Radical Health Rebel
Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel Podcast, where Leigh, a renowned Functional Medicine Practitioner, CHEK Practitioner, CHEK Faculty Instructor, Active Release Techniques® Therapist, Emotion Code Practitioner, author, and podcast host, takes you on a journey to achieve optimal health, wellness, and happiness. With his extensive training and years of clinical experience, Leigh provides a truly holistic approach to health that has proven effective even when other methods have failed.
Join us every week for insightful discussions and expert interviews focusing on chronic pain, gut health, and skin health. Leigh's diverse background and passion for holistic healing brings you valuable knowledge and practical tips from leading experts in the field. Whether you're struggling with persistent health issues or simply looking to enhance your well-being, the Radical Health Rebel Podcast is your go-to resource for achieving a vibrant and healthy life. Tune in and start your journey to radical health today!
Radical Health Rebel
130 - Uncovering Mind Control Techniques and Resisting Societal Manipulation with Jason Christoff
Welcome to another compelling episode of the Radical Health Rebel Podcast, where we challenge conventional thinking to uncover the deeper truths about health, wellness, and the world we live in.
In this episode, we’re diving headfirst into one of the most provocative and eye-opening topics of our time — mind control, brainwashing, and psychological operations, particularly in relation to the seismic events of 2020.
To guide us through this complex yet critical discussion, I’m joined by none other than Jason Christoff.
Jason is a world-renowned expert in the fields of mind control, behaviour modification, psychological manipulation, propaganda, and brainwashing.
His insights are as unsettling as they are empowering, and in today’s conversation, he pulls back the curtain on the tactics and strategies that were employed on a global scale during 2020.
Throughout this episode, we’ll explore questions like:
- How were psychological operations used to influence public perception and behavior?
- What role did fear, repetition, and social pressure play in shaping the narrative?
- How can we recognize and protect ourselves from these tactics moving forward?
If you’ve ever felt like something “just didn’t add up” over the past few years, or if you’re curious about how mass influence works on a psychological level, this episode is an absolute must-listen. Jason’s ability to explain the science and strategy behind these operations is both fascinating and essential for anyone looking to reclaim their mental sovereignty.
So grab your headphones, open your mind, and get ready to see the world with a fresh perspective. This is a conversation that just might change the way you understand everything around you.
We discussed:
Uncovering Psychological Manipulation and Mind Control
Healing From Self-Sabotage and Mind Control
COVID Pandemic vs Psychological Operation
Uncovering Mind Control Techniques
Manipulation Through Confusion and Repetition
Impact of Mind Control Through Softening
Manipulation Through Subliminal Messaging and Control
Ancient Cults and Modern Manipulation
Symbols of Power
Recognizing and Resisting Mind Control
Long-Term Thinking for Freedom and Strength
Building a Healthier, Fairer World
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StickAbility - https://stickabilitycourse.com/
Eliminate Adult Acne Programme - https://eliminateadultacne.com/
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Now the group pressure mounts, all the psychology is coming and being weaponized against this one victim and they tell the group pressure. The group says look, you can solve all your problems, but you just got to go push that old man off the side of the building and kill him and then everything will be fine. Now there's cameras everywhere. The 70 actors know where the cameras are. The one victim has no idea. This scenario was run by Darren Brown four times. Three out of the four people committed murder live on camera.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the Radical Health Rebel podcast. I'm your host, lee Brandom. This work started for me several decades ago, when I started to see the impact I could make on people, helping them to identify the root cause of their health problems that no doctor could figure out, including serious back, knee, shoulder and neck injuries, acne and eczema issues, severe gut health problems, even helping couples get pregnant after several IVF treatments had failed, and it really moves me to be able to help people in this way, and that is why I do what I do and why we have this show. Welcome to another compelling episode of the Radical Health Rebel podcast, where we challenge conventional thinking to uncover the deeper truths about health, wellness and the world we live in. In this episode, we're diving headfirst into one of the most provocative and eye-opening topics of our time mind control, brainwashing and psychological operations, particularly in relation to the seismic events of 2020. To guide us through this complex yet critical discussion, I'm joined by none other than Jason Kristoff.
Speaker 2:Jason is a world-renowned expert in the fields of mind control, behavior modification, psychological manipulation, propaganda and brainwashing. Jason's mission is to educate people on how these hidden forces shape our decisions, beliefs and behaviors, often without us realizing it. His insights are as unsettling as they are empowering, and in today's conversation, he pulls back the curtain on the tactics and strategies that were employed on a global scale during 2020. Throughout this episode, we explore questions like how were psychological operations used to influence public perception and behavior? What role did fear, repetition and social pressure play in shaping the narrative, and how can we recognize and protect ourselves from these tactics?
Speaker 2:Moving forward, if you've ever felt like something just didn't add up over the past few years, or if you're curious about how mass influence works on a psychological level, this episode is an absolute must listen. Jason's ability to explain the science and strategy behind these operations is both fascinating and essential for anyone looking to reclaim their mental sovereignty. So grab your headphones, open your mind and get ready to see the world with a fresh perspective. This is a conversation that just might change the way you understand everything around you. Jason Kristoff, welcome to the Radical Health Rebel Podcast. Thanks for coming on the show.
Speaker 1:Lee, thank you for having me today. It's a pleasure.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's great to have you on, jason, and to kind of get things started for my audience, who perhaps may not have come across you before. Can you share a little bit about your background, your story and what motivated you to become interested in things like mind control, brainwashing and psychological manipulation?
Speaker 1:Well, I'll start with what I've been doing lately. I mean, I just got back from the Japanese parliament talking about mind control and I had in the same year I mean I just got back from the Japanese parliament talking about mind control and I had in the same year I spoke at the European parliament and I spoke at the Romanian palace of the parliament. I spoke at the US Senate in the Kennedy caucus room on mind control. It was organized by Senator Ron Johnson. It was like a COVID roundtable and I mean I was a shock to be invited as anybody, more than anybody, to be honest with you. But I've been doing a lot of work on mind control in relation to health, because I did take some of the check certifications, because I did take some of the check certifications and I did have my own line of fitness clubs as well, so I would train inside those fitness clubs. So, very concerned with customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction, of course, is if they're going to give you money, you want to make sure they get the results, the weight loss, the toning, the postural corrections they're looking for. And every time we would get close with a client in regards to achieving their goals. They would double down on their addictions or stop making the appointments or would do something that would self-sabotage their progress. So I phoned Vidya at the Czech Institute I don't know if she's there anymore, but I said I asked if does anybody else have this problem? I mean, the money is getting paid to me. It's sort of spiritually gutting that they're not getting their results.
Speaker 1:I said I'm in a bit of a problem, a conundrum, and she said, well, they probably have some mind viruses and some mind control, some programming. And I said, well, what is this memetic programming, mind control what is that? Why would anybody, if they had a choice to be better, lose the weight or get in shape? Why would they actively not do that? So she explained it to me, gave me some references and I started basically trying to diffuse the mind control.
Speaker 1:Like the negative mind control, I used positive mind control against it. A lot of my clients got good benefit from it. I started to toy with it online as an overcoming self-sabotage coach and then I became so busy that I opened an institute where I basically teach medical doctors and chiropractors and health coaches and members of the general public how to use positive forms of mind control to diffuse the negative forms of mind control. And then I would give some presentations and there were some medical doctors that attended and said, oh, this is why my patients have a hard time sticking with health period. And then, when it came to COVID, I was presenting as well and there was some bigger name medical doctors on the call and said this is very interesting. This is very compelling evidence as to why people were doing illogical and irrational things during the COVID pandemic. Could you come talk in our groups? And that's how I got invited to start talking at all these parliamentary events.
Speaker 2:And how did they go?
Speaker 1:They were. I mean, of course you know, lee, I was a little nervous, but you couldn't see it on the camera, but I was nervous on the inside. The presentations went fantastic and when I first presented it was in the EU Parliament and I was presenting with. These were medical doctors who were reporting on the clotting and the heart attacks and the stroke Edward Dowd. Basically, my talk was highlighted as the talk of the conference, so it was very well received. I was very happy.
Speaker 1:I had about 10 TV interviews after and things sort of kept going up from there. My goal is always letting people know it's better to talk about the mind control and not just the symptoms of the mind control, because the heart attacks and the strokes and all, and not just the symptoms of the mind control, because the heart attacks and the strokes and all the deaths are the the symptoms of not understanding the characteristics of a psychological operation yeah, it's interesting that you know, when I look at my own history, you know I started studying behavior change and things like brief motivational interviewing back in 1998.
Speaker 2:So it's been something that I've all had a strong interest in. But it's interesting that you've kind of gone to tackle the same issue but in a slightly different way, which I think on the face of it's probably more powerful than the approach that I went down. But just rolling the clock back a little bit, can you perhaps share a little bit about your own kind of health history as well, because I think that'd be quite useful in the conversation.
Speaker 1:Oh, I would say that would be like a disease history. That would be more accurately. I think every master was once a disaster, isn't that what they say? I think every master was once a disaster, isn't that what they say? But when I graduated from one of Canada's top universities McGill University and I graduated from there but I didn't know I was carrying all the same programming that I would talk about later in life. I was very programmed by the media and by movies and TV and print media and I didn't really have a direction. I was in a lot of trouble but I didn't know how much trouble I was in. And I opened my first fitness club when I was 24 years old and it was very successful.
Speaker 1:I was very financially abundant at a very early age. But there's a lot of the programs that are common in people are programs of self-abuse and it's all about sort of using modalities of self-abuse to find safety in the average, safety in the average. So as I started to rise up above my peers financially, there's these triggering of fear and loneliness because you're sort of leaving the herd. And I didn't know how any of this human psychology worked. I didn't know herd behavior had such a big impact on my decisions and there was this internal fear that I would be alone because I was getting better only on the financial level than my peers. So I used my finances to destroy myself. I would do steroids and cocaine and alcohol, and I mean I owned a fitness club but and I started it at 24.
Speaker 1:But by the time I was 29, I couldn't even walk up the stairs. I had such bad pain in my hips and my knees and my ankles and my back that I had to wait for my patrons to leave the stairwell for me to hobble up and not embarrass myself. So I had phoned Janice Marshall I don't know if you know her, I don't know Janice, no, she's check four or the highest on each pillar and she came down and she knew I had all these bad belief systems. But they weren't beliefs, they were impregnated into me through government, schooling, the media, the movies. So she saw the symptoms that I was hurting myself a lot of self-loathing, self-abuse, self-destruction. But she was so good, she was really gentle with me.
Speaker 1:And that problem I had with my back and my hips and my knees I might've had it for 20 years and she took it away in two weeks. And that's when I said oh, I want to learn your magic. Where did you learn this magic? And that's where they said the Czech Institute. So I went to the Czech Institute and got my certification. And that's where you pick up the story. I came back and training people in the same way Janice trained me, but I was just doing the diet and the exercise. I wasn't doing any of the psychology. And it was only when I started implementing the psychology that my clients started to get a bit better results.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, it's definitely an example of the hero's journey. Right, my clients started to get a bit better results.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, it's definitely an example of the hero's journey. Right there I would say yeah, and obviously I don't drink alcohol or do cocaine or any of that anymore. You know, you leave that behind. You do make the hero's journey. It's kind of a rite of passage that I was missing. I was still a child and graduating from childhood to adulthood is hard and painful and I really didn't want to make that jump. But eventually, like Paul says, the pain teacher knocks so many times on the door that eventually you have to open it, because the answer for my pain was inside the pain and and that's where I found a lot of healing for myself- yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean I kind of see for a lot of people in the western world that your 20s is that time where you know you, you go and let's just call it going off the rails, so to speak. But by the time you get to 30 you should probably have dealt with that by now and you know you've had your rite of passage, now become a proper adult and and carry on, so to speak that was a harder journey for me.
Speaker 1:yeah, I didn't want you know, and I was. I don't know I just might have had a lot of programming issues, but I did think I had a lot of neurological problems as well, from I had a really bad dietary habits my whole life until I met Paul Cech. So I don't think my brain was functioning that well and now I believe it's functioning a little bit better, now that I can a little bit more coherent with my communication. But this healing journey, repairing myself, dealing with my own self-sabotage based behaviors it's an ongoing journey. I mean it's never over, it's not a destination.
Speaker 2:Yeah for sure, for sure. It's not a destination. Yeah for sure, for sure. Yeah, I mean, you know, working with clients myself, I see people in their 60s and even 70s that, again, have not even begun to address those subconscious behaviors that are going on in their mind. Now you mentioned the COVID pandemic. I don't like using either of those words, to be honest, because I don't think either of them are actually real things, but that's a whole other podcast. But obviously that's still relatively fresh in people's minds and I think it's important to review what happened so that the same mistakes don't happen again. Going forwards, what do you think happened in 2020? Do you think there was a pandemic or do you think it was a psychological operation?
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, the first talk I gave at the European Union was the COVID pandemic a matter of virology or psychology? And it was definitely psychology. And we have the luxury today of the 2020 vision into the past. There is a Canadian statistician called Denny Rancourt, and even at the time, I was alerting people that the bed usage in Canada and all around the world, the hospital admittance, the hospital bed usage percentage these were all down. They all went down. So what sort of disease-based emergency results in less hospitalizations and less hospital usage? This is definitely, it was definitely based on psychology.
Speaker 1:You have the word propaganda, the first. There's a word inside the word propaganda. It's prop, and there are a lot of props used. I mean, this is where the word prop comes from is you're going to give the illusion and emotional stimulation to the audience based on props and we had pop-up tents, we had the protective gear, we had the numbers, the infection numbers, racing across the bottom of the TV screens, and these were all props to elicit a very specific emotional reaction, which is fear. Because in psychological operations, fear lowers IQ and it changes brain function, and when I mean change his brain function, the brain has electrical highways and it has blood highways and when you're in fear, your blood highway and your electrical highway to the prefrontal cortex, which is just behind the forehead this gets shunted off or eliminated altogether. And your prefrontal cortex is the higher IQ. It's more logical, it's more rational. It's supposed to be sort of the CEO of the brain complex. It's supposed to check your decisions before it comes out into physical reality. And this is what all these props were for.
Speaker 1:There was absolutely zero threat. There was no pandemic whatsoever. And even Denny Rancor, which is a world-renowned statistician, marked the same conclusion that there was no threat, there was no health emergency. The deaths actually went down all around the world when we were locked down, because less movement means less deaths in the world. And Denny Rancourt as well published his statistics that the only time that the hospital usage and the death rates went up dramatically is when they started rolling out the, the medical solution to the pandemic. That never was so. Unfortunately, people who and there's still people who believe this they would believe it because they don't know the characteristics of a typical psychological operation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean, when I look back it's quite interesting, because everything that they were doing just didn't make sense to me at all. I mean, I would say my view has changed greatly. I mean, I was aware of terrain theory versus germ theory way before 2020, but I don't think I understood it to the degree I understand it now. And you know, my view back then was okay, that well, my initial thought was this is just a massive scam just to promote a certain type of medical intervention. That that was my as soon as I saw saw people dropping dead in the street, supposedly in china.
Speaker 2:That's my first thought. Are they're going to try and mandate that intervention for adults? Because that's what I've been hearing for a long time that the pharmaceutical industry wanted to mandate those interventions for, for, for adults. So I thought, ah, this could be what they're trying to do. But back then I wasn't aware that there is no actual science to suggest that viruses even exist and that you can catch a disease via a germ. Germs don't create disease, or, if they do, the science doesn't back that up yet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that go ahead Lee.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, and I was just going to say, you know, I've done episodes with Dr Mark Bailey and with Daniel Reuters as well, who've written amazing books on the subject. And then, even in March 2020, a few days before Boris Johnson put us into lockdown the government down-regulated COVID to a non-consequence consequential infectious disease, which meant it was a cold, right, and then they said we had to go into lockdown. It's like what's the point in that? You know, and again, my experience was, you know, I've got elderly parents. So I thought, well, look, you know what, if there's a one percent chance I might be wrong, then maybe I should stay away from them because, you never know, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have even thought that. So even I was tricked, right, I was tricked to a degree and, compared to, you know, 99 of the population, I was already quite open and had overcome a lot of my programming at that point. But, as you say, we're all programmed. It's just how much are we still programmed, right? That's certainly how I see it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's great if we have say, we have a listener right now who still believes in the viral theory of disease causation. It's a great place to start. Why do you believe that? Why do you believe it? Do the movies have anything to do with you believing it? The average person might say I don't think so. But I'll give you a firm example of how movies can change the physical reality on the street.
Speaker 1:There's a movie in 2001 called Gone in 60 Seconds with Angelina Jolie and Nicolas Cage. It was a movie about car theft. Car theft was very repetitive inside the movie and it's been shown that we have a protective part of our brain that loves us and it's running 24 hours a day. And this part of the brain looks for repetitive content in our environment. And the reason it's so lovingly trying to identify the repetitive content is that it associates all repetitive content with what the bigger herd is saying, thinking or doing. And not only does it look for repetitive content outside our conscious awareness. Once it established what the repetitive content is, it actually hijacks our nervous system, our behavioral systems, and forces us to adopt those patterns or behaviors, beliefs or ideas as our own. And this is all automatic, automatic, like a cut, healing automatic like a menstrual cycle, automatic like your heart beating. They're all protective systems. So again, go back to this movie. You're sitting in the movie theater. The subconscious this is part of the brain that protects you in this loving way is doing what it's supposed to do and it doesn't know the difference between real-time, imagined thought and what's on a screen. So all it's seeing is repetitive themes and actions and behaviors of car theft. Now, when that movie was released in Burnaby, bc, canada, dr Jerry Croth from Santa Clara University highlighted that car theft went up 70% in the first four days after it was released. So the average person doesn't know that in all psychological operations, the movie industry and the TV industry are heavily involved and there are websites that compile the genre counts of what movies have been released to the public, and over the last 20 years there's been over 400 major motion pictures released in the genre of viruses, zombies and the shots save the day.
Speaker 1:Repetitive content is what leads to our beliefs, because the way our nervous system operates, it's not what's true that really matters. It's what's safe is what matters, and the most repetitive content is where you're going to lay all your bets in regards to safety, you're going to adopt those repetitive themes as your own. So the average person today, who doesn't know the girth of the scam? They don't know that World War Z with Brad Pitt, I Am Legend with Will Smith and Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman and C Killian Murphy in the UK did the 28 Days. They don't know that all those movies were made purposely to precede what happened in 2020, to cleverly script what the person believes is real and not real. This is what the average person will have a hard time grasping, because the science says viruses do not exist in the way they're advertised. But most people have their PhD in Hollywood University in virology and they believe.
Speaker 1:Even if you go to minor movies like Hobbes and Shaw with the Rock and Jason Statham, or Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks, these all had viral plots. There was plots about. You know. There was crooks that were getting the latest virus to use it as a weapon against humanity. This has never been proven to be factual in the annals of science, but repetition wins the day.
Speaker 1:And the group that's organizing all this and you can learn about this group, so you don't think it's a big reach. The group that's organizing all this and you can learn about this group so you don't think it's a big reach. The group can be investigated. There's a great documentary called Cult of the Medics. I don't know if you've had David Whitehead on your show, but Cult of the Medics is the documentary.
Speaker 1:This group started 300 years ago with Edward Jenning about the viruses and contagion and spread and they promoted Louis Pasteur. They threw away the man Antoine Beauchamp. He was a French man who said hey, you know what? What makes you sick isn't invisible things, it's sort of your terrain what you're eating, what you're drinking, how you're sleeping, how much sunlight. Exercise things in your control, because this is all about taking control away. See, the viral theory of disease causation was picked by this group that you can investigate in Cult of the Medics because it removes power from the public right, because it's the invisible germ that is attacking, that dictates your health and nothing you can control. So it's a control versus no control mechanism of sort of spiritual or energetic infiltration into the body.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean. The word that springs to mind is empowerment. Right, if you're empowered, you've got. You know, you've taken on responsibility for yourself, rather than infantilizing yourself and expecting someone else to put you right once you've done damage to yourself. It actually just reminded me back in 2020 when we went into lockdown.
Speaker 2:So at the time, I had a practice in central London. I was probably making 80% of my income from that facility and then, okay, we're in lockdown. So, all of a sudden, 80% of my income was gone, right, and I thought, well, what, what am I going to do with my time? And I thought, well, I know, I know something. Not, something's not right. So I spent the first seven weeks in lockdown, 16 hours a day, seven days a week, researching as much as I could about everything that was going on, and I thought other, so I did a few videos. At the time, I put a few videos out there, like 90 minutes each, kind of trying to explain everything that was going on, and I did this. You know seven weeks worth of research and I thought I can't put all those into the videos. It's going to take me way too long. How can I get this information out there? And I thought well, I'm used to writing books, I'll write, I'll write, I'll make it into a book and I'll just make it available for free, because I don't like to see people being um, manipulated, right? Particularly if it's going to do them harm.
Speaker 2:So I put this book together and some of it was about you know, should you trust government? And I wasn't telling people how to think, I was just putting questions for attempting to put questions in people's minds. So one was should you be, you know, uh, trusting government? Should you be trusting media? Should you be trusting pharmaceutical companies? Because they've all got a massive track history of lying. But then the rest of it was so what can you do to maximize your health? Right, it's about taking back the responsibility for your own health.
Speaker 2:So of course, I'm sharing the Czech philosophies. You know the six foundation principles. Even if you believe in germ theory, germ theory still says the healthier you are, the better your immune system is. So if you believe that a germ can make you sick, or get as healthy as you can, and that germ is less likely to make you sick, right. So I've got. Yeah, I completely agree with what you were saying there. You've touched on what I was going to ask you, but maybe we can go into a little bit more detail in terms of how is mind control achieved? What techniques are used? I know you've mentioned a few, but maybe go into a bit more detail.
Speaker 1:Well, the big one is the repetition, because of the way the subconscious protects us and tries to identify the bigger herd. Confusion is a big one. I mean you did mention that. You said it was kind of a confusing time. Everything wasn't making any sense. Confusion is another big weapon in psychological operations because if you can confuse the person, see all the rational and higher IQ functions again are in the prefrontal cortex just behind the forehead. And if you can confuse a person and scientifically confusion is about trying to launch in ideas that don't make any sense.
Speaker 2:Face masks.
Speaker 1:Yeah well, face masks outside, or even basically, let's say, we'll take a basic one and I'll tell you how scientifically it works to disable your thinking and why they want to disable your thinking. So you could go to a restaurant eventually, eventually, but you'd have to wear the mask and then you could enter but you could sit down, yeah, so. So what that sort of implies is that either the virus has a tape measure where they can, the viruses can measure where you are before they attack, or none of this makes any sense. So when you watch, like sound waves on an oscilloscope, like at a music where the recording music, and you see the sound waves they have, you know troughs and peaks. You see the sound waves that have troughs and peaks. Well, you can put sound waves into something very similar to an oscilloscope, not sound waves, brain waves. And if you have one brain wave that says, look, I got to wear a mask walking into a restaurant and the next brain wave is about sitting down and taking the mask off, they're actually the opposite waves, so they have opposite peaks and troughs. And if you go to an oscilloscope and you have what's called destructive interference, which means you have opposite waves, come in and then make contact in the oscilloscope, what you'll see is a flat line. So they don't cross over each other, they're destructive to each other. And a flat line in the prefrontal cortex is a cessation of thought, which means and psychologically and brainwashing and mind control. You want a flat line inside the prefrontal cortex because at that point the whole neurological system will recognize it. It does happen. It's not like the neurological system is freaking out. It has a secondary defense system if the prefrontal cortex is down but the secondary defense system is do as you're told. Right, because you can't think your way out of this, so just do as you're told.
Speaker 1:So there were so many confusing things. I mean, what about the curfews? The virus had a watch. It could attack at 10.01 pm in the curfew zone, but it won't attack at 9.59. Or you know, it's got one of those number counters at a bar. It's going to attack in a group of 11, but not in a group of 10.
Speaker 1:At first Anthony Fauci came out saying don't wear any masks, and then all of a sudden it was one mask, and then he came on and said two and he put two on. And I knew what's going on is that this is all documented by a master psychologist called Dr Joost Merloo, j-o-o-s-t-m-e-e-r-l-o-o. You can find his book Menticide and the Rape of the Mind free on the internet where he talks about this. He actually said confusion is a necessary ingredient for effective mind control. And then Fauci he went for the two masks, but there were other government officials that took it to a higher level, heard that Fauci endorsed two masks, and then other officials came on with three masks and even four, depending on which country you are in and what circus show you are watching.
Speaker 1:And in the realm of using confusion to gain traction in a mind control operation, you don't just stick to that particular circus tent, you confuse them with everything. And this is where men dressed as females were doing powerlifting competitions, they were winning swim races, they were going into female bathrooms and in Calgary there was a meeting of the YWCA, which means Young Women's Christian Association. So you're supposed to be a woman and the keynote speaker at the event of the year in Canada for the YWCA was a man dressed as a woman. In Canada for the YWCA was a man dresses a woman and they said, if you didn't endorse the man dresses a woman as the keynote speaker at a female Christian event, that you weren't progressive on being a feminist. So if you were confused it was because you were supposed to be confused, because it changes your brain function and makes you more prone to obey command from perceived authority.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean prior to 2020,. I looked into brainwashing to a degree not to the same degree that you have, the same degree that you have and my, my, my understanding was that if you repeat something enough and if it's repeated from an authority figure so that could be someone reading the news, it could be a politician, it could be a religious leader, you know, it could be a school teacher, whoever you know authority figure, doctor if it's repeated enough, then that on its own can do brainwashing. And, like you were saying, what are we hearing on the TV every day? X number of people died, x number of people died. And I was looking at the figures because I'm quite a numbers guy and I kept looking at the figures and thinking, well, this isn't an unusual number of people dying. This number of people normally die each day. But because it was on the tv and because it was on a red, you know, strip at the bottom of the screen, everyone was panicking. I kept saying, but this is just a normal amount of people that die in any year.
Speaker 2:Now, what I what I didn't know and and we now know you know in retrospect what was happening in the uk, and certainly predominantly london and new york. In in the uk that we had a policy, a government policy, called ng163. So ng stands for nice guidelines, so nice is the national institute of healthcare excellence, which is quite an ironic name to give it it's confusing exactly and you know what in in the guidelines.
Speaker 2:If anyone was tested positive for the illness and we know the test was a fraud, or if they were suspected of having the illness, and that could just be having a cough, a snivelly nose, whatever that, they would be put on this protocol NG163. Now, ng163 included starvation, withdrawal of fluids, midazolam and morphine.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the liver pool pathway.
Speaker 2:Exactly right. And so we did have a spike of deaths in the uk only during lockdown. So what was happening during lockdown? Family members weren't allowed to visit their family members in the care homes, which is where this was happening. Yeah, right, so so they did inflate the numbers in that way, but then they also inflated the numbers by falsifying death certificates as well, right we?
Speaker 2:all know we all know the story of you know someone gets run over by a car, but they tested positive three weeks ago to a fraudulent test. It went down as a covid death, right. So so I was aware of repetition by authority figures, the other things I was aware of. So, again, this is one of Paul Cech's courses. So he's got a course called Personal Professional Spiritual Mastery and one of the modules is on how you think and the other things that I was seeing back then is what Paul calls offensive and defensive memes, right. And so they were saying things like well, if you get the vaccine, you'll get your freedom back, right, which is an offensive meme. Or if you don't get it, you're going to kill granny.
Speaker 2:That's a defensive right, absolutely. So I was just seeing these all the way along and you try and explain this to people, and I'm still getting it now with some people. You try to explain something to them and it's like you're looking at someone that's looking like a rabbit in the headlights, it's like the lights are on but no one's home. It's like it's like you've um tripped their brain and and they've gone into like momentary kind of paralysis you know absolutely.
Speaker 1:I mean this group that I'm talking about, and I had to write an article on this group because I do refer to them a lot and I'm tired of referring to them as they. But this group and I can send you the article so people can get some videos and understand that this group has always been attacking the prefrontal cortex, because this is how you can figure things out. But this group also knew that for them to be successful for what they did in 2020, you have to psychologically prime the public in every way possible to get them neurologically between the crosshairs. To get them neurologically between the crosshairs and this again goes to the depth and the girth of this con job because the average person doesn't understand that there are substances in our society that have been normalized on purpose because of the effect they have on the prefrontal cortex and especially the hippocampus. And I won't even mention those, but they're on every street corner. They're not illegal drugs, they're the ones people legally consume.
Speaker 1:And if they want to understand about this attack on the hippocampus, they can read Dr Michael Nell's book called the Indoctrinated Brain, where he basically talks about hippocampal neurogenesis. What that means is that for you to remember what you did today. So whatever you did today, it's going to be uploaded at night. Today. It's going to be uploaded at night and it needs this little chip to upload. But there's some things that actually destroy the chips. And if you don't have a new chip because you destroyed your body's ability to make the new chip, it still gets uploaded. But it has to hijack an old chip. And if the old chip is hijacked, you lose your memory of the past. And if you read Dr Michael Nell's book, guess what Injection did that more than anything. And then I took what he said in his book and I found out caffeine does the same thing, so does alcohol and so does marijuana.
Speaker 1:So the only reason I say that is because these are prolific across all the societies that were attacked. The average person thinks they're there by free market will. We do not live in a free market whatsoever. It's all controlled.
Speaker 1:And the look you're talking about is the people that they have this very chronic, simmering brain damage that's so common. The average person can't even see it and I believe I had the same brain damage myself and I believe I had the same brain damage myself, and you lose your ability to think while you're believing it's that Dunning-Kruger effect. You think you're as intelligent as the next person, but you lack the intellect to see that you're missing so many different aspects of reality. So these are just some books people can read, and Dr Michael Nels really went on to show that the ingredients in the thing that many people pushed under their skin heavily targeted the hippocampal neurogenesis in the way that I said, which means that people lose their point of reference as to what to get upset about, as to what to protest, as to what freedom used to look like or what their life used to look like. They literally can't recall it. They lose memory recall.
Speaker 2:You know it's really interesting. You say that because I'm just thinking of all the people that I was referring to. They all had that medical intervention. Just thinking of all the people that I was referring to. They all had that medical intervention and they're all quite heavy alcohol drinkers.
Speaker 1:Yeah and and it's I mean, I think it can be recovered. I believe this process can be taken up where it left off, if it has the right ingredients To produce this chip for uploading in the hippocampus. I believe you simply need to stop using the chemicals that disrupt the process and then it just continues on. This is not permanent brain damage. It's not permanent brain dysfunction. But I'm from Canada and I will tell you that it started out about 15 years ago with the medical marijuana, where you had to approach a medical doctor and plead your case heavily to get a license to carry a small amount and use it for your personal use amount and use it for your personal use, and then it spiraled out of control where you don't understand. You might not understand how much marijuana is promoted in Canada and for the average person to think you know we won. A lot of my friends smoke marijuana and they believe it was their pressure against the government that moved the government to legalize this mind-controlled drug that disrupts memory recall, and it was in the 15 or 20 years prior to what they launched at us in 2020. If you understand psychological operations, this is not a coincidence and, at the same time, given that alcohol also interferes with hippocampal neurogenesis or memory recall.
Speaker 1:Canada spent tens of millions of dollars to promote their new alcohol guidelines 15 years ago and their new alcohol guidelines, so it's called the Safe Alcohol Consumption Guidelines. For men it was 15 alcoholic drinks a week and for females 10 alcoholic drinks a week. So what they said is that, given I don't drink alcohol, they said I could be healthier if I consume 15 glasses of wine every week. Right, but again, it's confusing. It's meant to be confusing and don't forget, the more you live inside this illusion, the more pain you'll be in. And what's alcohol great for? Killing pain? So if the government's endorsing it, you're already in pain and you feel better when you're using these substances. There's a big migration toward these substances and I'll tell you, in my opinion, it's all completely on purpose, because this group has been planning this. I, I have documentation in this article.
Speaker 2:This group's been planning this for hundreds of years, not just tens, just not decades yeah, it's interesting as well when you, when you consider each of those chemicals you're talking about caffeine, alcohol, I mean, obviously the injectables were socially acceptable initially I'm not too sure if they are now and even marijuana is becoming more and more socially acceptable. It's quite interesting, isn't it, that the things that are socially acceptable are the things that are also doing harm.
Speaker 1:And in Canada, like some people don't even know, this, lee, is that in British Columbia they have legalized all drugs. So there are food trucks my friends have transformed their food trucks giving burgers and tacos into drug trucks, into drug trucks and they sell cocaine, fentanyl and heroin in their food truck on the street, not arrested out in the open, and they have the most drug deaths of any province or state in the entire world. And now the province of Ontario, canada, is now trying to do it as well. And if you go to the Cult of the Medics documentary, you will see this group, thousands of years old, famous for using narcotics as a fifth-generation warfare weapon to devastate a population before they go in and take over that area.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very interesting, something that I guess has been on my mind for quite a while now and it's something I haven't fully got an answer for. So, again, you look back early 2020, there's all these, you know, eight billion people on the planet. A very large majority of people were tricked right, let's call it that. They were tricked into falling for what they were being told. But there was another maybe 10, 20 percent of people that just either said no, that's rubbish, not falling for that nonsense, or this doesn't seem right, but I'm not quite sure why. So it's almost three groups of people, I would say. But what do you think is the difference between people that are more easily manipulated compared to people that can't be I wouldn't say can't be, I think we all can be are less likely to be manipulated?
Speaker 1:Well in the annals of psychology if you try to find that answer, because the answer is 30% cannot be manipulated, 40 are on the fence and 30 jump right in with both feet so they say there's no answer. But I believe it's degrees of strength, sort of like a combination of spiritual strength, financial strength, physical strength, mental strength and basically taking your rite of passage from child to adult. I believe it's a combination of all those factors. A lot of people today unfortunately don't take their proper rite of passage from child to adult. In psychology they do note that for you to become mature, to maturate or individuate from the group, you have to experience pain and failure and discomfort. And you can see, this group as well is known to make everything very cozy for the average citizen. And if you take away all the discomfort and pain and failure, all the discomfort and pain and failure, and you can see I tell people look, it's a planet mind control umbrella and everything you see you're not aware but it relates to mind control. So when they would say we're not going to fail the kids anymore if they're not intellectually adequate enough to move on to the next grade, that's this group again softening the blow and making sure that person never matures or individuates, because the pain of staying back a grade could trigger that morphosis from child to adult.
Speaker 1:Or you have a child running in a 100-meter dash and someone used to finish last when I was a kid.
Speaker 1:Now everybody gets participation ribbons and I did finish last and I trained harder and became a stronger adult and I finished first the next year, but I had to wait a whole other year and train a whole other year, so I learned discipline and confidence and self-esteem.
Speaker 1:These are the factors of strength that I'm talking about that determines if someone can push back. What I'm trying to say is this group is well aware that you want to make sure that the public you're going to put to the psychological sword in 2020 are as immature and infantilized and comforted as possible, like safe zones where you're not allowed to offend anybody. They actually took away the thumbs down button on. I think Facebook used to have a thumbs no, was it thumbs down or is it just a thumbs up? But there's many social media sites that soften their emoji cons and then if you were to challenge someone, you'll get a, you'll get a strike or a flag. All those incidences put together is about softening the public and making sure they never experience failure or comfort or any sort of challenge by which it would trigger that natural rite of passage from child to adult.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I've got you. So, to use an analogy, it's like saying we can all have great physiques whether we go to the gym or not. Right, You've got to go through the pain to get the reward.
Speaker 1:Right and they'll just say you're beautiful just the way you are. And so that person never learns the discipline. And what's funny is if you look at I'm not saying CEOs of companies today are altruistic people, but 70% of CEOs have a military background or they have a martial arts background and a lot of people don't know. But it's the discipline that you learn, where you can apply that discipline to every facet of your life. So the girl that says look, you're beautiful at 300 pounds, we're going to take the pressure off you.
Speaker 1:I remember this one kid. I'll tell you a story. When I was a kid he was rotund, he was a little round, he's a candy apple. And when I was I'm 54 years old, so this is quite a while ago Someone called him fat. That was the wrong thing to do to this guy, because he went on to become a world kickboxing champion. He qualified for the Olympics, I think, in Korea, in Seoul Korea, but he broke his leg. But he only became sort of insanely disciplined because someone called him fat that day on the playground. So to steal that from somebody like, the gift to me was placing last in the 100-meter dash. If someone gave me a participation ribbon they would have stolen the opportunity for me to dig down and become a stronger human being.
Speaker 1:And so what happens is that a lot of people don't have the strength to deal with the pressure because they've never practiced it on their home field. To deal with the pressure because they've never practiced it on their home field. And the more soft and infantilized you can make a population, the more compliant you're going to get. I mean, look at our sort of. I mean, brian Adams is a famous Canadian musician. He has a song, 18 Till I Die, right, and that's very and, but this is the theme is never grow up. Look at the Adam Sandler movies. Look at Homer Simpson on the Simpsons. Look at Peter Griffin on the family guy. Look at the Will Ferrell movies. Every adult that you'll see in major motion picture film today are acting, talking and thinking like children, and this has a huge impact on behavior, just like the repetitive content of Gone in 60 Seconds about the stolen cars. Humans mimic, emulate and copy the most repetitive content of their environment and they can make us do anything by putting it up on the screen. Yeah, yeah for sure.
Speaker 2:What would you say to someone that said don't be stupid, I can't be manipulated, they can't make me do things. What would be your response to someone that thinks that?
Speaker 1:I'll give you two videos to watch and I'll make sure when you write down what I'm saying, I'll give you two videos to watch so you understand how quick it is to put anybody under mind control. The first video I will send is a made-for-Netflix special by a UK mind control specialist by the name of Darren Brown, and he's great. So Netflix hired him, I think for the second or third time, to do a mind control demonstration which would have a lot of fear factor in it, and boy did he deliver. This made for Netflix special is called the Push. Made-for-netflix special is called the Push and it involves 70 actors and one victim, one person who has no idea what's going on. It takes about two hours. I mean, the made-for-Netflix special is not two hours. They clip it together. Well, it's a two or three-hour scenario where they're using all the mind control modalities I've talked about at the parliaments and they focus it like a laser beam on this one victim and it's quite the drama and it's quite the script. They must have took a month to write it all down and it's called the Push. And it's called the Push for a reason.
Speaker 1:It ends the crescendo ends on the top of a 10-story building and for whatever reason, that you'll see for yourself if you watch it. There's an old man on the precipice with his feet over the side, very dangerous position. But don't worry, it's not an old man, it's a stuntman, it's a young man. He's in the best Hollywood makeup and he's harnessed so well. But you can't see it. Now the group pressure mounts. All the psychology is coming and being weaponized against this one victim and they tell the group pressure. The group says look, you can solve all your problems, but you just got to go push that old man off the side of the building and kill him and then everything will be fine. Now there's cameras everywhere. The 70 actors know where the cameras are. The one victim has no idea. This scenario was run by Darren Brown four times. Three out of the four people committed murder live on camera. So if the average person thinks that you can't be manipulated and that was with two hours of psychological manipulation I will tell whoever's listening right now you've been psychologically manipulated since the day you flew out of the womb.
Speaker 1:The other video you can look it up right now if you want. It's called Influencing the Influencers. It's by a man named Justin Williams and his show Magic for Humans. All you have to put is Influencing, the Influen influencers, and we have three teenagers who swear what? That they cannot be put under mind control. Well, justin Williams is a mind control expert and he basically puts them through a very simple mind control impregnation where he basically it's completely bizarre.
Speaker 1:They're at a selfie paradise, like an actual store in California, just to take selfies. And they are. They are charged with taking a box of props, going into the selfie room, many, many different rooms, into the selfie room, many, many different rooms, taking about 100 to 200 selfies, picking one, picking a prop, picking one room and picking a hashtag. And they all pick the same room, they pick the same prop, they make the same pose and they make the same hashtag. And Justin Williams did the exact same post, the exact same picture, the exact same hashtag, the exact same prop, except he framed it in a picture behind them and he unveils it, and he made it the week prior, think about that. And that took Justin William five minutes.
Speaker 1:So these people thought they could not be mind-controlled. It took Justin Williams five minutes. Hashtag would be what prop they would use, and he did it so well that he took a picture a week before, put it behind him with a curtain over it and just took the curtain off and said I knew you'd do that. You said you couldn't be mind controlled. It took me five minutes to get inside your brain and completely control it. So there's a good example of the average Joe who thinks they can't be mind controlled. It literally takes a minute to three minutes with an expert mind control. Uh, person who's an expert?
Speaker 2:yeah, yeah, the influence and the influencers. It was all done by subliminal messaging, wasn't it?
Speaker 1:yeah, and it's all. It's all done through repetitive content, like, like I said, with the car theft. You're in the car theft tribe and the gone in 60 seconds tribe so you could go out and try and rank hierarchy in that tribe. And the subliminal messages with the Justin Williams example, they were only repetitions of two or three. Two or three repetitions and it completely dominated their behavior, so sort of the subliminal messaging or the subliminal pictures or images that he showed before he let them go back and let loose taking the selfies. Yeah, the subconscious was taking in all the information looking for repetitive cues, was taking in all the information looking for repetitive cues, and when they ran back into the selfie rooms, the subconscious noticed the same cues and there was like a magnetic affinity of safety to go to that area. So they all went to the same area.
Speaker 2:Are you familiar with the Stanley Milgram experiments?
Speaker 1:Yeah, are you familiar with the Stanley Milgram experiments? Yeah, that was the one with the shock, the shocks and I mean I like that experiment. I think they should do it again with homeschoolers. I really think they should repeat that with the homeschool people because it did show that what 60% of humans 67, would kill another person by electric shock if there was a guy in a white lab coat who said it was okay to continue.
Speaker 1:But what's funny is that during the COVID operation there was a tour of a lab and the lab was at the was it National NHID where Fauci worked and Fauci was wearing what do you think Fauci was wearing in the propaganda in the prop area he was wearing a white lab coat, because this white lab coat is sort of equivalent in the mind of a priest's robe, a modern priest of science. And it was very early where they showed Fauci in the white lab coat, which was very similar to what they found in the Milgram experiment, that humans would kill other humans if someone in a white lab coat told them it was okay. And just like in the the push, the mind control was used so that one human could kill another human even though he was a stuntman. But in covid they used the same technology where people they weren't killing another person, they were killing themselves.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's very interesting, going back to the difference between people that are more easily manipulated versus people that are quite difficult to manipulate. Let's put it that way. And you mentioned those that are more easily manipulated haven't gone through that rite of passage. They've kind of infantilized, they haven't taken through that rite of passage. You know that they're. They've kind of infantilized, they haven't taken responsibility for themselves, they haven't taken empowerment over their own life. Do you have any idea of why, why that is the case? Why? Why do they not kind of become an adult? And why do others go through that process and come out the other end? Any ideas?
Speaker 1:I think, basically, it's a choice. With the challenges that all humans face. I do believe the harder your childhood, the more prone you are to be adverse to pain. I find a lot of people that pushed back had real hard childhoods, but I also know people that had hard childhoods that complied. So it's almost like an opportunity to grow, like when we get challenged there's an opportunity to become stronger, or sometimes we become weaker, but I generally think that I mean there's many different theories put out, but I think it has to do with strength. I mean, a lot of my friends took the shock because they weren't financially strong, because they said, okay, you're going to lose your job tomorrow, but how about if you had $2 million in the bank and you were put under the same sword? Well then, it's not as pressing.
Speaker 1:And this group that I'm talking about, which attacks our strength in more ways than anybody could comprehend, they coordinated as well. It wasn't only the movies for the 20 years prior to the attack in 2020, but what about the loan rates, the interest rates on the loans for the 20 years before 2020? Because the average person I know had great jobs, like maybe the wife was a teacher making $120,000 Canadian a year. The husband was a police officer making $120,000 a year. Well, that's $240,000. These people they put in a new kitchen, a new pool, got new cars. They would always live check to check because the interest rates were so low. But you can see what happened as soon as they came out with the compliance mandate, these people not only were living check to check, but the interest rates were going up. Right. So it's a combination.
Speaker 1:Like did you have financial strength? Did you have physical strength? I mean, your fear of the group is a lot less if you're a black belt, no Right. Like you're not going to be afraid of the five guys down at the bar. They're going to be afraid of you if you're, you know, if you're a stronger individual and they know you're going to stick to your guns, they're not going to come out and poke you and the employer will be like well, we can threaten bill and bob, but we can't threaten, threaten Jason, because I know he's a millionaire.
Speaker 1:So for me it just depends where the person is on the strength spectrum. I know, for me my strength comes from my fear of pain. I had a very painful childhood and I would rather die than create pain in my own life by my own hand. You can come and inject me and hold me down, but I'm not going to do it myself because I just can't stand pain, because my whole life was pain at one time. I can't speak for everybody else, but there's a factor there where your life can suck so bad that you're not going to make it suck again just to please Joe and Jane. Coffee shop down at the Starbucks. Yeah, it's not a good enough reason to go back there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's interesting the analogy you used. Know, the financial situation is interesting and as you were speaking, I was kind of saying, well, that's, that's the prostitute archetype, right, it's sacrificing my values for for monetary reasons, absolutely, um, and I'm not saying that's the wrong decision. You know, this is the decision everyone has to make and you know, if you've got like you said, if you've got a mortgage and you've got loans and you've got kids and you've got to keep a roof over your head, that's a difficult decision to make, very difficult, certainly not one I would want to have to make. Okay, so what I'd like to do now is go off a little bit of a tangent in one way although it's not really a tangent when you join the dots, but something.
Speaker 2:I'd like you to speak about is the Egyptian death cults and also how that relates to today's society.
Speaker 1:Well, these Egyptian death cults, this isn't. It is hard to explain without sounding like you live your whole life in a tinfoil jogging suit. That's the big issue is what we call the Freemasonic Order and, as David Icke says, not Bill and Joe down at the lodge, but this original group was hijacked by the Knights Templar, were found to be conspiring to take over the world in the exact way that's going on right now. So the French monarchy at the time put them to the fire and they had to go underground and then they came over to hijack the free Masonic order and the channels and the lodges that they have. But the reason I mention this, this is just like an old Babylonian, egyptian, sumerian organization that has the same foundations of control that I'm talking about right now.
Speaker 1:This group, like, if you go back and trace these ancient cults you're going to go back to, you'll run across a country you can look it up on Google back to, you'll run across a country you can look it up on Google. It's a country called media. So where do you think we get the name for our media from? So you could even just put it in Google. You put media, the country and you'll see it's where Iran or Azerbaijan is today, and given that the only thing they had to deal with at that time was physical reality, they're really good observers that 90% of the psychology of humans is monkey, see, monkey, do so. You got to control what they see. So this is what the town squares were for the harvest dinners, the Shakespearean plays, because they didn't have TVs the entire time. Basically, your TV today is a town square hanging on your wall, more of a town rectangle. So these cults and the death cult sort of aspect of it is they're aware that the best theft, the most efficient method of theft, is basically killing someone and taking everything they own.
Speaker 1:And this group works in like 100 or 200 or 250-year chunks and they know they got to do things on their Fabianistic approach. Now, fabianism is based on Emperor Fabius, who would say we're going to win this war over a longer period of time. We're just going to grind them down inch by inch. So this group has infiltrated our governments, infiltrated our schools, infiltrated our churches, but they've done it over such a long period that they really encapsulate us to focus on our own lifetime, many lifetimes. And they pass these plans down through their secret societies, through their families, generation to generation, so you could even see something with taxes. They know that they say want all your wealth, do you own a house? I'm not sure they want your house. They want everything in your bank account. They want all your property. But you would resist that.
Speaker 1:But if they work over three or four generations, where, say in the early 1900s, they're going to tax you at 5% and they're going to say, look, we're just going to introduce this first tax. It's to pay for the First World War, which we started so that we could go pillage other people's property. But we're going to propagandize it and tell you it's for altruistic reasons and we're going to back that tax out after the war is over. But they know they're never going to back it out. And then you go 5%, 11%, 15%. Like what do you think you pay in taxes, levies and fees? Now, uh Lee, what do you think you pay as a percentage of your overall income?
Speaker 2:Uh, if you add all the taxes up, it's probably 80%.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, you're lucky. That's crazy. I mean, canada might be 65. I didn't know it was 80.
Speaker 2:If you include property taxes, yeah, I mean we've got lots of different taxes. That's why you have to kind of add them up. Yeah, you add them up.
Speaker 1:Now this group and this is the dangerous thing about this group you never want to give them an inch because they'll take a mile. When they sit around they're like well, eventually they're not going to be able to afford to live, so we're going to have to kill them. That's why they're death cults and that's what they're really trying to do at this point in time. Is're trying to wipe out. A lot of people don't understand that. The laws this cult has written into, you know, into the books, says that if you're gone, your wife's gone, and your, your heirs are gone, guess who gets all your property? They do, yeah, so it's a very dangerous group and and the Egyptian part of it can be seen really easily I mean, why do you think there's a real Egyptian obelisk in London City? Why is that there? And then why is there a massive Egyptian obelisk in Washington DC? I mean, senator Ron Johnson asked me a question like this right on the floor of the Senate and I sidestepped that pretty quick so I wouldn't tinfoil my entire group. The leader of my group looked at me kind of like you better answer it real good, christophe, and I did. But I mean, let's just take the obelisk in Washington DC. It's not a real Egyptian obelisk, it's not taken from Egypt, but it's shaped in the form. I mean this is where the obelisks are from around that area. It's 555 feet tall and 55 inches. And this group is basically famous for its obsessions with fives, because the fives represent the five earth elements right, earth, water, fire and wind. And the fifth element is the invisible. The invisible ether, or the electricity, the power to affect physical matter invisibly. So the way the ducks migrate, they know how to get there, but you can't see it. It's invisible. This is the fifth element. The moon is up in the sky but no one can see how it's held up, so there's something invisible holding it up. It's the fifth element. This group was obsessed with the fifth element because mind control is also invisible and this is part of their pillar. So this ancient group is famous for the dark arts, pharmakia, which is black magic and sorcery. That's where we get the word pharmacy from or pharmacist from, and even the Greek word medea is basically the Greek goddess of deception and darkness. The average person just needs to know a couple things. This group is old. They've had this plan a long time. They keep all their secrets in the families. And they have two primary pillars of attack on the population Mind control, which is about the media controlling the repetitive content, which controls the perceptions, the beliefs and the ideas of the public, and poison.
Speaker 1:It's being shown. If you investigate David Hodges and if you write this down, I can send you this particular interview with David Hodges. Sarah Westall interviewed him. David Hodges, sarah Westall interviewed him and he will elaborate that mind control is really enhanced if you're sick, if you're poisoned, if you're weak. And even Jesse Ventura, which was a governor of Minnesota at one time, he used to have a conspiracy theory show on mainstream television and if you want me to get that for you, and he interviewed someone from the CIA that says, yeah, we can get 30% of people to comply, but if we drug them and poison them we get like double or triple what we usually get. So poisoning people is so integral to cult control and that's what the medical system's for, because they used to call it pharmakia, which was sorcery, poisoning the person.
Speaker 1:And in ancient Egypt they invented the beer. Right, they invented the fermentation, the fermentation. And caffeine as a bean, coffee as a bean was found. When the crusaders in England went through Saudi Arabia. They found the Arabica coffee bean. The tea had caffeine in it and they discovered that in 1610. And so this drugging thing don't discount the drugging. That's what I keep trying to tell people. Please understand that caffeine is their most powerful mind-controlled drug, given what it does to the human brain and the English, I mean.
Speaker 1:Do you remember any of the statues from Egypt? Do you remember the bottom dress they used to wear? What were their bottoms? Do you remember? Were they pants or were they kilts? Oh, kilts, yeah yeah. And people are like oh yeah, they were kilts.
Speaker 1:I'm like where do you think the Egyptians and this group that I'm talking about got kicked out of everywhere they went because they're psychopaths and there's only so far you can go in the European Union before you come up against the Atlantic Ocean. So where do you think these Egyptians with the kilt wearing and the obelisk, where do you think they ended up? And who do you think they are Scottish? No, they're the royals, you know, and if you, if you go to a documentary called, uh, the ring of power, the empire of the city, you will see that that filmmaker set aside 15 minutes or 20 minutes of the documentary to prove that the UK royals are old Egyptian pharaonic line, that they are the old pharaohs and you can see. And then they spread out this sort of ancient religion.
Speaker 1:I mean, how do you really think that a small island in the middle of the Atlantic goes on to control more than half of the known world using mind control, violence and drugs, right? So this is a very interesting subject and for people that want to just focus on 2020 to 2024, they might lose the plot because this group, this con job, is so wide in girth. I mean your Starbucks is involved, your movie theater is involved, your liquor store is involved. I mean Starbucks in 1987 was going bankrupt. It had six stores. Who do you think went in and bought it?
Speaker 1:I would imagine it's someone like bill gates or it was bill, it was bill gates and his dad, william gates senior. Now there's 40 000 shops. Why is this group interested in a coffee shop? Right and, and we can see all everything else they're doing. So is he altruistic with the coffee and really bad with blocking out the sun and what he's doing in africa with the injections? Or or do you think we might want to move a little bit of the microscope over and look at the advantages that caffeine has in regards to what this cult is doing?
Speaker 2:yeah, it's interesting a couple of things you said. You know the number five. Well, what is the five pointed star? What's that a symbol for?
Speaker 1:it basically that's indicates the earth elements and if you turn it upside down, you like, you know it's the. It's the inverted pentagram is basically an inversion of the natural order. And what's funny is that, again, if you go to Washington DC, you have the pentagon. It's actually pointing south and it's a five-sided object. It has five stories. It has five stories. It has five pentagonal inner rings and the inner courtyard in the middle is five acres, .55, an area, a
Speaker 1:hieroglyphics. The symbol or the word for Sirius, which is the star cluster that they honored, was a pentagram, an obelisk and an oval. And if you go into Washington DC, they all line up the Pentagon, the Washington Monument, which is the obelisk, and the Oval Office. They're all in one line, right. And if you look at the structure of the pathways of the same property I'm talking about, it forms an owl and the Egyptians were obsessed with the owl because it hunted at night stealthily. It can hunt its victims. It can like the all-seeing-eye sort of thing. It can hunt its victims, it can like the all cni sort of thing. It can turn its head up to 340 degrees in any direction and it hunts its prey at night without a sound. And this is. So there's all the
Speaker 1:there's. I mean that that's just three or four examples, but there's thousands of them. We are infiltrated with egyptian and pharaonic influence. Even in New York City there's another obelisk taken from Egypt called Cleopatra's Needle, and it lines up with two other Egyptian-based monuments on the same angles as the Orion star belt, where you find serious Like there there's some weird stuff going on. I tell people, look, don't be surprised when you go down to the bottom of the rabbit hole and it looks like more Harry Potter versus the matrix versus the mummy, that's, that's what it sort of looks like versus star wars. Because, and I tell people, eventually you'll start seeing these weird things if you keep investigating that have nothing to do with what happened in the last four years but has to do with sort of an ancient belief system. That's sort of starting to walk a parade down main street at this time yeah, I mean one of the things.
Speaker 2:Uh, the, the inverted five-pointed star is also a symbol for satanism, isn't it yeah?
Speaker 1:absolutely and and and that's this um, this obsession with fives and the inverted pentagram. It is, and we see that even with. I mean, look at the music industry today. I mean there's no shortage of red-leathered, blood-sacrifice, inverted pentagram, horned deities throughout the music industry, and this is just sort of to impregnate our nervous systems with the repetitive content that they want us to be familiar with.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then you also had people like Elton John and Rod Stewart pushing the pharmaceutical interventions as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah and absolutely. And to expect the big stars to be up on this knowledge. I mean, these are the false idols, right, the idols, the dolls for the eyes. These are all like biblical warnings beware of the false idols. Like Elton John is a false idol, he's a doll for the eyes and they're using his energy to try and sway people in one direction or the other, and I wouldn't believe Elton John knows anything about what's really going on here with with this injection?
Speaker 2:yeah, that might be true, I know, um, I know, you know what I'm about to say, but I was made aware of it actually by gareth eich. So he's, he's got a series called the walk and basically he just walks around places in the uk and gareth loves scotland and he was walking through the grounds of balmoral castle and came across the pyramid the pyramid right, so that's how I knew about it. You know why. Why would the british royal family have a pyramid in their, in their grounds?
Speaker 1:yeah, and even if you the you one of the ancient deities, of course that was evil. I mean, this group, this ancient group, used to honor a deity which was a bull and his name was Molech or Molesh or Baal or Baal. So just look at the world Baal, moro, so B-A-L. More like more of the like Baal or Baal, was known as what we think of as the devil. So you're looking at a word Baal, which means the devil, mor, which means extra, and Al means actually like Allah or all like God. So when you look at the word with word magic intent, this looks like more of the devilish deity. And they have a pyramid on their property, a very large white pyramid. Now, why would they have that there if they didn't have Egyptian ties? And were the Egyptians good people? Well, we've been told they're good people. They like gold. They would bury their people. But there's more to the Egyptian story than what we've been told.
Speaker 1:I don't believe this cult. I believe there was good and evil in everything and I believe the people we're dealing with today they are Egyptian, but they were removed. If we investigate some past podcast by Michael Tesarian, there are indications that the evil group was highlighted and recognized in Egypt and asked to start walking because they were no longer welcome because of their weird belief systems. And they just kept walking all the way. They walked to Greece, they walked to Italy, they walked to Rome, they walked to Germany and they went as far as they could go into the UK. We're dealing with this intergenerational crime, syndicate death cult, baal or the devil, satanic worshiping family line, and if anybody wants to investigate those sort of allegations, they can get that article from your show notes that I'll send over and they can start understanding where this group are in charge right now and they're they're terraforming the society. I mean this guy, keir Starmer. He basically what did? Did he not just reduce the a payment to seniors for their heating over the winter?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right, right. Because if they both die, if the, if the you know if there's a widow left or that he can freeze out two seniors, they get the government, this group gets the assets if there's no beneficiary. And if there is a beneficiary, maybe the school system will take care of them. They won't reproduce or they'll sterilize themselves with the gender confusion chemicals and then they're just trying to cauterize the family lines as fast as possible, either through sterilization or gender confusion or basically death. And this is what this group is famous for that it's just easier to pillage your wealth if you're not there, if they have no compassion.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I don't know if you know most of the people in the UK know but Keir Starmer was the director of public prosecutions at the time when cases were being brought against Jimmy Savile. Do you know who Jimmy Savile is? Absolutely, he's one of them. Yeah, yeah, absolutely so. For those that may not know who Jimmy Savile is, he's probably the most prolific pedophile in human history. He was an insider in the British royal family. He was a TV personality on the BBC, one of the most famous people in the country, and allegation after allegation was made against him that just disappeared and it would seem that the bbc were aware of what was going on and they were protecting him. Um, but kia starmer was director of public prosecutions at the time when all these accusations were being made and, for whatever reason, he was never brought to justice yeah, and you know this jimmyile gentleman.
Speaker 1:That's pretty generous calling him a gentleman, but this Jimmy Savile man, he was into these rituals. Now, this old cult believes in different energy rituals where if you're raping a boy and the boy is yelling, they consider this a mass release of energy and they believe they can direct the energy to their deity to feed their deity, in order that their deity gives them back favors in the physical realm. Yes, it's insane. I don't entirely believe it, but that's not the point. The point is they do and they are the ones pulling the strings today. So be very concerned that this group believes in basically negative emotion as a food source for the gods that they honor.
Speaker 2:So we've gone down quite a deep and dark alley.
Speaker 1:It's deep and dark, but people really need to at least consider that they were tricked and waited patiently in line to poison themselves based on propaganda. They don't want to learn about the death cults, that's okay. But start understanding that your TV is not there to entertain, it's there to entrain. The media is not there to inform, it's there to misinform and there are mind control angles to every single thing that's going on in our society today.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So all that is quite dark, but I think it's important that we look for solutions going forwards. What do you feel? I mean, I I kind of feel one of the most important things we can do is try and reach out and help those people that are more susceptible, because I think if we can get those people on our side, it's almost the game's up right. But what, what do you see? I mean, how you do that is another story, but what do you see as potential solutions going forwards?
Speaker 1:I take the same approach with everybody is that in order to see this sort of show going on in reality, the brain has to be in its natural state. And if the person can't get back to its natural, healthy state of brain function, it's really hard to pick out these fifth generation warfare operations throughout the media. So I tell people look, if you want to push back at all whether you push something under your skin or not in the last four years it's okay. You start where you are, do what you can use what you have, but you don't need to do too much other than go into your own kitchen and open your fridge and open your cupboards and say, okay, if Darren Brown can use two and a half hours of mind control to get three out of four people to murder someone else live on TV, could I be tricked to be poisoning myself and destroying my innate human potential by my own hand for the betterment for an agenda? Maybe my decisions aren't my own and maybe it starts with me destroying myself on their behalf so that I can never figure this out. Could it be that I'm my biggest enemy because of the programming and that's the reason they've programmed me to do it, because I would never suspect I'll take myself out.
Speaker 1:So the big thing is to follow the teachings of Paul Cech. He's not a religious guru, he's a health guru and he has a book called how to Eat, move and Be Healthy. And if you just try, I mean it took me two and a half years to quit alcohol. It's about progress, it's not about perfection. If you want to save yourself, no one's coming to save you. It'll have to be you versus you in your own kitchen.
Speaker 1:And you really got to reduce the poison. And if you don't reduce the poison you'll never graduate out to seeing what's out there and you'll never graduate to be able to talk about it like I just talked about it for two hours. So start small goals you can accomplish, walk around the block, do something small but make it a routine, make it a pattern and develop. Like discipline is a contract you make with yourself. By keeping yourself in the pattern you don't break the contract with yourself. So just say I'm not going to drink a glass of wine every night, I'm going to drink a glass of wine three times a week and hold the line. And when you hold the line you'll be so more mentally strong than you are physically strong, from reducing your poison, it's the mental strength and keeping your word with yourself. That's the most important, and I think that's the first step that everybody's capable of doing, starting tomorrow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's great advice. What about people like us, right People that have fortunately been able to see through the mind control? What can we do to help people?
Speaker 1:I think repetitive content does lead the way of human behavior. So I try to repetitively put out similar messages daily. For 25 years I've written 4,000 articles, given about 500 interviews, spoken at I don't know five or six parliaments and done copious amounts of videos. That's all we can do. None of us are going to fix it ourselves. Everybody's going to have to come in and throw their back into it. So I reach about 250,000 people a week and there's other people that reach 50. There's other people that reach half a million. Together we're reaching billions of people, million together we're reaching billions of people. But to reach the other, say, three or four billion people, we're going to need more people to jump in and take care of their flock of 50,000, 25,000. We need reporters, we need blog writers, we need walk and talk videographers. We need people out there just showing and leading by example, to be healthy, to speak your mind, to not be afraid, to basically go against the norms. Don't go against the norms that help the society. Go against the norms that are destroying our society and put your energy there and even put your money there.
Speaker 1:I mean, some people are spending. I used to spend $25,000 a year doing cocaine, steroids and drinking, and so now I take the same $25,000 and I put it into flights to travel to foreign lands, to talk into my website to foreign lands, to talk into my website, into good cameras, so I can give good interviews. I mean, it's about channeling what money you probably already have into good, instead of destroying yourself. Knowing that the mind control is so powerful it's so easy for them to trick you to destroy yourself. It really is. Waste your time in front of the TV, drinking, smoking, eating takeout. Think of all the money that you could have if you funneled it In 2010,. If you would have put $1,000 into Bitcoin, you'd have $180 million today, million dollars today, not bad, and there are deals like that out there today. So just, you don't need heaps and heaps of money. You just need to focus, build your discipline and start getting back to the original design of the body and the mind, which is unpolluted that's a great answer.
Speaker 2:So are you saying that, donald?
Speaker 1:Trump and Elon Musk aren't going to come and save us. No, they're the employees of the cult. And, yeah, if you think someone else is going to solve your problems, you've already lost already. Someone else is going to solve your problems. You've already lost already Because these people, like I mean in the US, it doesn't matter if it's the US or Canada or the UK People are like I'll pick him because the other guy sucks worse. Or you're going to stand in line to see who's going to steal 80% of your wealth and, you know, throw poison darts at you over the next two years.
Speaker 1:And yeah, it would take a long time, but we have to think like this group. We have to think in 100, 200, and 300-year blocks. As Paul Cech would say, the ancient tribal civilizations would think minimum seven generations down the road in regards to their water, their farming, their storage of their food. And most people today are thinking, yeah, tomorrow I'll get an extra large coffee. I mean, they don't even think, they can't think down the road. And it's shown that, like an adult thinks 15, 10, or at least 5, 10, or 15 years down the road, a child thinks five or 10 or 15 hours. And we're really in that like small duration of considering where our lives are going, where our country's lives are going, where our children's lives are going. We have to start thinking like them, like we start dismantling government now. Yeah, it's not going to happen in our lifetime. Too much of a shock doctrine for most people to actually get up and run their own lives without someone lording over them and stealing their money. It would kill people, just the fear of running their own lives. They'd like all their money, but they certainly wouldn't want to be in full control of the direction of their lives. It might take two generations, but we got to start now. We got to start thinking like this cult. We got to start being our own Masonic Lodge, but it's just a freedom lodge instead of the free Masonic Lodge. Right, we just got to say we got to bear down and have access to healthy food, clean water, we got to get sunlight and we need to get the rewards of a harder work day. People who don't want to work shouldn't be expecting the rewards of someone that works 16 hours a day and really utilizes the talents they have, and we're always drifting in that direction. There's so much laziness and we're told we're bad people if we don't support the lazy, and this is a great way to destroy a society which only benefits this cult. So the stronger we are, the harder it is for them, and that's just the easiest way to look at it.
Speaker 1:If you know self-defense, if you're in shape, if you're strong, if you're flexible, if you're a little bit financially fit, physically fit, if you don't waste your time, if you don't waste your money, even if you don't have any savings, just don't waste your money. Don't hurt yourself by your own hand. Don't work for two or three hours in a day just to hurt yourself or hurt your kids or hurt your family. Really understand what it is to be healthy and what it means to be strong, and understand that that's the best way to fight the system. You don't need to do anything except be strong, which means reduce the poisons, reduce the mind control, increase your natural, innate human ability and you'll see it drives them crazy because it takes.
Speaker 1:The fifth element is the electrical ether, or the magic. It's invisible. They don't want you to know anything about the ether, which is electricity, or power or charge, they're in charge. These are all electrical words. Or power or charge, they're in charge. These are all electrical words. When you become strong, the strength actually, in physics, has to come from somewhere. You have more power. Where did it come from? It came from them. You took it from them. So the more strong you become, the less strong they are, and we need their strength. It's like fighting a giant, yes, but if we strong you become, the less strong they are and we need their strength. It's like fighting a giant, yes, but if we, you know, it's like if we get a million piranhas on their power source, we can leave them depleted and they'll just float into like dust in the wind, and that's what we're going to have to do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean, the other thing I would, I guess, warn people about is I mean, you kind of mentioned false idols, but there are those that some people observe out there. Controlled opposition wasn't something. I'd even heard that term until probably 2022. But they've got a lot of very clever people that make it seem like they're on our side, but actually, when you look deep, they're actually not.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I think Trump is in there, elon Musk, all the politicians really they'll tell you what you want to hear, and that drives a lot of people crazy, because the only other option is them controlling their own lives. It's not like we're taking a pock shot at the hero that's going to save them. What we're telling them is yeah, you're going to have to get off your couch and do something yourself to save your country, which is what they don't want to do, because the pornography is so inviting, the Netflix is so inviting, this routine of going to work and coming back and having some takeout and sitting down and watching TV and swimming in the pool if the day's not. They love the routine and if they can have a fake hero, they get to keep that routine of predictability and comfort, and nothing scares humans than something that's unpredictable and uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:And when you attack Trump or Harris or Trudeau or Pierre Poliev over here in Canada, that's the message their nervous system is picking up. That's why they're so aggressive against you. Is they're like no, someone's coming to save me. I don't have to do anything except go in a closet and mark my ex next to someone's name and someone else's name and all my problems will dissipate. They have to grow up and they don't want to grow up, just like I didn't want to grow up, but it's coming. The pain teacher comes for everybody in the next 10 years. It's coming. Yeah, absolutely, the pain teacher comes for everybody in the next 10 years.
Speaker 2:It's coming. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, jason. This has been a fantastic uh interview. What, what's next for you?
Speaker 1:I, I know the next uh talk is being scheduled. I can't say where it's gonna be. Um, my, I have. I have a school where I teach all this stuff. It actually opens this Sunday. It's only once a year, so if anybody sees, I don't think anybody will see this on time. But if you just want to get on my email list, they can email me at info at jchristophcom and I'll just keep tending my flock. I'm just going to tend my flock, try to increase the size, knowing that I can't do it alone. And I ask I actually encourage everybody that follows me or is my friend or reads my material. You start a blog, you start doing some walk and talks, maybe you start a YouTube channel or a channel on Rumble and start sharing your thoughts, because we need more. We need everybody sort of working their job and then coming home and banging the drum on these messages. We really do. That's the only way this is going to turn around, in my opinion. So for me it's just the same old, same old really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Jason, thank you so much. It's really great to speak to a fellow conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer nutjob like we are.
Speaker 1:Always a pleasure. Always a pleasure, Lee.
Speaker 2:But no, this has been a really, really, really great interview. This might even be my favorite interview so far out of 130 odd that I've done. So yeah, I've really enjoyed it. I really want to thank you for your time and your input.
Speaker 1:Thank you for giving me the platform to speak. I'm sure we helped some people today. We do it a little bit at a time. We're going to get there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. So that's all from Jason and me for this special episode, but don't forget to join me same place next time and, in the meantime, spread the word about the Radical Health Rebel podcast and help create change in the world to make it a fairer, healthier and happier place for us all to live. Until next time, thanks for watching this video and don't forget to like the video and please share with your friends and family, and thank you for your support and being part of the Radical Health Rebel tribe. Thanks for tuning in, remember to give the show a rating and a review, and I'll see you next time.