually had happened. This had happened a number of years ago. One of my patients had told me that her little one was on a playground and got hit in the head and she's like, yeah, I put the patch on the head and I literally watched it, um, I watched it go down, and so I I never experienced that until a customer oh, I got, probably about two months ago basically did a video of this where literally you see a goose egg. What happened was we have these things. I don't know if they've been in England, but they go in the door jam and it's a little bouncy thing, right, do they have?
Speaker 2:a sleep.
Speaker 1:What are they called Jolly jumper. Okay, a jolly jumper. See, I can. I can now speak english.
Speaker 2:It'll be good well no, I think it's an american term, but no, we don't use it. We don't use that term. Oh, I know, I only know that from american people. Oh yeah okay.
Speaker 1:Well, it's a jumper that sits in the in the door jam and in this little baby, probably six to eight months old, and the lovely older two-year-old tanks and swings the little one into the door jam and so she ends up hitting her head. It swells up, like it always happens with little ones, and she puts the patch on and she take in. An hour a half later she's pulling it off. It's gone, the, the bumps completely gone. Wow, and it's those things.
Speaker 1:What I realized is that what, what active can men can do it, you know like, and actually what have? Actually going back to the original story when I ruptured my ACL so I'm very involved in the American homeopathic world. I was the president of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. My two colleagues one unfortunately passed just a couple weeks ago were two of the top homeopaths in the country and they trained me and I showed them the results and they're like we've never seen it work this well. This is beyond what we could. And that's when I realized that what I had done with the patch was so much better than we'd ever seen. And so all of these stories. It's like, you see, that it helps in other cases and actually, even going back to.
Speaker 1:I had been using oral doses on patients for years and years and years, and the reason I looked all over the world was because this, because a patch version works so, so much better, and so I think that really understanding that becomes very, very important when, like with the goose egg, it's like, yes, if you'd given the baby oral remedies which you can easily do you just crush it up in their mouth, they would have reacted, but they're not going to react in an hour and a half. It's the speed and the degree to which it and the consistency. Like we did with a clinical study that was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the results were so overwhelming because it wasn't like one or two, it was like the photos are unbelievable. They're actually on the website where you see virtually no bruising in one case and really dark, black kind of bruises in the other, and you can't look at these two groups and not know that they're not substantially different.
Speaker 2:So is that the only study you've done was into bruising, or have you looked at other kind of tissues?
Speaker 1:We did a surgery one, and it was basically eye surgery and nose surgery, both of which would tend to cause black eyes, because the original remedy, the original product that Allergan had, was only for facial bruising and for black eyes, so it only had Arnica and Ledham in it, and so it basically was used. They did what's called blepharoplasty, which is eye surgery, and they did rhinoplasty, which is nose surgery, and that's where they showed an 88% I'm sorry, sorry, I'm mixing my studies up that's where they showed that 52% of the patients recovered five to seven days faster, and that was published by and the people that were on the publication. One was the past president of the um, of the major, of one of the major plastic surgery Um. So the key is when we worked with these people. These are people that are naturally very, very, very skeptical and very well respected within the field, and it's the consistency of the results that they see, where they are absolutely convinced. Something that is more dilute than seems possible, but it works because the data is so overwhelming yeah.
Speaker 2:So how? How do you determine which homeopathic remedy is appropriate for a particular type of injury? Ian, a semi-professional footballer, was plagued by a recurring groin injury for over three years. Despite seeing five physiotherapists, three sports physicians and undergoing surgery, ian's injury persisted. After spending thousands on medical insurance, the treatments offered were all the same, generic and ineffective. Ian's hopes of getting back on the pitch seemed out of reach until he decided to give it one last shot.
Speaker 2:Ian came to me for help. Through detailed assessments and analysis, I created a personalized corrective exercise program addressing his imbalances and weaknesses. But that was just the beginning. We're also focused on nutrition, hydration, breathing and sleep, which are key factors for optimizing recovery. The results were Ian is back playing football for the first time in three years, stronger and fitter than ever. He's full of energy, he's more alert and has a renewed positive outlook on life. So if you're struggling with a prolonged injury that just won't go away, like Ian's was, and you want to get to the root cause once and for all, visit wwwbodycheckcouk that's B-O-D-Y-C-H-E-Kcouk and request a consultation today. It's time to get back to the sport you love stronger, healthier and pain-free.
Speaker 1:So I don't, I'll really be so I don't. I basically I this goes against. There's something called classical homeopathy, but in this case, because it's an acute injury, I don't think it really matters and I just always, you know from the beginning, I don't know whether you need LATAM, I don't know whether you need Arnica. I know you need at least Arnica Almost every case you're going to need Arnica. You might need, like for an ACL, you need Arnica and Rustox. I know that because I experienced that situation, and so I just put them all together. This one, this, has six ingredients, and it's so. It's funny because, of course, because I'm in this world of research, going back into the old homeopathic journals, going back through 200 the old homeopathic journals, going back through 200 years worth of data, and nobody really really figured out exactly what each one of these whether it's an ankle injury ligament or whether it's a knee ligament and so in this case, the downside of combining and taking a remedy you don't really need is really, really small, and it's better than not having the remedy that you do need.
Speaker 1:So if you do it, what I would do for those of you that are in Europe, I would just simply this is a ruta. This is letum. I would take all of these. I would probably put them literally. I actually carry packets when I don't feel like um having this around. I actually keep this with me all the time and then you can. There's a couple of different ways you could dose it. You could literally dissolve them under your tongue. But, as I mentioned, you want to take it really, really frequently. So what you can do is just put it. I often will just put it in a water bottle and then you just sip it and so just put them all in, put again, and I'll repeat this. I'm sure this will show up on your website somewhere. You want arnica. You want leadum. Can you spell that LED? So hold on, I actually have leadum here. Can you read it?
Speaker 2:L-E-D-U-M.
Speaker 1:Yeah, can you read it. Yeah, I don't have them all. This is Ruta. I have a couple of them here. This is one of the Rutas. I will. So that's R-U-T-A. There's rust talks, it's r-h-u-s and we abbreviate it t-o-x. And do not ask me how to spell that. I couldn't do it if I like, depending on it. So let's say you're ruda, rust talks. Let them um arnica. And what am I missing? Um no, I think those are the main four.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. So if it was a ligament um sprain muscle strain?
Speaker 1:I'd combine the four, yeah yeah so one of the things that I will tell you we also have that is that you know what does it not work on? So it doesn't work on. It doesn't work on um, arthritis. There's nothing that I know works on arthritis, but it's a. So the thing about homeopathy that's different.
Speaker 1:Like you take a painkiller, it'll get rid of pain because it blocks the nerves. But again, we're working with the body to help you heal faster and we're not just blocking the pain. And so essentially, when you take a painkiller it blocks the pain. The source of the pain is still there, your brain just never. Just you know the connection between your nerves, connection all the way up. It's just no longer there, it's just not sensing the pain. That's there. And so you can do that with arthritis, but you're not going to get rid of the underlying pain. And so, because there's nothing that I know, even with medicinal outside of surgery, I don't know anything that will help you with arthritis. Well, I guess that's not true, because conjuritin does as well, but severe arthritis, when you really got it bad, I don't know anything that will really help it. And so we can't. Again, we see, even chondroitin is different than homeopathy. We can't help anything the body can't heal itself on.
Speaker 2:You cannot heal arthritis you know again, I'm not. I'm not going to go into the whole story because my audience heard this a million times, but I I had osteoarthritis in my left knee and I healed it by stop eating oats really yeah when you say so, I'm assuming you did not have a severe version of it. I could only bend my knee to 90 degrees instead of the full 135 degrees, okay.
Speaker 1:So we can talk a lot about that. What I would say to you is you didn't heal the arthritis. You healed the reaction to the arthritis, your inflammatory process decreased, but you can't heal the arthritis. You healed the, the reaction to the arthritis, your inflammatory process decreased.
Speaker 2:But you can't heal the arthritis. And I, what I did do is I I stopped the root cause of the problem. It was a reaction to the food right that was causing the inflammation. Yes, so. So in my experience, a lot of arthritic conditions actually coming from the gut.
Speaker 1:So if you heal the gut, the arthritis tends tends to go away and so, being a practitioner, I I would say that your inflammatory process is absolutely connected to the gut, and but so so you. So you have your arthritis right, which is basically um, where you have thinning of the cartilage right. But the question is, does that thinning then, after that thinning, is it annoying or is it not annoying? Does that make sense?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's like lots of people can have this thinning of the cartilage, in fact okay, I'll use a herniated disc as an example. There's a study done many years ago. There's a study done many years ago that showed that 30 of people and, by the way, this is a long time ago since I've looked at this study, so I could be wrong on the numbers 30 of people walk around with herniated discs, are completely asymptomatic. Okay, actually a lot more than that.
Speaker 2:Okay, it's about 76%.
Speaker 1:Okay, so you're probably more up on this than I. 76% of people walk around with a herniated disc and they're asymptomatic.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And there's some number of them that get symptomatic. So what you did is similar to him your arthritis is still there. Them that get symptomatic. So what you did is similar to him you became you, their cut, your, your, your um. Arthritis is still there, but you're now asymptomatic arthritis, which is more normal, because you're not going to be able to just like you can't. You're not going to heal a herniated disc just by by getting the inflammatory process down. You're not going to heal the underlying problem because the herniated disc is there, but you're healing the fact that it causes an inflammatory process, because actually the pain around a herniated disc is basically you get an acidic situation around it, and so you can't heal the herniated disc, but you heal the fact that you are no longer inflammatory around it. Does that make sense?
Speaker 1:yeah, yeah so you become asymptomatic, yeah, which is very good, and that does not surprise me. I find the gut so there's, and, and what I do love is that it's becoming more and more and more of a thing where people are really, really understanding it and working on that piece.
Speaker 2:It's not something I know a lot about, but I am impressed, yeah yeah, yeah, it's interesting when you talk about this, because I've herniated my l45 and had a quite a bad bulge on my l5s1 about 11 years ago and I mean, yes, you're right what you're saying. My, you know it was a complete herniation, so it's never going to go back to how it was, but I'm completely pain-free.
Speaker 1:And that's the key, is that the disc is there. But the idea is, if you keep the body working in its best, you're asymptomatic.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, so yeah.
Speaker 1:And that's why I would describe your arthritis is that you can be asymptomatic or asymptomatic, but the arthritis is still there. But you're asymptomatic around it because you've got your whole body working better with stopping the oats.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well, this has been a very interesting conversation, but what's what's next for you, Dr J?
Speaker 1:When you say what's next? Just, I just keep working on. You know, my objective in life is, if I ever get there is to convince the world that homeopathy actually is a real thing, it works, um, and get it more accepted, because I personally think it is the most incredibly effective product or effective medicine out there and it can just help people and the fact that it's so much more natural it matters to me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. And what about getting your product into Europe? Are you working on that at the moment?
Speaker 1:So the regulations in Europe are different than the U S. Honestly it's so. It would be so overwhelming Like if I would. If we ever do it, it'll be. It'll be somebody else to do it, because I the idea of dealing with the regulations. You know, I know the U S ones. I've done it. If we do really well in the U S, we'll'll. Probably the main thing is I need to get this. I need to get this so that we make enough money in the us so I can go invest in somebody to bring it into other countries so you might, you might license it to other territories maybe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's actually, it's actually made in europe it's actually our manufacturers in europe yeah and so, no, I can't sell it there because I don't know what the regulatory and then the other problem is. It's like starting a company so much work and so much, so many things you don't understand, and it's not even just getting through the regulatory process, which I'm guessing isn't too terrible. Um, it's actually the I. I have no idea. Like I understand the US situation. I know, but you really need somebody that understands, because this is so you know, if I was making just another painkiller, you know another, I don't know Icy Hot or something like that lidocaine patch. People know what they are. When you tell people that you're going to reduce their swelling by like 50% in 24 hours, they think you're crazy, and so it's one of those things where we would have to have a tremendous amount of money because it's going to cost us millions of dollars to go figure out how to hit the European market. And that's really what it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Or it might be a case of just having the right contacts in Europe. Who who's quite switched on to all that stuff? Yes, and I don't happen to have that yeah, oh yeah yeah, you're completely right great stuff and where can people find you online?
Speaker 1:so you can find, you can. Basically, you guys can all see active men. It's www active men. There's no e in the word active umcom. You find them there. Um also, I love to tell people, I love hearing from people. So if you do buy active men, you get an email that is automatically sent. But if you respond to that email I will personally answer it and so you can always reach me at drdrjo at activemedcom, and I love hearing stories from people. It's what makes me super happy, awesome.
Speaker 2:Awesome, dr Jo, thanks so much. I always love talking about pain and healing and things like that, so it's definitely been enjoyable for me, and I'm sure the audience got a lot out of this episode as well.
Speaker 1:And thank you so much for having me on. It's been an absolute delight for me and I'm sure the audience got a lot out of this episode as well. And thank you so much for having me on. It's been an absolute delight. I'm honored that I got to be on your podcast and I'm looking forward to talking further whenever you. If you have any question about homeopathy, I'm super happy to answer.
Speaker 2:Awesome, awesome. So that's all from Dr Joe and me for this week, but don't forget to join me same time, same place next week on the Radical Health Rebel podcast. Thanks for tuning in, remember to give the show a rating and a review and I'll see you next time.